Tips (and Teas) for Sleep Deprived Runners

This post is sponsored by Celestial Seasonings but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for everyone, especially those in endurance sports including running, swimming, biking and obstacle course racing. It’s during sleep hours that our bodies do the bulk of recovery from our daily hard training and builds us into better athletes.  Tips ((and Tea) for Sleep Deprived Runners

A few years ago, I went through a long bout of insomnia (sleeping only 4 to 5 hours a night) and just figured I could power through it with little or no consequence. However, I became increasingly anxious, irritable, had difficulty concentrating and made rash decisions. I wasn’t seeing improvements in my runs and workouts and many days I wouldn’t have the muscle strength or endurance to get them done. My stress was out of control as evidenced by sky-high cortisol levels that would never level out during the day as they should. I knew I needed to do something about my “sleep hygiene” pronto. Creating a “calming” ritual by drinking a healthy tea in the evening, was one of my strategies. Read on to learn my tactics and tips for better sleep:

Run in the morning. If you run after work or in the evening it might take you into the wee hours to konk out, consider switching your exercise schedule to earlier in the day. While some studies have shown that working out before bed doesn’t necessarily interrupt ability to sleep, it still can bothersome – like me. That’s because my core temperature is cranked up and body/mind connection stimulated and I don’t have long enough to wind down – so I try to run between the hours of pre-breakfast or lunch. While there are benefits to night exercise (some research says muscle function, strength and oxygen uptake/utilizing peak in the evening hours), but these benefits are of no use if falling asleep at night to recover becomes a problem.

Cinnamon Mocha Energy Bites for Marathon

Add more carbs to your diet. A study showed that small snacks rich in carbohydrates may help improve sleep, generally speaking, and another the Journal of Sports Nutrition suggested that “carbohydrate intervention” in highly trained athletes is correlated with better sleep and mood.  Remember, complex carbs (like fruits or whole grains) always a better choice over sugary simple carbs (like cookies and cakes). My Cinnamon Mocha Energy Bites (sweetened with dates and honey) are a yummy choice.  In addition, milk or dairy products have been shown to be sleep inducing, plus I like that it introduces a little punch of protein. Milk has L-tryptophan, which has been shown to help people go to sleep.

*I enjoy drinking a Caffeine Free Sleepytime Herbal Tea from Celestial Seasonings with a little milk or cream and honey for a bedtime snack ritual.

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Teas for Wellness

Avoid caffeine after lunch. While caffeine is a popular and legal ergogenic aid for athletes, if you take it in too late in the day, it can interfere with good sleep. Experts say that 400mg of caffeine is a suggested daily limit (and that about 1.5mg per pound of body weight is a good pre-workout “dose”), however some people can have more or less depending on their tolerance or genetic ability to metabolize the stimulate. Stop consuming caffeine about six hours before bed, and if still a problem, avoid all caffeine sources after lunchtime, as remnants of caffeine can stay in your body for up to 12 hours. Remember, caffeine is found not in coffee and tea, but also in soda, chocolate, certain OTC medications, and many sports nutrition products (read your labels).

*Caffeine Free Wellness Teas from Celestial Seasonings make a relaxing beverage when it’s time to wind down and take the hurriedness of life down a notch.

caffeine free detox tea

Avoid problem foods at night. Of course, eating too much right before bed may feel like a ton of bricks has hit you and keep you from catching quality Zzzz’s. However, healthy foods can also be sleep stealers for some including foods like tomato sauce, citrus, chocolate and other acidic foods which can cause reflux; cruciferous veggies (like cauliflower and broccoli) or beans which are hard for some to digest and cause gas; and “spicy” foods with peppers, garlic or onions.

I take a proactive approach to my high-veggie yet sometimes too salty diet “bloat” with Caffeine Free Sleepytime Detox Tea from Celestial Seasoning. It promotes natural cleansing with aloe, green rooibos, and dandelion root. I wake up feeling lean, mean and ready to run!

Take a warm bath.  Saying you don’t have time for a warm, relaxing bath is part of the problem! Slow down and make time for a nice soak that soothes your senses instead of a quickie shower — you’ll sleep so much better

Be mindful to meditate. Many runners logging loads of miles have an A-type personality. While this go-getter attitude is great for smashing goals, it can often create stress and raise cortisol levels – a vicious cycle that interrupts sleep and precious workout recovery.

*I also like to calm myself with Caffeine Free Sleepytime Extra Tea from Celestial Seasonings that features calming valerian to promote relaxation.

sleeptytime celestial seasonings sinus soother

Tend to seasonal allergies and colds. Coughing, sniffling and stuffiness definitely interferes with wanting to run AND getting a good night sleep. Unfortunately, runners at the peak of their training schedules or who have just completed a big race have lowered immunity and are at risk of getting sick, it’s called the “Let Down Effect.”  Your best defense is to nourish your body with good food choices, wash your hands and stay away from known allergens or sick people, and, if you do get sick, treat your allergies or cold as directed by a doctor.

*I also like to use Caffeine Free Sleepytime Sinus Soother Tea from Celestial Seasonings when I’m having respiratory discomfort – the tea with uplifting menthol aroma includes herbal ingredients like tulsi and nettle to help.

celestial seasonings herbal teas for wellness - caffeine free

I am a big fan of Celestial Seasonings due to their great selection of caffeine-free herbal teas for wellness. I especially like their Sleepytime teas (that I purchase at Walmart, found on the coffee/tea aisle) because they fit into my healthy lifestyle, offer a variety of functional flavors, and are very affordable. I also love the company’s dedication to sustainability by offering stringless tea bags packaged in recycled boxes. Plus, those special words of wisdom and quotes each box of healthy teas always gives me inspiration for the day!

Sleepytime herbal teas from Celestial Seasonings

Do you have a sleep tip to share? What is your worst “sleep deprived” story — mine would be having insomnia, trying to go for a long run at 3am and coming in the path of a mountain lion (I have never run again in the middle of night)! Drop a note in the comments – XOXO, Jennifer 

4 thoughts on “Tips (and Teas) for Sleep Deprived Runners

    • They are super tasty, I have a big batch in the freezer that I pull out a few at a time (so I don’t eat them all at once, haha!)

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