Happy, Healthy Watermelon Day Workout, Recipes & Giveaway

Many say the career advice to follow your passions is hogwash. “It’s not practical, ” they say, or “you can’t earn a decent living unless you’re extremely talented, really lucky – or, both.” “Do what you love . . . and you’ll probably starve.”  As a female Jack-of-All-Trades-Master-of-None, I’m here to say baloney to that! Well, maybe not baloney, but instead to say “WATERMELON, BEEF and SALAD DRESSING” to that!

Jennifer Fisher thefitfork. watermelon

Yup, I’m doing what I love and I’m not starving either figuratively or literally. These are just some beloved clients of mine who have supported me and given me experiences not just as a food and fitness blogger and healthy chef, but as a creative consulting professional in the health industry. Nothing makes me feel fuller as a contributing member of society than helping others on a health and fitness journey in my own special way – and that, my friends, is definitely NOT starving.

Happy National Watermelon Day from TheFitFork.comSo, in honor of National Watermelon Day (which is August 3rd), I wanted to spread a bit more watermelon love in my #LivingOnTheWedge way.  Over these several years, some might think I’ve exhausted my ideas to showcase watermelon. Oh, I always have a new recipe, workout or health tip – and today, I have all three (plus a giveaway of goodies).

First up, the watermelon recipe.  I actually posted it a couple weeks ago, but I want to make sure you don’t miss it because it’s just that good. Inspired by the funky fusion of the local food truck scene, my “Keep Austin Weird” Beef, Veggie & Watermelon Stir-fry features all my favorite ingredients from around the Central Texas area. Get the recipe HERE.Beef, Veggie & Watermelon Stir Fry

Not being one to brag or toot my own horn (hardly ever, haha), the National Watermelon Promotion Board has unofficially named me as the Inventor of the Watermelon Workout . . .it’s even better than being the creator of Prancersize or some other such thing! Well, golly, you can find a few of my watermelon workouts right there on the Watermelon for Health section of Watermelon.org and there are a few more over HERE!

Watermelon Challenge - Idea World - thefitfork.comNow onto the Watermelon Workout. Earlier in the month, I helped Watermelon.org  share the benefits of this fruit in a healthy lifestyle by hosting a Watermelon Workout Challenge at the largest fitness convention on the planet, IDEA World in Los Angeles. Competitors had to spin a wheel and then bust out as many reps of the selected exercise as possible in 20 seconds – there were squat jumps, alternating lunges, Russian Twists, partner passes and more. Oh, and did I mention you had to hold a watermelon the entire time!



watermelon workout ideaworld day 1 overhead tricepThe idea was created mainly in the name of wholesome good fun and to make people stop, smile and talk about watermelon (which it did)– but everyone also commented on how is was actually such a great workout concept. Uh, yeah – have you ever tried to jump squat with a 20 pound watermelon?!

Watermelon Blaster Workout a muscle-sculpting and calorie-torching workout with a personal-sized watermelon!

Today’s Watermelon Blaster Workout is designed to kick up your cardio and sculpt muscles simultaneously. There are four separate exercises in the set, each one is done as many times possible (with good form) in 90 seconds. After all four exercises are done, you get a one minute rest and then repeat everything over a few times for a total for four sets.  Go at your own pace and modify as necessary – over time you will find that you can do more reps per set. I used a 5.5 lb personal-sized watermelon, go light or heaver as needed.  You could also use a medicine ball, but then it wouldn’t be nearly as fun.

And here’s the video demo of the exercises. Enjoy and laugh if you will, I know I’m a watermelon dork.

Watermelon contains vitamin B-6 which may help the body process protein better -- this is great for muscle management!


And lastly, a Watermelon Health Tip from my friends at Watermelon.org.  Watermelon contains vitamin B6, which may help break down protein, another important source of workout fuel along with carbohydrates. #WatermelonForHealth




Watermelon Day Giveaway - thefitfork.com

Oh, yeah – and I’m having a Watermelon Day Giveaway, too!  The prize include an assortment of watermelon-themed swag including a pair of watermelon knee socks (not compression, but still awesome), watermelon ankle socks, a sweet little fold-up nylon shopping back, two single-serve packs of sprouted watermelon seeds and a $10 gift card to Fresh Market so you can get a watermelon or two! Enter in the Rafflecopter app below!


