For elite races gunning for a podium spot, hydration can make or break a race. And for us middle- and back-of-the-pack runners, drinking enough liquids on the course can also help keep fatigue, muscle cramps and lack luster performance at bay.

So, the question on pretty much every runner’s mind is – “Does Spartan have water stations?” and/or “Should I wear a hydration pack at Spartan race”? The official answer on-course water taken from the Spartan.com help desk is:
“We have water and aid stations on every course. During a 5K Sprint, we may only have one aid station halfway through the course. During a longer race, like a Super or a Beast, we will provide up to 4 aid stations. We do not provide food or gels, so please plan to bring your own.”
Spartan Race
Additionally, based on my experience, there is almost always free spartan water station made available at a table close to the start corral. Taking a few small paper cups of water here is a great way to top off your tank, without drinking too much, too early and circling back over and over again to the porta-potty station. If you’ve raced much at all, you may have your own hydration strategy, but this is mind (as a non-hydration pack wearer):

Spartan Race Hydration Plan
BEFORE (24 to 48 hours prior to start): Ensure that I am properly hydrated throughout the day (check out my previous post “50 Shades of Pee” ), so that I don’t go into a race setting already flirting with dehydration.
BEFORE (2 to 3 hours prior to start): As soon as I wake up on race day, I start hydrating again and cut it off an hour before the start line so that I have time to empty my bladder.
BEFORE (15 minutes prior to start) : Drink about 6 to 8 ounces from the start-line table.
DURING (as available in race): Drink at EVERY water station on the course. I figure it may slow me down a bit, but in the end, I will be faster from taking care of my body’s needs. Experts suggest drinking about 4 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes in a race which is a little harder when not wearing a hydration vest. Exact hydration needs can vary by the weather and other factors like a person’s size and environmentally-evolved or genetic propensity to sweat. But since I’m not a “super sweat-er,” I can get by with drinking about 6 ounces at every stop (about 2 to 3 little paper cups). Your needs may be different.
AFTER (immediately after finishing race): Right after the race, start replacing lost fluids. Spartan always has both an electrolyte-replacement drink and water option available as you exit through the finish chute. My advice is to take both. Additionally, you can find water stations throughout the festival area to get refills or visit sponsor tables that often also have cold drinks.
AFTER (next 24 hours): Continue to hydrate, without forcing water, for the few hours and day until urine returns to a light straw yellow color, or clearer. (see chart)

Also, Spartan race always has provided participants a post-race Spartan Drink Ticket in their pick-up packet that is good for one beer or seltzer (seems to vary on what’s being offered). Be mindful to your body’s needs and drink that after you’ve had the water and electrolyte drink – alcohol can be dehydrating! Visit Spartan.com for more Spartan Hydration Tips

Get 20% off any U.S. Spartan Race: Sprint, Stadion, Super, Beast, Ultra Beast, Trail, Kids and Hurricane Heat! All Heats! Sign Up Today! — Use Spartan code: UBST24-TK88D27
Hydration Vests for Spartan Race

Stadion, Sprint and Super Spartan Race distances are shorter, ranging from 5k to 10k in total distance and it’s pretty easy to get the water you need on course. However, for longer races like Beast, Ultra Beast and Hurricane Heat, there is a high probability (especially in the latter two) that you will have trouble meeting your body’s hydration needs. Or, if the forecast is very hot or you sweat profusely out of the norm, you may have issues. That’s when it’s a good idea to wear a hydration vest for the duration of the race.
There are so many types and styles of hydration vests, hydration packs, ergonomic carry-along water bottles and more – enough to fill up another post. But I’ve listed a few popular options here:

The SPARTAN by Weis Simer Hydration Vest was designed by a team of athletes, adventurers and long-distance runners who understand that details can make or break a race, a workout or a long run. This vest was designed to withstand the toughest conditions while maximizing comfort, hydration and performance. $98 *Flasks sold separately

Spartan by Craft Hydration Belt – a smart option for shorter races or when you know you have a spot to stop for refills. Lightweight mesh material, adjustable buckles, one zippered pocket for storage. $35
Another way to be proactive about your health and wellness before a Spartan Race be proactive about your electrolytes.

Being hydrated is NOT just about drinking enough water or fluids, it also has to do with maintaining proper balance of the essential minerals needed by your body. The Spartan 6-hour Hydration Tablets, make tending to this task easier with time-released, balanced electrolytes that are free of the sugar, weird flavors, strange colors and junk found in some sports drinks. My husband is a “super sweat-er” and is a 1000% fan, not just for race day, but in daily training too.
Spartan Discount Code (20% off races and most gear and nutrition products) : UBST24-TK88D27
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