30 Min. Treadmill Chipper for Spartan Obstacle Course Race Training

Save 20% on spartan race code: UBST24-TK88D27

Before we jump into the workout, let’s chat about other important stuff, like If you want to sign up for a Spartan Race, the discount code above will save you 20%!spartan-super-austin-barb-wire-jen Typically, I’d say a legit Spartan or obstacle course racer prefers the challenges of exercising outdoors, rather that indoors. In the wild (even if it’s just your backyard), you can react to the obstacles and hurdles Mother Nature throws down in the path, and these are always changing! Unfortunately, the problems of a super-scheduled, modern-day life can prevent Tarzan swinging over rivers and slithering on your stomach through misty mores. That is, unless your place of employment or car pool pick-ups don’t care if you show up for service wallpapered in stickers and swamp mud. That’s when a treadmill becomes a necessary evil in your training battle plan. Of course, die hard obstacle course racers will train in the elements, whatever they may be – rain, sleet, ice and snow. It makes sense to add these uncomfortable weather days in every now and then, to acclimate for potential race day conditions. However, there is no reason to put yourself in harm’s way, Get nailed by lightning or run over by a bus that didn’t see you in a downpour and you’ll not be chanting “Aroo” come race day.

No need to suffer needlessly to prove your toughness, although some might say the treadmill is more pain-invoking than any trail – haha!  In the winter, wind and dark of night, I need a little more “comfort” and convenience and the treadmill keeps me on task with my  running, OCR and Spartan training plans.   Mountain Climbers on Treadmill  (Above) Mountain Climbers on the treadmill (belt will just move w/o turning on) 

So, for safety, convenience and comfort, I will frequently knock out obstacle course training on a treadmill Today, I’m sharing a full-body workout (a 30 Minute Treadmill Chipper) that will challenge your limits and make you more unstoppable and unbreakable and undeniably more race ready than yesterday. Exercises like Burden Runs and Mountain climbers on a treadmill get you ready for the demands   conquering  a Spartan or other obstacle course race – like bucket carries, sandbag hoists, rock climbing, bear crawling and more.  Do you accept the challenge? Good, I thought you would! Treadmill Burden Run  (Above) Burden Run on the treadmill, switch carry sides as needed.

So stop looking at the treadmill as the weenie way to get in your workout. A good treadmill can give you so many workout options that will challenge your stamina, raw strength and relentless grit. 30 Minute Spartan Training Chipper for Treadmill will keep your training on task in inclement weather, during travel or incovenient hours. Disclaimer: Please note that the treadmill is being used in a manner not “prescribed” by most manufacturers, so you will use extra caution, right?!

Description of 30 Minute Treadmill Chipper exercises:

  1. Warm Up Run: Set treadmill on 0% incline and jog at a slower, comfortable pace to warm up.
  2. Incline Push-Ups:  Turn treadmill belt off and hold onto handles, facing console. Form a straight line with your body and bend at elbows to perform a pushup, bringing chest towards console and engaging triceps. Pause, and then push back up.
  3. Reverse Mountain Climbers:  Turn treadmill belt and get into plank position, facing away from the machine. Feet will be on sides of treadmill base and hands on floor. To start, move feet to belt and drive one knee into chest while other extends backward. This will safely push the belt at your pace Alternate legs back and forth.
  4. Handle Bar Rows: Turn off belt and get into reverse plank position holding onto handle bars, looking upward and with feet and end of belt. Pull body upward, toward handles, using arms and chest. Pause and then slowly lower down and repeat.
  5. High Intensity Hill Run: Set incline to 5% or higher and run and a pace equal to 85 to 90% of max.
  6. Overhead Balance Walk: Slow treadmill to 1 mph and hold medicine ball (try 25# women or 35# men) overhead with straight, locked out   arms. Start at front of belt and raise one leg to high knee and hold while belt moves you backward, when reaching end of belt, step down and walk to front of belt and repeat on other leg.
  7. Side Shuffles:  Set treadmill at 2 – 5 mph and stand sideways on the belt with knees slightly bent.  Quickly bring outer foot to meet leading foot (the one closest to console) and then hop the leading foot out forward again, repeat.
  8. Walking Lunges: Set treadmill to about 3 mph at a 3% to 5% incline and step forward with right leg, lowering body until knee bent at 90 degrees and brushing over belt. Keep hips stacked over knee, not behind it or ahead of it. Rise up, bringing back foot forward, alternating legs for the duration.
  9.  Burden Run: Set treadmill to slower jogging pace (try 10 to 13 mph) and place medicine ball ( try ball 25# women or 35# men) on right shoulder reaching up and over  with right arm to secure. Run or walk fast for 800 meters, moving ball from shoulder to shoulder, as needed.
This 30 Minute Treadmill Chipper for Obstacle Course Training is a workout that mixes up running with strength exercises to get you ready for your next Spartan, Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash.

What percentage training do you do on a treadmill? Have you ever done anything other than run on a treadmill?  Please share in the comments – XOXO, Jennifer

10 thoughts on “30 Min. Treadmill Chipper for Spartan Obstacle Course Race Training

  1. I realy cannot and will not ever get over how bad ass you are. Can you teach me your badassery ways please!!

    PS: any plans on coming back to LA any time soon?!

    • Err, uhhh . . .I’m really not bad ass, just stupid 🙂 I wish I was coming to LA soon, let me work on that!

  2. This workout looks awesome! Can’t wait to give it a try!!! Thanks for sharing and linking up, hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂

    • YES, I don’t mind treadmill workouts being intense, in fact that intensity (along “chipping” along at all the exercises) is what makes me take my mind off it!

  3. Pingback: 20 Boredom Busting Treadmill Workouts - Fitful Focus

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