Colors can subconsciously affect your feelings and moods and, in turn, have an impact on workouts and your choices in exercise. This includes both the colors seen in your environment (like what color the walls are painted) and the color of your fitness clothing you wear. In past posts, I’ve mentioned how other colors are tied to exercise – like RED and PINK. But, what about BLUE?

Without doubt, blue is a very popular color. In fact, it’s the most popular color in the world being favored by 35% of the world’s population. I’m guessing blue is so beloved because it’s one of the rarest colors found in nature. Blue is linked to the sky and water and can stimulate calming and peaceful feelings. These serene side effects of blue make it a great color for being mindful and focused.

Because of these calming zen vibes, blue (especially a lighter hue) is a great color choice for yoga wear or lounging around after an intense sweat sesh for recovery!

Blue is on the lower end of the electromagnetic visible light spectrum. The wavelength of blue is shorter other colors – for example, blue has a 25% shorter wavelength than red. There have been studies done that show gym weights painted blue seem lighter than the same poundage of weights painted red! Blue may make things seem lighter or easier to have less perceived effort. That is great for productivity. Wearing blue, especially bright and vivid hues, may help you have a productive and focused session at the gym – “Do More Blue”!

According to color personality tests, people who are “Blues” look at exercise in a methodical and orderly way, tracking data details and progress as they move along their fitness journey. I would guess they are less “play it by ear” and more “follow a plan” type people. It’s my guess (and experience with them) that Blues like to participate in sports with defined rules!
Blue has other connotations as well. Sometimes people who are feeling down might say they are blue. But more often blue has positive connotations – “Blue Ribbon” meaning top-notch, first place, or winning to “True Blue” connoting reliability, trustworthiness and loyalty.
After all is said and done, what really matters is what is YOUR mood in blue. If blue makes you feel good then wear it and paint your home gym walls in it! If you are more “blah” about blue, then just sashay down the color spectrum until you fine a color and hue that speaks to YOU!
If you’re loving the idea of “Do More Blue,” check out this collections of Blue Ribbon Burpee Variations I put together:

Also of interest. Did you know the blue lenses on sunglasses aren’t there JUST to look cool.

Blue tint on glasses is usually for the purpose of making objects crisper, improving color perception and creating a calming effect. For certain sport-specific glasses, the blue lenses help to reduce sun glare that comes of the snow, water or roads.
Disclaimer: brought to you as part of my relationship with adidas as an ambassador. However, all opinions, suggestions, comments and enthusiasm are my own.