More Fun, More Flavor – Mixing Up Health and Fitness Goals #changeameal

My only New Year Resolution for 2016 is to work towards my nutrition and fitness goals by doing more of what’s good for me and less of what’s not. How’s that for vague?!  I took a quick stop to Smoothie King this morning to grab a smoothie and swipe in some notes on my phone to flesh it out plans, that’s as formal as I’ll get.

Jennifer Fisher paddle board december 2015In terms of fitness, I’m focusing on activities that are fun for me like obstacle courses, yoga and stand up paddle boarding on the lake, and saying “no” to workouts that feel like punishment or fear/guilt driven.Yes, I am still training to be competitive as a master runner (not hanging my Altras up anytime soon), but have found that looking less at my watch (or not even wearing it) and listening more to my body is what works for me and has kept me injury free.Smoothie King has 20 meal replacement blended beverages to help fuel your health and fitness goals.

In terms of nutrition, I’m also doing more of what’s good for me and less of what’s not. I’m sticking with the higher protein diet that has kept me lean and at my racing weight for years. Even though I eat pretty clean, I’m all about being creative and adding tons of flavor with herbs, spices, produce and whatever I can find — no plain ole chicken breasts here. And I’m going to make a serious effort to kick my diet soda habit, pretty much my only vice. I think we can all agree that flavorful smoothies are such a better choice, filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber and quality protein and carbs to fuel the day.

healthy living inspiration -

I’m a big fan of Smoothie King, to help me meet these health and fitness goals (plus, it’s super yummy). Like me, this smoothie shop look at food as fuel to power a person through the day – and my day is filled with workouts, running and all sorts of kid craziness.  I’ve always been a fan of smoothies, especially those packed with protein. With my higher protein diet, I aim for 20g to 30g of protein, about four times per day.

On busy days, grabbing a healthy blended beverage at Smoothie King is a quick and convenient way to work toward achieving my protein goal and helps me to refuel taxed muscles right after a workout while keeping the “hangries” away until the next meal or healthy snacking opportunity.

Smoothie King Lean 1 Chocolate

I don’t drink smoothies to lose weight*, rather to fuel my fitness goals.  However, Smoothie King makes a wide array of blended beverages that can be used as for meal replacement – abundance of protein and fiber keeps you feeling full longer. Most 20-ounce serving, come in under 400 calories and a minimum of 10 grams of protein and 35 grams of quality carbs (a few specific smoothies vary off these benchmarks).

Smoothie King #ChangeAMeal

Today at Smoothie King I was almost overwhelmed with the huge assortment of meal replacement smoothies included in their healthy #ChangeAMeal promotion. Twenty smoothies are in this creamy, delicious line-up including Gladiator® Chocolate, Gladiator® Strawberry, Gladiator® Vanilla, The Activator® Chocolate, The Activator® Vanilla, Lean1® Chocolate, Lean1® Strawberry, Lean1® Vanilla, Lean1® Tropical, Vegan Dark Chocolate Banana, Vegan Mango Kale, Greek Yogurt Pineapple Mango, Greek Yogurt Strawberry Blueberry, Greek Yogurt Peach Papaya, The Shredder™ Chocolate, The Shredder™ Strawberry, The Shredder™ Vanilla, High Protein Almond Mocha, High Protein Banana and High Protein Chocolate. Here are some of the 20 choices:
smoothie king smoothies

Guess which healthy protein smoothie I picked?  The Lean1® Chocolate made with protein, banana and almonds with no added sugar – the 20-ounce  rich and creamy smoothie had 310 calories with 19g protein. Seriously, it could have been an ice cream shop milkshake, it was that decadent tasting!

Change a Meal Challenge Smoothie King #ChangeAMealENTER TO WIN!  Share your 2016 health and fitness goals, showing how you creatively #changeameal with Smoothie King. The more smoothie selfies or social comments you post with this hashtag (between December 28 – March 31, 2016), the more chances you have to win awesome prizes like Smoothies For A Year, a gift card to Southwest Airlines, a YMCA membership and more

Get started on your own tasty health and fitness journey with a $2.99 smoothie coupon by joining the e-kingdom.  Plus, download the free loyalty app and earn loyalty rewards every time you #changeameal.

