“Still Running Strong” 50th Birthday Giveaway – $575 of Favorites

It happened, I turned 50 years old today! No biggie, in fact I embrace it – it took half a century to get this awesome (haha)! While my speed has slowed and my recovery time has doubled, I may be at the best place ever in my fitness journey. I’m not obsessed, I’m not a slave to my watch or training plan, I’m not trying to prove myself. I still strive to be the best I can, but I also focus more on balance, fun, rest and recovery so I can keep on doing all this for another 20, 30, 40 years! Still Running Strong Giveaway - thefitfork.com

In honor of my birthday, some of the great sponsors and brands I work with are letting me treat one lucky winner to the running/fitness things I can’t live without. This giveaway includes everything from running shoes and compression socks, to coaching and mobility gear – oh, and sports nutrition, wellness products and healthy snacks. Read on to find out more about this running giveaway and how to enter!   Continue reading

3 Ways Probiotics Help Runners #HealthiestDaysAhead

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Hyperbiotics, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HealthiestDaysAhead  http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV

Runners already have a leg up on health. Hitting the road, trail or treadmill a few times a week has countless benefits for cardiovascular health . . . and even mental health! But, what about gut health? 3 Ways Probiotics Help Runners

It’s true that running on a regular basis can help keep you “regular” (wink, wink), but runners often struggle with other gut issues including the runner’s trots, post-run digestive issues, and just the havoc that a modern diet or hormonal fluctuations can wreak on your digestive system. Read on to find out three ways Hyperbiotics, a collection of specifically formulated probiotics found at Target, can help runners get back and stay on track. Continue reading

Coffee & Athletes – Performance Perks + Consumption Timing

Coffee is a social unifier, people are constantly meeting up for a cup, professing their addiction love on everything from t-shirts to internet memes, and it’s a go-to gift for the person who has everything (because you can never have enough coffee, am I right?). While coffee brings us together, it can also set you apart in your athletic endeavors if optimized properly within a training diet. Coffee and Athletes - Performance Perks and Consumption Tips

Today, I’m spilling the beans on how coffee can improve performance and endurance, increase focus, and provide that extra edge your looking for on race day.   Continue reading

“Special Ks” Treadmill Run Workout for Marathon Training

This post is sponsored by Matrix Fitness, however, all opinions, exercise instruction and enthusiasm are my own.

Treadmill training got me through this race!In a perfect world, I would prefer to challenge my running abilities in the great outdoors, breathing in the fresh air, enjoying the scenery and practicing my fancy footwork on any obstacles thrown my way. However, all too often, 21st century life gets in the way of marathon training and outdoor adventuring like bounding up real rocky trails or jumping puddles in an intersection. But, sometimes the weather is just too bad, daylight has vanished or you’re traveling and worried about safety or getting lost on a run. That’s when a treadmill becomes a most welcomed tactic in your training battle plan.

Yeah, sure, die hard runners will train in the elements, whatever they may be – rain, sleet, ice and snow. While you should try to do this occasionally to acclimate for potential race day conditions, there is no reason to put yourself in harm’s way, Get struck by lightning or plowed down by a car that didn’t see you in a downpour and you’ll not be enjoying bananas, high-fives and a shiny new finisher’s medal at the end of your marathon. There’s no need to be a modern-day martyr and suffer needlessly to prove your toughness. Sometimes a little bit of comfort and convenience go a long way in nailing your marathon race goals.

So, for safety, convenience and comfort, I will frequently knock out my marathon training, especially the speedwork) on a treadmill. This also helps me when I don’t have a faster running buddy to help push the pace – the treadmill keeps me on task and working hard.   By the way, I’m a huge fan of the treadmills from MatrixFitness.com, more on that in a bit. Today, I’m sharing my “Special Ks” Treadmill Run Workout that will help you learn to battle fatigue in the later miles of a marathon. Building up this speed and endurance will make you unstoppable and unbreakable and undeniably more race ready than yesterday.

Remember to PIN THIS and make it part of your next marathon training cycle!

This Treadmill "Special Ks" Workout will get you marathon ready - perfect way to stay motivated and on task during bad weather, travel or stuck at home.

