Southwestern Roasted Veggie Wraps, Veggie Snacks & Workouts

You don’t have to be vegetarian to enjoy the wholesome goodness of this Southwestern-Spiced Roasted Veggie Wrap. A spinach tortilla is lightly charred on the grill (or gas burner) and then stuffed with roasted vegetables kicked up with a light dusting of cumin and chipotle chile powder. Perfect for a #MeatlessMonday meal.

roasted veggies in tortilla

Southwestern-Spiced Roasted Veggie Wrap Recipe

  • 1 medium zucchini, cut into ¼” planks
  • 1 medium summer squash, cut into ¼” planks
  • 1 red bell pepper, quartered
  • 2 carrots, quartered lengthwise
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons ancho or chipotle chile powder
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 4 spinach tortillas
  • 1 large avocado
  • 2 teaspoon lime juice
  • 4 spinach tortillas
  • 4 ounces fresh spinach leaves
  1. Preheat grill or broiler. In large bowl, toss together zucchini, squash, red bell pepper and carrots with olive oil, salt, pepper, chile powder and cumin with oil. Place in single layer on large baking sheet. Grill or broil vegetables 4 to 6 minutes per side, turning once.
  2. Remove veggies from oven and let cool for 5 minutes; cut into long julienned strips approximately ¼ inch wide.
  3. In small bowl, mash avocado with lime juice. Spread in even portions across each tortilla, leaving a ½ rim at the border.
  4. Spread out a pile of fresh spinach on top of each tortilla. Arrange remaining filling ingredients in a row along in the center of tortilla.
  5. Roll of tortilla as tightly as possible, cut in half crosswise and secure with toothpicks if needed.
  6. If packing in a lunchbox, switch the avocado and spinach steps so that tortilla doesn’t become soggy. Serves 4.

vegetable platter

Three servings of veggies are the recommended bare minimum amount for the daily diet of an adult – are you getting enough?  Snacking on vegetables is a great way to help you meet and surpass this good health goal. this Forget about the chips and cookies; it’s so much easier to reach for a healthy handful of veggies if you’ve prepped them and have them waiting in the fridge.  Keep cut up veggies in single-serve zip-top baggies for on-the-go grabbing – I also love to make mini veggie dip cups to serve the kids after school (great for a party too).

jennifer fisher litehouse mini veggies in dip fridge 2

Oh, one last thing to mention! In a rare moment of organization, I pulled all my workouts and put them on one page that is easily accessible by the category bar under the header.  The precious minutes you save by not having to hit the search bar can be reallocated to some extra burpees. You can thank me later!

workout screen shot

Love at First Bite! Nut Butter Crispies with Cacao Nibs Recipe

Valentines Day Healthy Treat Nut Butter Crispies

Who doesn’t love a crispy rice treat? I do, but not those prepackaged ones made with corn syrup, white puffed rice and a ton of other ingredients and preservatives I can’t pronounce.  Plus, there’s only a scant trace of protein in one of those gooey squares; that means I’ll be crashing lickity-split from my carbohydrate high. What’s a girl got to do to satisfy her sweet tooth and get a little snap, crackle and pop going on? Mix up her own healthier version of this favorite treat from childhood, that’s what! I have a hunch you are going to fall in love with this healthy snack recipe – package them up and give them to your favorite sweetie for Valentine’s Day!

Healthy Gym Snack Protein Nut Butter Bites

My version of crispy rice treats, Protein Nut Butter Crispies, features puffed brown rice, a 100% whole grain, that hasn’t been enriched or fortified with any weird stuff. A couple scoops of protein powder (you can use any brand or flavor) adds long-lasting energy that is perfect before a workout or to help build back up damaged muscle tissue afterward. Almond butter and honey helps hold everything together with delicious taste while cacao nibs lend an extra dose of crunchiness to this fun-to-eat treat.