*Please Note: *Weight loss is dependent on each individual’s needs and is based on a low-calorie diet combined with an exercise program. Consult your physician before beginning any diet program.*

What are your health and fitness goals? How are you fueling them? What is your favorite flavor smoothie?  Please share in the comments below, XOXO — Jennifer 

Pomegranate Beet Smoothie and Hill Country Half Marathon Win

Pomegranat - thefitfork.comFirst, let’s fruit chat, because food always comes first — even before winning races! Anyway, it’s that time of year – pomegranates are on parade at the grocery store now through early winter!  This big red fruit is a precious member of my produce bin, those little arils inside look like ruby-red jewels and razzle dazzle with sparkling flavor. In addition to big flavor, pomegranates are a superfood offering an abundant supply of antioxidants, potassium and vitamin C – and are also a good source of dietary fiber.

Pomegranate at Fresh Summit and TheFitForkThis past weekend at Fresh Summit (Produce Marketing Association) I got to see all the pomegranates in every imaginable way – from whole fruit and pre-packaged arils for convenience to a variety of juices and sweet snacks. The pomegranates I see in my market are about the size of a softball, but some of the beauties being shown off at this produce convention were almost the size of bowling balls.

Pomegranates are picked and delivered ripe, so pomegranates can be purchased and enjoyed right away.  A tip to take home the best in the bushel is to look for a pomegranate that feels heavier than it looks – a good indicator that the inside is loaded with juicy flesh. You can keep whole pomegranates on the counter for a week or so and in the product bin of your fridge for up to three months! However, once the arils are removed, it’s best to enjoy them within three days. In addition to the smoothie recipe I’m sharing below, pomegranate arils are also excellent sprinkled on salads, yogurt and mixed into sauces.

Pomegranate Beet Smoothie Pomegranates are juicy good news for everyone, and maybe even more so for individuals with an active lifestyle.   Some research suggests the polyphenols in the juice of pomegranates can help offset delayed-onset muscle fatigue in trained athletes. Beets (also in the featured smoothie recipe) are high in nitrates which can help reduce the oxygen cost of exercise and enhance efficiency. This is why I’ve always loved a beet juice smoothie — check out my Sweet Beet Smoothie.  Plus, with the quality protein found whatever protein powder you use (or the Core Power I like), perfect for pre-workout fueling and post-exercise recovery, this Pomegranate, Blueberry, Beet Protein Smoothie is a winner in every way!

Edit: I recently came across Beet Juice Powder — I love it! It’s more economical than buying pre-made juice and waaaaaaay less messing than juice beets at home.  

Pomegranate Beet Smoothie Pomegranate, Blueberry, Beet Protein Smoothie: In a blender, add 12 ounces vanilla almond milk, one scoop protein powder (or sub one bottle of Core Power Vanilla for milk and protein powder), ½ cup pomegranate juice, ¼ cup pomegranate arils, ½ frozen blueberries, and ½ cup shredded fresh beet. Blend until smooth, adding ice as needed to achieve desired consistency. 

Jennifer Fisher winner 2015 Hill Country Half MarathonI also want to give you the quick recap on the Hill Country Trivium on October 18, 2015 – there was a 10k, a half marathon and full marathon. I ran the half marathon and the recap — It. Was. Hilly. I am no stranger to hills, we have plenty in my neighborhood and I’ve been an ambassador for the hilly Zooma Women’s Race Series in the Texas “Hill Country.”  This race I would say was comparable in hills to Zooma, but with an extra bad boy that started at mile 4 and pretty much lasted through mile 5 – or so it seems. It was rough, it was tough, but I got up – I wish I would have looked back over my shoulder to see the challenge of the climb (which reduced me to walking more than once). I used the mantra from the Unbroken story more than once — “If you can take it, you can make it”!