101 thoughts on “Happy, Healthy Watermelon Day Workout, Recipes & Giveaway

  1. My his ab & daughter LOVE watermelon, and I’m sure will be celebrating Watermelon Day by enjoying a big ‘ol wedge (or 2)! We’ve had at least 2 whole ones this summer, and lots of bowls of precut. It’s a yearround treat for our family.

  2. I would guess that my family and I have eaten 4 watermelons this summer, thanks to multiple family cookouts/get-togethers. Lots of people!

  3. I haven’t bought a watermelon this season. I had some in fruit trays earlier this year.

  4. We have a garden full. I love watermelon more than any other fruit. I eat it everyday.

  5. That workout is no joke. We have a personal Mellon in the fridge I will use; just the right size for a bonus set!

  6. Our family has consumed about 8 watermelons this summer, we have #9 in the fridge right now!

  7. Not as much this year…maybe 3?
    But when I was in the throes of morning sickness with my son, all I could keep down was watermelon 😉

  8. I would say maybe about 2 watermelons? It’s not a lot, but we eat a ton of other fruit too! Fruit salads are my specialty!

  9. I’ve been eating watermelon almost everyday this summer to help stay hydrated for afternoon runs, but I hadn’t though about using it for strength training too! We’ve probably eaten about 3 or 4.

  10. So far I bought one, took a bite and threw it in the compost…….I’ll try again later this summer.

  11. We love watermelon but they haven’t been very flavorful this summer which has been a huge bummer! Because of that we’ve only had about 8 so far this summer! I finally found a good one at our local farmer’s market so will go back again this weekend and hope the still are so sweet.

  12. The INVENTOR?!?! Omg, girl!!!!!

    I bought watermelon vodka today, does that count?! Stay tuned to fb today, Gabriel and I are doing a kid-friendly watermelon workout (it’s the size of a baseball!)!

  13. It’s just me here, and two pug dogs, so I have only eaten some watermelon that a friend gave me but I do eat a lot of berries, mangoes and pineapples!

  14. This is so awesome- YAY for all of the watermelons. I would say we have eaten about 10 watermelons, lol. We LOVE them!

  15. I am the only one in this household who eats watermelon, I have eaten the equivalent of 2 so far, and I am keeping up the good work!

  16. I’m the only one in my family who eats watermelon, so far I’ve had 2 one-half’s of watermelon so basically 1 whole one but I plan on getting some more before the summer ends:)

  17. My husband really loves watermelon, so I would guess we had about 7 watermelons already.

  18. We love watermelon but have only had one so far this summer. Thanks for the reminder to go get some delicious watermelon!

  19. Well that is an easy question for me. Since I am the only one who will eat them & I wait for it every summer. I’ve had 2 whole ones so far (huge). On my 3rd.

  20. I think we have only ate 2 or 3. Now we have more room to cut and store it so we will probably get one every week.

  21. i personally have only bought 2 so far. My father in law buys it every week and gives all the kids a giant ziplock bag of it! We’ve been pretty well stocked 🙂
    My favorite watermelon find so far this summer, I went to a restaurant and they had watermelon salad. it had watermelon balls, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, feta cheese crumbles and watermelon vinaigrette. It was amazing!

  22. Pingback: Monday Announcements: 8.8.16

  23. Most summers, I would say 10 just for me, but I have only had about 1 this year. Not sure why! I love watermelon. I just haven’t grabbed many this summer! (Actually, I think it is b/c I have been trying to walk my grocery shopping and they are too heavy! Even the small ones.)

  24. My kiddos LOVE watermelon! We have probably eaten three. Our neighbor always calls and sends the kids some every time they cut one too 🙂

  25. Since it is just my husband and I, we have only ate one watermelon this summer. That one can take us forever to eat because it’s just he two of us. We both love watermelon, but it seems to go bad before we can get all the way through it. 🙁

  26. I am afraid we have not eaten any!!! Our 4th of July was ruined by rain before we ate one. Thank you

  27. I would say we have had 10. I buy one every week for sure! Fantastic prize! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  28. Watermelon is one of our favorites and we go thru one a week.I just bought one today.

  29. I’d say 6-7 watermelons. We love eating ’em by the pool and family gatherings.

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