cocoa_nibsYou may be wondering, “Just what are cacao nibs and why should I be eating them?” Cacao nibs are little pieces of cacao beans that been have roasted, hulled and prepped for the chocolate-making process. While I like to think of them as “nature’s chocolate chips,” cacao nibs don’t really add any sweetness to a recipe. In fact, they are a tad bitter (in a good way) and have a slightly nutty flavor with chocolate undertones. Here are some other good things to know about cacao nibs:

  • Cacao nibs are abundant with magnesium, a mineral needed for in excess of 300 biochemical reactions in the human body including muscle and nerve function and maintaining a steady heart rhythm.
  • Unlike chocolate bars, cacao nibs pack in a lot of fiber in a small serving – one ounce of cacao nibs has nine grams of fiber.
  • Cacao nibs are rich in iron, a necessity for the production of red blood cells  — and a good thing for women, runners and other athletes who need more iron (up to 30% more) than the average Joe.  One ounce of raw cacao nibs provides six percent of the daily recommended value.
  • Cacao nibs provide more antioxidant benefits than eating the darkest chocolate bar around. You’ve probably heard that the darker the chocolate, the better – experts suggest picking a bar with as much as 70% cacao (it can take a while to get used to the less sweet taste). Since cacao nibs are the basis for chocolate candy (after being ground into a paste and mixed with sugar and milk solids), you’re skipping all the unhealthy stuff and going straight to the unsullied source of nutrients..
  • Get creative with cacao nibs! You can eat cacao nibs straight out of the bag, mix them into oatmeal or sprinkle on Greek yogurt – or mix in cacao nibs into any of your recipes for baked goods.

healthy snack nut butter crispies

Protein Nut Butter Crispies with Cacao Nibs Recipe

  • 2 cups puffed whole grain brown rice cereal
  • 2/3 cup (2 standard scoops) chocolate protein powder
  • ¼ cocoa nibs
  • 1/4 cup almond butter
  • 1/4 cup honey (I like Wholesome Sweetener’s Fairtrade Organic Honey )
  • Optional:  2 Tbsp. chocolate candy-covered sunflower seeds

Place puffed rice, protein powder and cocoa nibs in a medium-sized bowl and toss together until combined.

Warm almond butter in the microwave for about 20 seconds so it’s more malleable. Spray spatula with baking spray and scoop out warmed nut butter on top of dry mixture. Drizzle honey on top of this and stir everything until combined. Mixture may be a bit crumbly, that’s okay.

Using hands, form mixture into approximate 1 ¼” diameter balls, packing tightly. Repeat process with remaining mixture.

If desired, lightly press tops of nuggets into candy-coated chocolate sunflower seeds or another topping of choice.

Makes 18.

Healthy Movie Night Munchies | Chocolate Chai & Caramel Almond Popcorn

We’re staying up late and sleeping in; all the family is on a slower pace thanks to the welcomed winter break. We’ve been watching old movies like It’s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street – tonight, we’re getting silly with National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. The kids always want snacks for movie night (and so do I) so we’re making two healthy treats – Chocolate Protein Chai and Caramel Almond Popcorn.

jennifer fisher thefitfork corepower chocolate chai

The Chocolate Protein Chai is a warm, wonderful drink I created for the Core Power blog. A healthy alternative to gourmet coffee shop beverages, this spicy, silky and satisfying treat is pumped up with protein from the high protein shake base and has much less sugar too!  Check out the Core Power blog to get the simple instructions – it’s much easier than explaining your order to a barista!

jennifer fisher - - caramel almond popcorn coconut oil honey

For crunching satisfaction, my recipe for Caramel Almond Popcorn has always been a family favorite. It’s salty-sweet and popped right in the microwave in a brown paper bag without any fats or chemicals (like those nasty store-bought bags). Afterward, almonds are tossed in and it’s finished paleo-friendly drizzle of coconut oil and honey. Finger-licking yum!

Playground Swing Lunges - try 3 sets of 20!

Playground Swing Lunges – try 3 sets of 20!

After all this lounging around, tomorrow we’ll get moving. Maybe an easy run or bike ride with the kids and a stop at the playground for some improvised TRX moves like these park swing lunges.