Jennifer Fisher Hill Country Half Marathon Course REcord in AltraSo, I endured the hills and the suffering and the story ended well – I WON the half marathon as the first female finisher and also the FIRST finisher male or female. Yup, I chicked the guys – knowing I was probably going to pull it off was all that kept my lactic-acid, jello’d out legs going in the final two miles — that and my awesome The Ones from Altra Running (light for speed yet just enough cushion in the roomy toe box to keep feet happy coming down the steep hills).   Also a fun touch at the race – everyone got a slice of pie at the finish!

Check out my friend Jill Conner’s blog for great fitness and life inspiration —
like Tips for a Productive To-Do List! I so need that!


Do you like running in hills? What’s the hilliest race you’d finished? Pomegranates — do you buy the whole fruit or the pre-packaged arils? Please share in the comments, XOXO – Jennifer

EnlightenMINT Mint Protein Smoothie #BeFitForLife

EnlightenMINT Protein SmoothieOne of the perks of finding a really good vanilla protein powered like Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake is that it can be the body-making base for so many healthy recipes – everything from whips, ice creams, baked goods (like my protein donuts) and more! Of course a smoothie is a smart way to use protein powder and my EnlightenMINT Mint Protein Smoothie will leave you with a whole new understanding of light, bright smoothiliciousness while enjoying a full feeling that won’t fatten you up (just 200 calories following the recipe).

EnlightenMINT Protein Shake with Bowflex Fitness Shake

In addition to the Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake mix, this EnlightenMINT Mint Protein Smoothie features bits of frozen banana, pineapple, kale and fresh mint leaves.  It’s so good, you’ll want do double the recipe to share with a friend.

Here’s how you make it:  Add 10 ounces of water to blender jar along with one scoop French Vanilla Fitness Shake powder, 3 oz. frozen banana (about 1/2), 2 oz. frozen pineapple, one kale leaf torn in shreds and 6 mint leaves. Process until smooth, adding ice to desired consistency. Serves 1.

Eating enough protein not only helps slim you down and fill you out in all the right places! That’s right, you can build a better bod by making sure you’re getting 25 – 30 grams of protein and EVERY meal and supplementing with protein-rich snacks throughout the day and at bedtime if you are an athlete or lead a very active lifestyle. Eating enough protein helps create a feeling of satisfaction after meals and keeps sugar crashes away. Research shows that adequate protein at meals starting in the morning can lead to weight loss and management. And, most of us runners, CrossFitters, weight-lifters and other fitness aficionados know that protein after an intense workout is a MUST to support the body’s ongoing growth, repair, and maintenance of its skeletal muscle groups. And, for those of us over 40 years old, it helps fight off Father Time at a time when muscle mass is allegedly supposed to be diminishing.

Fit Girl Abs

So, I’ll let you know one of my stay lean secrets. I’ve been drinking Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake all summer and into the fall – it truly is one of the best-tasting protein powders I’ve ever had straight from the shaker bottle. Just put a scoop in with ice and water and give a good shake. It’s has a creamy and rich taste without the addition of anything but water, but you can add one of the Boosters designed for specific purposes:

The fitness shake on its own (not the smoothie recipe) has only 125 calories per serving and 15 grams of the highest quality proteins. In addition you get 5g prebiotic fiber, only 5g sugar and 16 potent antioxidants including acai, goji, pomegranate, mangosteen, spinach, kale and more.  It is also lactose free, soy free, low sodium and low fat, whahoo!  So nutrient dense, the Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake makes a great meal replacement once a day to drop a few pounds quickly and safely (check out the success stories). For those of you who need more food to fuel your warrior day or want to build muscle, I suggest adding the Peanut Butter Protein booster (+10g) for sustained energy and some extra quality calories.

Bowflex Body Fitness Shake Protein Powder and Boosters


Bowflex Fitness Shake and BoostersTry it for yourself! Use the discount code BOWFLEXSHAKE to get 20% off products along with free shipping and handling. Plus, the company has a satisfaction-guaranteed policy. Check it out!

So, do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? Do you like mint? Have you met your abs?  Please share in the comments below — XOXO, Jennifer


This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Bowflex Body.

Sharing my Stay Lean Secrets + #BowflexBody Giveaway

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Bowflex Body.

