6 Life-Changing Avocado Hacks + $25 Visa Gift Card Giveaway

Getting more avocados in your life is a good thing! Avocados are an excellent source of fiber and protein and pack an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – they are a super star in the world of super foods and are so beneficial in the diet of a runner, stand-up paddle boarder, CrossFitter, mountain climber, yogi, gymnast, obstacle course racer or other active person. Oh, hey, I just described myself!Avocado Pineapple Smoothie

This nutrient-dense fruit regularly stars as guacamole at my house, but also makes a rich and creamy addition to salads, soups, and even baked goods. Plus, have you ever had avocado in a smoothie?  It’s soooooo good!  I’m totally loving the new Veggie Avocado Pineapple Smoothie from Smoothie King, more about that in a second – let me tell you about these Avocado Hacks that will make dealing with the sometimes fragile, fussy and fake-out ripe avocado.

Six Amazing Avocado Hacks That Will Change Your Life.

1) Avocado Dicing for Dummies – Simply cut in half crosswise, remove seed and, key point, leave the skin on! Use a paring knife to make cuts across and down, without piecing the peel. If fairly firm, the avocado will “pop” out of the skin when pushed, or if riper, use a spoon to coax the dices out. This is sooooo much less messy than peeling and then cutting.How to Score Avocado

2) Use Avocados Instead of Butter: Swap out avocados for butter in your baking at a 1:1 ratio, you’ll save lots of calories and get all of the nutritional benefits of avocado. Of course, you can also spread on your toast too – apparently that’s a thang!

3) How to Freeze Guacamole – It’s a rare day that leftover guacamole is left at the bottom of the bowl, but it can happen. More likely, there’s a big sale on avocados and something need to be done with them before over ripening – make a huge batch of guacamole and freeze it! Yes, you can do that – just smash it up with a little lemon juice and freeze in a zip-top plastic bag. When ready to use, just thaw in the fridge! And, the same concept goes for avocado slices – find out How to Freeze Avocadosfreezing guacamole in zip-top bag

4) Prevent Avocado from Oxidizing Overnight – Coating with lemon juice is a popular method, but what if you don’t want that tart-puckery taste to linger around? Simply pour a layer of milk on top of your avocado slices or guacamole and then chill (literally and figuratively)! When ready to get your guac on, simply drain of the milk and stir or mash. Or, you can also set an avocado half cut-side down on a big slice of onion and keep airtight in plastic wrap! These methods will keep your avocado looking pretty good for a day, maybe a little longer.

5) How to Ripen an Avocado in 10 Minutes: Turn a rock hard avocado into creamy, edible goodness by slicing and tossing with lemon juice and baking at 300 F degrees for 10 minutes or until just softening.

6) How to Ripen an Avocado Overnight: If you don’t need to eat your avocado ASAP, then stick it in a brown paper bag with a banana or apple and leave on the countertop. Overnight, the fruit’s ethylene gases will soften your avocado to perfection.

Veggie Blend Smoothies at Smoothie King - thefitfork.comOkay, back to the avocado in smoothies? Have you ever tried it? It sounds weird, but blended beverages are blessed with a super creamy taste. In fact, nearly everything from the produce section is good in a smoothie – when I don’t have time to make my own, I swing by Smoothie King for one of their Veggie Blends – these veggie-packed smoothies are deliciously blended to help fuel my health and wellness goals and I love the fact they are so transparent with their nutrition details, so I can pick and choose which one is going to work the best to optimize my “fuel” needs for the day.

I’m not on a calorie-restricted diet. In fact, as an athlete, I’m often looking for ways to get filled up without scarfing down junk foods. The new Veggie Avocado Pineapple Smoothie has more calories and fat content than the other Veggie Blends (Carrot Kale Dream, Berry Carrot Dream, Apple Kiwi Kale) – but offers a long-lasting, satiating boost of nutrition is what I need to power me through an intense workout without making me feel bloated and filled up with a heavy meal. A 20-oz drink has 6 grams of fiber to fill me up and is naturally hydrating, providing me the electrolytes I need for a sweat session.

In fact, all the Veggie Blends at Smoothie King are hydrating and healthful – some even have a “Make it Skinny” option.  You can check out the nutrition info on all the green smoothies and other menu choices either on the Smoothie King web site or in the store.

Win a $25 Visa Gift Card at TheFitFork.comI’m hosting a $25 Visa Gift Card giveaway so one of you readers can load up on veggie smoothies or whatever your heart desires at Smoothie King or anywhere!