So, what is your favorite healthy snack for movie night at home? Or, if you prefer the theater, do you sneak in healthy snacks to avoid the fake-cheese nachos and oily popcorn? Tell me what you take!  

Healthy Travel Snacks + What is a Mangosteen Anyway?

I love traveling because it means I’m most likely off for a new adventure. However, I don’t like being out of my normal healthy eating routine while en route to my final destination.  I recently got back from a trip to the beach. We traveled by car and I packed baby carrots, celery sticks and almonds for the car ride. With four adults and three teen boys in the car, my stash didn’t last long and I regretted not stowing away more sustenance for the road – like many of the travel-friendly snacks from my post on healthy purse snacks.

purse snacks

Of course, with all the man-sized appetites in the car, it was only a matter of time before we hit one of the Whataburger fast-food establishments that are so prolific in the one-stop light towns of Texas. As my mom and I found out, even Whataburger has begun to offer some healthier options including an Apple & Cranberry Chicken Salad with Low-Fat Pepper-Honey Vinaigrette. There is also the no-top bun burger trick that I’m fond of – take off the uber-bready top bun of my hamburger – cut the burger in half and then re-sandwich together for a double-decker ½ burger. All of these tricks kept me lean, mean and in fighting shape for some bad a$$ery on the beach.

jennifer fisher - - what fitfluential and 46 years looks like

Today I am travelling by plane to Seattle to meet with my Hood to Coast Relay teammates and sponsor, Nuun Hydration, before we hit the van for our 200 mile race from Mount Hood in Oregon to the beach of Seaside.  I did this same race last year (read all about it) thanks to the fine folks at Nuun Hydration, a Seattle-based company that makes a sugar-free electrolyte tablet in tons of delicious, yummy flavors. These electrolyte tablets are perfect for runners, triathletes, golfers and other people who are working hard and sweating all day in the sun. By the way, my team is named after one of the new flavors – Cherry Limeade!  Follow the adventure on the thefitfork’s instagram feed. #nuunhtc #teamcherrylimeade

e me high jump

Since most airlines don’t serve meals anymore (would you really want to eat these high-sodium, high-fat, highly unappetizing meals anyway?), a traveling girl such as myself is either subject to what she can find in the airport concourse (again, usually yucky) or what she brings along. I think I have just enough time this morning to make a delicious recipe I found at Cooking Light in a collection of their 75 Healthy Snack Ideas —  Honey Glazed Almonds.  These spiced nuts are made quickly on the stove top rather than being baked for an eternity in the oven.  Plus, the sweet-spicy nuts (kicked up with Chipotle powder) store well in an airtight container for several days, although I’m sure they’ll be gone before my plane change in Salt Lake City.


I’m also taking some of the new products from SunRype, including the Mango Mangosteen Fruit Source Bar made with all natural ingredients and no preservatives whatsoever. Each 100% fruit bar features 2 servings of fruit with this particular flavor featuring the Mangosteen. So WHAT is a Mangosteen anyway? I thought it was just a cute name for “mango,” but, in fact, the Mangosteen is actually a purple super fruit indigenous to Indonesia and now grown in warm, tropical environments including South America and South Asia. The exterior of this uncommon fruit is purple, but only the white inner flesh and juice is edible.  But, it’s well worth eating the Mangosteen as studies have shown that it has super-powered antioxidant properties (especially high in xanthonoids) that has anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the risk for cancer. While the juice has high astringency value properties and has been used topically to treat acne, I would not recommend rubbing the fruit bar on your face!

mangosteen collage

Whey Tasty! White Chocolate Protein Ice Cream Sandwiches

jennifer fisher - - white chocolate protein ice cream sandwichThe harbinger of summer in my neighborhood is the melody of the ice cream truck pulling onto the street. I’ve been hearing this seductive siren song a lot this week; in fact, I think the driver is getting a little aggressive peddling his pops every day after school lets out. Bomb pops, fudgsicles, and nutty buddies, oh my!  The traditional ice cream sandwich is my favorite. You know of what I speak – creamy vanilla ice cream between two chocolate wafers.

