How to Make Spartan Spear in 10 minutes for OCR Training

Save 20% on spartan race code: UBST24-TK88D27

Everything you need to know if you want to make Spartan Spear at home for your next Spartan Race or OCR — super easy tutorial, however nailing the throw is on you!How to Make a Spartan Spear in Less Than 10 Mintues and Under 10 DollarsWhen I first wrote this post, I only had 3 obstacle course races under my belt (now quite a few more), but was trying to nab a coin for the Spartan World Championship . . .maybe that was a lofty goal, but I figured it within my reach — especially if I could optimize my performance with a fast run (I’m a lifelong runner).  However, the races I had done to that point, like 2015 Spartan Beast Dallas and 2015 Spartan Spring Houston have been so flooded and muddy that I had the wind knocked out of my running wheelhouse. Oh, yeah – but that spear throw also stood in the way. Ain’t nobody got time for 30 burpees in a race, so I figured I needed to make my own spear and practice. (Editor update: I DID earn the championship coin and ran in the 2017 Spartan World Championships in Lake Tahoe, nailing BOTH the spear throws on the course . . . if only everything else went so well, haha).

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Huge Spartan Holiday Savings + Free Registration Giveaway (closed)

Spartan Beast Dallas Sand Bag CarryI’m going to keep this post short and sweet! Even though Cyber Monday is officially over in a couple hours, you can still sign up, gear up and save up for 2016 Spartan Races. Here’s the deal, from now until midnight on 12/2/2105 use these discount codes:

Save 20% on spartan race code: UBST24-TK88D27
Celebrating with friends at the end of Spartan Race.

Okay, and here’s the best part — I’m also giving away a free Spartan Race entry good for any open heat (non-confirmed start time) in any Spartan Race in the continental US. AROO!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED To enter, just follow the Rafflecopter app instructions — while the discount code Expires 12/2/15 11:59 pm ET my giveaway will be open another week! Good luck!