262 thoughts on “6 Life-Changing Avocado Hacks + $25 Visa Gift Card Giveaway

  1. I would like to try Smoothie King’s Caribbean Way Take a Break smoothie

  2. Already said but I also would like to try berry carrot! Two of my favorite things!

  3. Mmm chocolate, unless I was in the mood for fruity and then I like strawberry

  4. We don’t have a Smoothie King near me but the Lean1 Pineapple Mango sounds yummy

  5. These are all awesome tips! 😀 Thanks for sharing them (and for the giveaway)! Veggie Avocado Pineapple sounds awesome! <3

  6. The Lean1 Chocolate looks so good, and I love that it has almonds in it.

  7. I’d be interested in trying the Pure Recharge – Mango Strawberry. I love orange/strawberry smoothies, so the mango/strawberry combo intrigues me.

    • For some reason, I’ve always done milk . . . I think something my mom told me a long time ago

  8. Berry Carrot Dream is my choice. Orange, carrot and yummy….yummy…all good.
    Thank you for the chance to expand my budget.

  9. I’d like to try the avocado pineapple smoothie. It really sound delicious.

  10. I would love to try them all! I’ll start with the Berry Carrot Dream 🙂

  11. I would love to try the Immune Builder® Orange Smoothie from Smoothie King.

  12. I would love to try the Immune Builder Mixed Berry smoothie.
    thank you

  13. I would love to try the Greek Yogurt Peach Papaya! I love peach in smoothies, it is probably my favorite flavor!

  14. I definitely want to try the Veggie Avocado Pineapple Smoothie. Great mix of tastes and nutritional benefits.

  15. I’d like to try their Apple Kiwi Kale flavor. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I tried the Berry Carrot Dream for the first time a few weeks ago and it is my favorite smoothie ever!

  17. I would like to try Veggie Avocado Pineapple than try the Berry Carrot Dream.

  18. I’ve not been to Smoothie King in years and it looks like I’m missing a few yummy treats. I’ll have to check them out again and want to try the Veggie Avocado Pineapple.

  19. I would love to try the Apple Kiwi Kale flavor.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  20. Berry Carrot Dream sounds like a good one, although I LOVE anything avocado too. Yummy stuff!

  21. Yum! Avocados are definitely a favorite of mine. I would really love to try the
    Immune Builder® Mixed Berry.

  22. I would like to try the avocado pineapple smoothie it sounds interesting.

  23. I want to try the Apple Kiwi Kale. Thanks for the tips, I didn’t know much about avocados, but I want to start using them.

  24. I would like to try the Veggie Avocado Pineapple and the Greek Yogurt Orange Vanilla smoothie’s

  25. the smoothie that i not only would love to try, but i’m also making is the apple kiwi kale.. it sounds so delicious and is full of so much nutrients… I LOVE, absolutely love your guy’s post, smoothies and tricks.. especially this avocado trick since i’m a huge fan of avocados…. Keep up the wonderful work you guy’s.. <3 <3 <3

  26. I have never had avocado in a smoothie before. I visited smoothie king, and I would love to have the Apple Kiwi Kale blend.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this 🙂

  27. When I was a kid I remember them having a PB&J one that was bomb, but I didnt see that one on the menu and maybe it was a different Smoothie King or something.. so the Greek Yogurt Pineapple Mango would most likely be my choice.

  28. It would have to be a fruit smoothie. I think I’d like to try a mango flavor.

  29. Lean 1 chocolate sounds great, it has the flavors I like. I really prefer smoothies to regular fitness drinks.

  30. I think the Island Impact sounds delicious! I’d definitely want to try that one! Though to be honest they all look pretty good. 🙂

  31. Pingback: Learn to love avocados with these recipes!

  32. So many choices! I’d like to try them all but since I can only pick one.. it would be the Greek Yogurt Peach Papaya. I was looking the Slim blends section… mmm.. I bet losing weight never tasted so good! lol

  33. I’d like to try the Original High-Protein Pineapple,. I’m diabetic so I need to watch the carbs in smoothies.

  34. I would love to try the Apple Kiwi Kale! So many different ones to try, but that is one i would love to try first.

  35. I’d like to try the Greek Yogurt Strawberry Blueberry. I’m a huge fan of Greek yogurt and this blend looks good.

  36. The Peanut Power Plus Chocolate™ sounds really good. (Of course, how can you go wrong with peanuts and chocolate together?)

  37. the Pure Recharge™ – Mango Strawberry sounds very good! that may be the one I try first!

  38. I would like to try the Veggie Avocado Pineapple Smoothie first. I think that it looks delicious, and I can’t wait to try this.

  39. The Apple Kiwi Kale sounds delicious! I’ve never had Smoothie King, so many great flavors!

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