How to Age Proof Your Abs – Diet, Workouts, Wellness for 40+

The plain truth is, as we get a little older, it’s harder to make muscles and convince them to stick around, especially in the abdominal area. The potential for maximum muscle mass lasts until the 30s, after that it’s a small gradual decline in mass month by month, year by year. Gasp, experts say a sedentary lifestyle can result in a 3 to 5 percent decline per decade! This loss of muscle is often replaced by a little extra padding around the middle or “muffin top,” even if you are in good or reasonable shape overall. Plus, the hormonal changes brought on by peri-menopause or full-on menopause don’t help matters much.How to Age Proof Your Abs in 40s 50s and beyond

The quest for a flat mid-section or six-pack abs in middle age or older shouldn’t be about rocking a bikini or turning heads at the gym, although I guess these are nice side benefits – but, haven’t we moved past this ego feed?!  Instead, appreciate what a strong core through functional fitness can do for your daily living. Strong abs help improve balance, stability, back strength and posture, and, in my opinion, can make you feel and look 10 years younger.  A strong core also lessens the chance for injury from actual exercise or random stupid stuff, like twisting the wrong way while holding a bag of groceries, keeping up with your kids, or even playing with grand kids.  Read on to get the tips on How To Age Proof Your Abs Continue reading

10 Women Slaying Pull-Ups, Calisthenics & Ninja Skills on Instagram

I’m celebrating strong, fit, badass women today by sharing my my list of 10 Women Absolutely Slaying Pull-Ups, Calisthenics and Ninja Skills on Instagram.  Of course, this is not an all-inclusive group, but just some of my favorites that I check in on from time to time for workout inspiration. There are American Ninja Warriors, Spartan Pros, CrossFit Champs, Street Workout winners and more. 10 Women of Instagram Absolutely Slaying Pull-Ups, Calisthenics and Ninja Skills

Check out the list!

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3 Pull-Up Workouts for Grins and Gains – Beginner to Advanced

Let me tell you why I love pull-ups so much. Pull ups are convenient, you only need a bar or grips to hang from. Pull-ups are a compound exercise that target multiple muscles at once for maximum gains. Pull-ups never get boring because there are so many different varieties — plain, kipping, l-sits, fat-grip, rope, etc. 3 Workouts for Pull-Up Grins and Gains

Check out these Three Workouts for Pull-Up Grins and Gains and get going! There is something for everyone, from beginners to pull-up pros! I use the ability to “pull up” all the time while competing in Spartan and other obstacle course races, how do you think you get over those 10 foot walls or up a rope?  Continue reading

How Many Pull Ups Should I Be Able to Do?

How many pull ups should I be able to do? To answer this question, you honestly need to ask yourself, how many pull ups do I WANT to do and am I willing to put in the practice? As mere mortals, we are all limited in the number of unbroken reps we can or will ever be able to complete. But, if you are hungry to do more than just hang from the bar, your potential in this body weight exercise can be maximized with daily practice, strength-training, skill improvement, and an “eye of the tiger” attitude.How Many Pull Ups Should I be Able to Do?

While I’ve never been an advocate of judging one’s self against others, sometimes seeing where you stack up against others can be motivating.  Read on to find out how many pull-ups girls, boys, women and men should be able to complete according to various sources. Continue reading

Pre Workout Stretches to Lessen Hand Pain + Curamin® to #StopPainNow

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. All opinions are mine alone. #StopPainNow #CollectiveBias

As a growing-older yet still goal-oriented athlete, I decided it was about time to give the finger to my chronic hand pain. Stiff hands and sore thumb joint was making it increasingly difficult to enjoy and compete in the sports I love, like obstacle course racing and Crossfit. Even yoga, which had once been a source of relaxation had become stressful as I could no longer splay my hands out flat on the ground without significant discomfort.curamin stop pain now

But, thankfully, I found Curamin® Stop Pain Now, a safe, effective, non-addictive herbal formula that has gotten me back in the literal and figurative game. Read on to learn more about how this #1 selling brand can be your first line of defense against chronic pain. Also, check out my Pre-Workout Hand Stretches to Lessen Pain for even more relief.

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