BowFlex Body Fitness Shakes after a run with Jennifer of TheFitFork.comI am totally in love with Bowflex Body, a collection of premium nutrition products that features a French Vanilla Fitness Shake powder with packets of “mix-ins” including fat-burning rich chocolate, protein-boosting peanut butter or antioxidant-packed mixed berry. Bowflex Body is one of my secrets to staying lean. The other tactics I used to keep my body weight and fat ratios where I want them include with eating adequate protein spaced through the day, monitoring my carb intake (but keeping some for quick energy) and continuity and variety in exercise — I like to mix it up with running, obstacle training, CrossFit, yoga, paddle boarding to keep my body and mind prepared and motivated. Anyway, I’ve shared about this great product earlier in the summer along with a Bodyweight Leg Workout – if you missed it, check it out!  Also, read to the bottom of the post, because I’m hosting a giveaway.

I really love the idea of the mix-ins to the base protein shake. It kind of reminds me of asking for a “booster” at that not-to-be-named smoothie chain I pass on the way home from the gym — but with hardly any of the sugar that those types of “healthy” blended beverages hold in disguise.  The raspberry smoothie in a 16-ounce small size packs 290 calories, just 2 grams of protein – and 54 grams of sugar! Compare that to 125 calories, 15 grams of high quality protein and only 5 grams of sugar for the Bowflex Body French Vanilla Protein Shake —  I’m sticking with the latter to stay lean!Abs are 30% gym and 70% diet You  can workout all you want, but you won’t get to that point of good muscle definition if you’re not lean. Yes, I stay at a low body fat through exercise, but also by making sure I’ve been eating enough protein spaced through the day. Yoga Dancer Pose

Staying lean this summer with Bowflex Fitness Shakes

So, instead a smoothie shop stop, I’ve been sticking my blender bottle pre-filled with a scoop of the French Vanilla Fitness Shake and a couple of the boosters in my gym bag to refuel with after a hard workout or intense run – or often just to see me through a session, since I’m usually breaking sweat over the lunch hour. All I have to do is add cold water and shake, shake, shake!

Bowflex Body Fitness Shakes Giveaway at

One thing I’ll say about Bowflex Body products, they really do taste great straight from the blender bottle mixed with plain water. Other protein powders I’ve used have often had a chalky, hard to swallow texture if they weren’t combined with some sort of milk (alike almond or coconut) – or pureed up into a smoothie with banana for creaminess. But, really and truly, the French Vanilla Fitness Shake stands on its own merits for deliciousness. Plus, the exclusive blend of premium ingredients combined with powerful antioxidants, essential nutrients and immune enhancing ingredients help burn fat, build lean muscle, and protect my body.

I’ve been drinking these shakes all summer, and they’ve helped to curb my cravings and made me feel full longer – it’s been a great addition to my protein challenge when it’s not convenient to whip a steak or rotisserie chicken out of my purse. With only 125 calories per serving and 15 grams of the highest quality proteins, a shake makes a great meal replacement once a day to drop a few pounds quickly and safely (check out the success stories here). I suggest adding the Peanut Butter Protein booster (+10g) for sustained energy.

I’m happy where my weight is, and honestly I could stand to gain a little muscle in some places (uhhh, my booty), so at dinner time, I use the Vanilla Fitness Shake as my beverage of choice along with the light salads and grilled dishes I typically eat.  For the ladies who “wine,” you’ll find yourself in such a leaner place if you swap out your nightly “sip” with a protein shake – 5 ounces of wine has 123 calories and has no protein while 1 scoop of the French Vanilla Fitness Shake mixed with water has 125  calories and 15 grams protein!


Bowflex Body Fitness Shake Protein Powder and BoostersPremium French Vanilla Fitness Shake: Start with this powdered mix as your base and blend into water or your milk of choice. The instructions say use 8 ounces of liquid but I’ve used more and it still tastes great. Not only does it taste super creamy and delicious, but for just 125 calories, you get 15g high quality protein, 5 g prebiotic fiber, only 5g sugar and 16 potent antioxidants including acai, goji, pomegranate, mangosteen, spinach, kale and more.  It is also lactose free, soy free, low sodium and low fat.

Rich Chocolate Booster for Fat Burning: Toss in one of these 10-calorie packets to kick up your metabolism with Garcinia cambogia, green coffee bean, African mango and cocoa exacts.

