The Run, Jump, CrossFit, Trampoline Secret I Just Can’t Hold In!

No worries thanks to #AlwaysDiscreetatTarget

No worries thanks to #AlwaysDiscreetatTarget

Okay, this post is just more proof that I cannot be easily embarrassed, much to my three teenagers’ mortification.  That’s one of the better things about advancing in age (and, no, I’m not talking about having older kids who prefer to hang out in the video games department while on shopping trips to Target), but rather the fact that there’s not too much that can make me blush. I mean, geeze, when you are a blogger your life is pretty much on full display – have you SEEN my Instagram account?!

An ALWAYS DISCREET #selfie at Target!

An ALWAYS DISCREET #selfie at Target!

I’ll ask complete strangers what they think of so-and-so, I’ll pose for selfies in the store aisles, and I’ve done handstands and cheerleader jumps in public. I don’t have a problem complaining if I’m getting bad service or a product doesn’t meet my expectations, I hate flying under the radar and blending into the crowd and “YES,”  my dear children, I AM wearing this outfit to your football game and/or band concert.

So, do you really think I mind walking into Target to stock up on P&G Always Discreet products?  No, in fact, I wanted to load up my cart with tampons, granny underwear, lice shampoo, athlete’s foot spray and other unmentionables that might make my boys (and the cashier dude) really squirm! But, I behaved myself!

Loading up my cart -- hey, where did the kids go?!

Loading up my cart — hey, where did the kids go?!

So, if you’ve had three kids like me – three really large babies with really big heads, you may have had some issues with bladder leakage.  This is really all THEIR fault! For years, I would show up at my races wearing shorts that I knew would camouflage the problem and bring along a spare pair to change into right after crossing the finish line. This still didn’t prevent the stress of worrying just how bad “the situation” would be. I’d heard that doing kegels religiously could help, but amazingly it was CrossFit that help tighten up my innards and pulled everything mostly back into place. Sometimes there can still be a little “oops” and an almost unnoticeable liner from Always Discreet keeps me confident to run, trampoline, and jump rope without worry of a puddle.

always discreet linerIf you shop at Target (and who doesn’t?) text DISCREET to TARGET (827438) for instant coupons on Always Discreet – they also make pads and disposable underwear in addition the little liners. BTW, coupons expire 12/31/14. Also, now through October 25, when you buy $20 of Always Discreet products, you get a FREE carrying case ($6 value). Look for the Always Discreet display at your local Target!  Target has online savings going on, too – enter promo code DISCREET at checkout for a $1 savings. You can also use Target’s “Subscribe and Save” service and have Discreet delivered straight to your door. You’ll get 5% off your order; free shipping and even an additional 5% off if you use your red card. Find out how to get a free sample and more details here.

Care to share on this one? Pees do . .. uh, I mean PLEASE do!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.