This post is sponsored by Celltrient™, however all opinions, anecdotes, and enthusiasm are my own.
Running and fitness events are more than a “hobby” to me. Competing now for almost 35 years, my competition days are like “pay days” to reward me for all my training, focus and hard work. Obviously, I am hoping to do my very best and I’m definitely not ready to stop at almost 54 years young.

But over the last 10 years or so, I’ve noticed it’s become increasingly difficult to keep up the literal and figurative pace of my younger self. For example, even with similar training, I can only run a single mile at the same pace I could run 26.2 miles years ago. And, after workouts, my soreness is typically more noticeable and the recovery time longer. That can put a damper on my plans. Many times, I feel just plain tired. I’ve accepted and adapted to some of the slowing down, and stopped competing with my past accomplishments. I think you must to some degree to stay mentally healthy as an aging athlete.

However, accepting some of the changes doesn’t mean NOT trying to preserve and improve what I have left! When researching how to optimize my performance as an older athlete, I learned that much of my body’s increasing inefficiencies can be linked to Age-Associated Cellular Decline. Beginning around age 40, and increasing through the remainder of life, all of our cells start slacking off in their respective jobs. The cells just don’t renew and replicate themselves well and this time-related deterioration can start to have a noticeable effect on strength, energy and resilience beginning in middle age and beyond.

Slacking off (intentionally or unintentionally) is something I’m not ready to do. And, I’m also not ready to take up knitting, scrapbooking, rocking on the front porch or some other inactive pastime anytime soon. I knew I had to find some way to be more proactive about my cellular health and that’s how I found, Celltrient™, a cellular health supplement that targets the power plants of our cells (the mitochondria) to transform how cells perform with age. As time passes, mitochondria start to fizzle out and this negatively impacts cell energy production and can contribute to a build-up of free radicals and oxidative stress within cells. None of this is desirable to me as a competitive master athlete! Check out these informative articles HERE and HERE that explain more comprehensively why and how we age at the cellular level.

Based on my lifestyle as an older athlete, I began using Celltrient’ s Strength formula* in November 2020, and am thrilled with how the cellular nutrition supplement is making me feel overall, and specifically in keeping up with my intense training routine. I feel like I have more stamina to get through my workouts and competitions at the top of my ability and also am recovering well afterward.
One of the important active ingredients in the Strength formula is Urolithin A. Urolithin A (UA) is a cellular nutrient that can help to address a decline in your cells’ ability to renew their pool of mitochondria (remember, these microscopic guys are the like the batteries that fire up cells). Since I follow a clean and nutrient-dense diet, I figured I was getting everything I needed to take care of my cell heath from food. But, I learned that UA is not commonly or easily sourced from food. While it is a metabolite formed by gut bacteria after eating foods that contain a compound called ellagitannins (found in things like pomegranates, berries, nuts), only about 33-percent of people have the proper gut bacteria needed to efficiently transform these compounds into UA. Those aren’t the best odds and that’s why I am using a cellular nutrition supplement like Celltrient to help me redefine the way I age!

If you have any questions about Celltrient and cellular nutrition (or just being a 50+ year old elite athlete), drop a comment here or find me on Instagram @thefitfork Also, if interested, my Celltrient Discount Code JENNIFER overs a savings on product purchases (excluding bundles and subscriptions) at
*Celltrient also offers other targeted cellular health products including Protect formula and Energy formula. Products available in capsule or drink mix format for convenience! To learn more about Age-related Cellular Decline you can read my past post Three Ways to Age Less and Do More and also visit Celltrient to find the cellular nutrition product best suited for you: Product Recommender