 Peanut Butter Booster for Muscle Management: Add a packet of this booster to help grow, maintain and provide workout recovery benefits to your muscles. This advanced protein formula gives you an additional 10g on top of the 15g already in each serving of shake.

 Mixed Berry Booster for Extra Antioxidant Benefits: This refreshing mix-in gives the already vitamin and antioxidant-loaded vanilla shake an extra one-two punch of protection with blueberry, raspberry and strawberry extracts blended to help fight free radicals.

Use the discount code BOWFLEXSHAKE to get 20% off products along with free shipping and handling.  You can also enter the giveaway to win a Bowflex Body Sample Pack that includes the vanilla shake (3 packs) along one each of the boosters plus a pack of their Daily Energy and Pre-Workout Energy (Sample Pack is also available for sale at Bowflex with free shipping and handling). Enter for chance to win via the Rafflecopter app below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

DIY Cranberry Vanilla Sugar Scrub #BerryBeautyTrends #AzoCranGummies

Creamy Cranberry Orange Smoothie - TheFitFork.comSome people only think of cranberries during the holidays, but these little tart berries are awesome all year ‘round! Especially in summer tossed in recipes like my Creamy Cranberry Orange Smoothie, whirled up and frozen into fruit pops or tossed atop salads. Having a hard time tracking down fresh packages of this bog berry in warm weather months? Then, do what I do – stock up at the produce section right after Thanksgiving and Christmas (they are often also on sale) and then stick the straight into the freezer in original packaging where they’ll stay good for at least six months – or longer if packed air tight in a zip-top freezer bag.

You can also use cranberries to make a really effective and inexpensive sugar scrub! Natural beauty experts say that skin-care with cranberries is perfect for the acne-prone or those who have oily skin because – you can thank the berry’s inherent antibacterial properties. Used in a sugar scrub, cranberries also help to smooth skin texture and brighten your complexion.  My DIY berry beauty treatment only takes a few ingredients and few minutes to whip up — the “recipe” for Cranberry Vanilla Body Scrub makes enough for you and another container to give as a gift!

Make your own Cranberry Vanilla Sugar Scrub that is great for acne-pron and oily skin -- plus is softens and smooths!

Another important health benefit of cranberries is the prevention of urinary tract infections. After the flu and the common cold, urinary tract infections (UTI) are the most common medical complaint among women age over the age of 18 – and the majority of us will experience the significant discomfort (to put it mildly) of a UTI at least once during their lives. If you’ve ever had one, you know UTIs are a real pisser, to put it bluntly.

You’ve probably heard that drinking cranberry juice may help prevent UTIs. But why? According to WebMD, researchers used to think that cranberries created a more acidic environment that bacteria wouldn’t want to grow in. Now they believe that cranberries contain compounds that prevent infection-causing bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls – while research is still evolving, it appears that either the antioxidants in cranberries alter the bacteria in some way or create a slippery coating on urinary tract walls that keep bacteria from adhering or maybe both.

azo bottleBut, what if you don’t like the taste of cranberry juice, can’t drink it for dietary reasons, or it’s just not convenient to have a jug of the juice on hand at all times? You should try AZO Cranberry Gummies – just two of these mixed berry-flavored gummies provides the equivalent health benefits of a 10-ounce glass of cranberry juice**.  AZO Cranberry Gummies contain Pacran®, a super-concentrated cranberry powder that helps flush the urinary tract to maintain cleanliness.  The gummies taste really great and are an easy solution if you are worried about UTIs — AZO also has a bunch of other products that help women dealing with other delicate problems.

azo prizeAlso, don’t miss out on the Berry Beauty Sweepstakes – you could win a Berry Beauty Basket full of Sephora Goodies!



Have you ever made a DIY beauty product? Do tell! Share in the comments below – XOXO, Jennifer 


Disclaimer Stuff: I am being compensated to share my honest opinion of AZO Cranberry Gummies. **Biological activity of 10oz cranberry juice cocktail. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AZO Cranberry® used under license by i-Health, Inc. Pacran® is a trademark of Naturex.