While a traditional ice cream sandwich may taste super yummy, it doesn’t really do much for my daily nutrition needs. For example, a Good Humor sandwich marketed as “lite” has 140 calories, 26g carbs, just 2g protein and tons of artificial preservatives. That’s a lot of carbs at the expense of protein, and don’t even get me started on all the ingredients I can’t even pronounce. Based on my refueling needs for running and working out, I aim to get around 18-25 grams of protein 5 times per day – so protein is just as important in my snacks as it is in my main meals. The nutrition information on the back of my Good Humor ice cream sandwich is putting me in a bad mood.

After hearing the ice cream truck roll by and about to cave in, I had a light bolt moment! I knew I could kick up this idea of a frozen confection with some quality protein powder and tweak the rest of the recipe to be healthier too. With a quick turn on my heels, I headed to the pantry for my canister of Designer Whey 100% Premium Protein Powder, a great-tasting product that delivers 18 grams of protein per 100-calorie serving (the optimal amount of protein to take in at one sitting) and uses only natural flavorings and sweeteners. And, it’s also a good source for calcium, vitamin D, and B-vitamins. I’m definitely going to use this protein powder in my new ice cream sandwich recipe!

White Chocolate is just one of the many decadent Designer Whey flavors!

White Chocolate is just one of the many decadent Designer Whey flavors!

The chocolate wafer cookies in my White Chocolate Protein Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe are made with coconut flour, coconut sugar and coconut oil making them gluten-free. And, they are also Paleo-friendly – that is until you add in the ice cream (but hey, this ice  cream is still really healthy as far as ice cream goes). Because whey is derived from dairy products, it doesn’t make the cut with a 100-percent paleolithic philosophy. However, strict caveman eaters can swap out with a coconut milk whip or frozen banana mash instead – just not as much protein.


 White Chocolate Protein Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Cookie Ingredients:

  • 3/4 cup coconut flour
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • ¼ cup coconut sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 tablespoons almond milk

 Ice Cream Ingredients:

In a medium bowl, add coconut flour, cocoa powder, coconut sugar, salt and baking powder. Mix thoroughly.

In a separate bowl whisk together the melted coconut oil, eggs, and milk. Gradually add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir until it forms a thick dough. Dough will be fairly crumbly at the beginning; use your hands to form it into one big ball.

On a clean work surface, roll out the dough to approximate ¼” thickness. Using a round 2 ½” diameter cookie cutter, cut out circles. Reroll dough scraps as necessary and continue cutting circles until all dough used. Dough should create enough for 16 cookies. Bake cookies on a lined baking tray at 350 for 10 minutes. Remove to wire rack to let cool completely.

Meanwhile, combine almond milk, Stevia and protein powder in a bowl and whisk until protein powder is completely incorporated and all lumps are gone. Pour into electric ice cream maker and prepare according to manufacturer’s instruction (my Cuisinart takes about 20 minutes).  If ice cream still seems a little soft, transfer to a storage container and let harden in the freezer for a couple hours.

To prepare ice cream sandwiches, scoop approximately 1/2 cup of ice cream and set on top of chocolate cookie. Set another cookie on top and gently press down; repeat with the remaining cookies and ice cream.  Eat quickly or return to the freezer to enjoy later.

Serves 8.

Nutrition Information (per serving) 188 calories, 15g protein, 26g total carbs (9g sugars), 148mg sodium, 11g total fat (8 saturated fat)

By the way, Designer Whey also makes other great products for sports nutrition including ready-made shakes, protein bars and Protein 2GO® .I whole-heartedly agree that whey protein is a real winner for post-workout recovery and nutrition. I’ve been stashing the packets of the lemonade flavor in my gym bag. With 50 calories and 10 grams of muscle-making protein, it’s been my little boost after running intervals and before my strength-training.


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