After finishing this nearly 7.5 “fast-faster-fastest” workout with very little rest in between 1k intervals, you’ll probably stop looking at the treadmill as the weenie way to get in your workout. A good treadmill can give you so many workout options that will challenge your stamina, raw strength and relentless grit. You just need to have access to a good treadmill (why not buy one for home use?!) and know the machine’s capabilities. As I mentioned, I like the treadmills from MatrixFitness.com and I have my eye on one with all the bells and whistles that makes a runner-geek like me feel woozy with excitement. My goal is to have my very own in-house by mid-December as a little early holiday present for myself. With as much as I spend on race entries, travel and other must-haves for my fitness lifestyle, I feel like this is justifiable purchase. Plus, I’m worth it – haha!

Matrix Treadmills are awesome for home use.

These Matrix treadmills aren’t at all like those puny, pathetic ones that can’t keep up with my relentless workout style. With heavy-duty frames, extra-thick decks and super durable cushions, and they hold up beautifully for miles and miles of “getting after it.” The high-def consoles make it easy to monitor the status of my sweat fest and many models offer cutting-edge functionality including entertainment options, preprogrammed workouts, data transfer popular exercise/fitness apps, Bluetooth connectivity and some even with Passport compatibility, a “visual booster” that puts HD destination athlete point-of-view landscape footage on your home big screen television.

I use a Matrix Elliptical for my running recovery days.

For recovery days, my body responds to “riding” a gentle, ergonomic elliptical machine – active recovery is so important people! Just think how amazing it would be to have an Elliptical sitting in the corner of your bedroom or basement ready and waiting for 20 minutes of active recovery the day after an intense workout.

Check out MatrixFitness.com to find out what model of treadmill or elliptical suits your needs – they have quite a few options to suit your price point, space availability and workout needs. It’s an investment in staying fit and strong for life!

What percentage training do you do on a treadmill? What is your main reason for running on a treadmill?  Please share in the comments – XOXO, Jennifer

Join Me for “If Girls Ran The World” Virtual Running Event

if girls ran the world runner 2Today I am sharing a couple passions that are near and dear to my heart – 1) furthering the sport of women’s running for athletes of all abilities and 2) helping to give girls and women around the world the tools, skills and opportunities they need to live a safe, happy, healthy and abundant life. I’ve partnered with If Girls Ran the World, a non-profit running fundraising event to help put some wind (and hopefully a windfall of support) under the wings of these causes I so deeply care about.  It was truly an honor to be chosen as a Role Model for this program and work alongside so many talented and amazing women!

If Girls Ran the World Role Models

huger project girl eatingAs a fit foodie, the charity I’ve chosen to support is The Hunger Project, a strategic non-profit dedicated to the sustainable end of world hunger. Their vision is a world where every woman, man and child leads a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity. I love how this organization has used native WOMEN as key change agents in the more than 24,000 communities and rural villages they’ve worked in – women rock and they know how to get the job done!  I say, “Don’t stand in the way of a Mama Bear”!

During the entire month of October, members of my team (you can join) will commit to running as many miles as our hearts and legs lead us to. Please Register! You run on your time, at your pace, wherever and whenever it works for you. Whether you choose to walk 1 mile or run 10 miles or 1,000 miles, you set your own goal and pace. It’s easy and fun, you can use fitness tracking apps like Strava or MapMyFitness to track your miles or enter manually. Challenge yourself. Run often. Run happy. Run to feel good. Run to do good. This isn’t a competition, it’s a beautiful cause! This is important, EMPOWERING WOMEN AND GIRLS IS IMPORTANT. And, it’s also a nice side effect that we’re all out there exercising!

if girls ran the world jenniferlI hesitate “hit” y’all up for a donation, but you can still register (use BFF for 50% of the $25 fee) and join my team. Once you read through mission of If Girls Ran The World and The Hunger Project, I’m pretty sure you’ll want to chip in a bit. It doesn’t have to be a lot – even $5 or $10 would help me get to my goal.

Register for the Virtual Running Event (you don’t even have to run) and then head over to align yourself with Team Jennifer – TheFitFork.Com . Don’t forget to use code BFF to save 50% — which makes the event only $12.50 – in addition to doing good, you get the opportunity to take part in weekly fitness and fundraising challenges with prizes such as an Oiselle prize pack, a Fitbit Blaze, a year supply of Kind Snacks, Hoka One One shoes, a $500 donation to your cause of choice, and more. Plus if you personally commit to raising $250, you get some cute swag!  Drop a comment or email me at jennifer@thefitfork.com if you have any questions (the sign up process is a little confusing since there are a couple steps).

Thank you so much for reading all the way through and for your consideration of this important cause!  If you have troubles signing up or joining my team, please send me a message. Love ya! XOXO – Jennifer