15-Minute Couch Workout – Turn Downtime into Found Fitness Time

It boggles my mind and makes me feel cooped up when I hear that the average American watches 5 hours and 4 minutes of TV per day (That’s why we need the couch workout that I’m sharing below)! I watch a tiny, tiny fraction of that, unless I’m binging on some of my recent favorite shows like Silicone Valley, Stranger Things or The Crown. And even then, it’s just a couple episodes at a time, and I can fast-forward through the commercials – if there even ARE any. 15 Minute Couch Workout

However, it’s even more revealing to learn that 4 ½ of these hours are spent watching live television (not necessarily “live” but traditionally broadcast where you get stuck with the commercials) and only 30 minutes of DVR shows. Think of all the time wasted sitting on your butt being influenced by messages from the sponsor?! Another study says that in an hour time slot of television, nearly one-fourth is filled with ads! Turn this down time with into “found” time for fitness with my 15-minute Couch Workout. Read on the get all the details. Continue reading

7 Ways to Keep Fitness Fun!

Life Time Fitness has provided me membership and services in return for sharing my experience. All thoughts, opinions and enthusiasm are my own.

I’ve dabbled in gymnastics and playground sports as a child, but it wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I discovered running and began to consider myself a serious athlete. Now, 25 years later, I’m still running strong, able to compete at a fairly high level, and continually grow with new fitness challenges like yoga, weight-lifting, and obstacle course racing.Life Time Fitness Jennifer Fisher thefitfork.com

There are a few reasons why I think I’ve never burned out of sports and been self-drafted to the armchair. The first is consistency, I’ve just made being fit part of my lifestyle and engage in some sort of physical activity on a daily basis. The second, is how I’m wired; I have a personal drive to compete with myself and others without letting it affect my confidence, win or lose. The third, and what I’m talking about mostly today, is that even in serious training cycles, I enthusiastically believe in “keeping fit fun.” Read on to find out 7 Ways to Keep Fit Fun and how I’ve been #KeepingFitFun lately at Life Time Fitness. Continue reading

Hate to Wait? Skip the Line at Doctor + Squeeze in a Workout

This post is sponsored by MinuteClinic® , however all opinions, experiences and enthusiasm are my own.

minute clinic waiting room 2Waiting in line, I hate it. Just spent an hour on hold with the Department of Motor Vehicles and found out that there is a 3 month wait to get a “scheduled” behind the wheel driving test for my son . . . or we can come in and wait all day with no guarantees. Uh, that makes me want to scream and punch someone – I’m a busy working mom, who doesn’t have time to sit around in a waiting room all day. Same sentiments for the doctor’s office, I’m not a big fan of wasting my precious time reading stale magazines and digging through my purse for mints to fuel an hour plus wait.

When I have a simple medical need, like need a flu shot, allergy relief, or basic physical exam I’ve already been going to the MinuteClinic® that’s located in my neighborhood CVS for treatment. This is so much easier than trekking into downtown to see my primary caregiver (if I can even get lucky enough to score a same day appointment with him) and they take most insurances.  MinuteClinic® has always made it easy to just walk right in and get an appointment – sometimes there is no wait, other times it’s been a bit longer but not bad. But now, MinuteClinic® has come up with a genius solution that benefits everyone — a new digital tool from that allows me to view wait times at my local MinuteClinic® and hold a place in line from the convenience of my computer or smartphone.

cure for the common wait graphic minuteclinic

This means my “waiting room” isn’t the clinic; it can be wherever location I desire – a nearby coffee shop, the park, the grocery store. It totally appeals to my multi-tasking gene – Even if I don’t have other errands to do, knowing I have a spot in “line” allows me to linger at home just a little bit longer and knock off some work on my computer, in the garden, or routine household chores – or, better yet, score a little extra time in my yoga practice.

So, today, I checked in on the wait times of the two closest locations and reserved my spot at the one showing the shortest wait – it was only estimated at 30 minutes and honestly my drive time was going to use up 20 minute.  Thanks to this new appointment scheduling procedure, I determined I had 10 minutes “free” to knock out the easy-sounding (but actually sneaky-tough) body weight workout below. Heck, you could even do this 10 minute workout in an actual waiting room and use the chair for the step-ups.

You Got "Mad Ups" Body Weight Workout -- knock out these exercises in about 10 minutes and be done for the day!

So, I had might have headed off to my MinuteClinic® a little tired and sweaty. When I got there, I checking in on the touch-screen computer and saw that I just had a few more minutes of wait time. minute clinic waiting room 3

minute clinic waiting roomHowever, I hardly had time to peruse the huge display of greeting cards CVS had displayed right by the clinic sign-in area.

My check-up was awesome, the nurse practitioner was very friendly yet professional and did a thorough job – I learned my BMI and got all my vitals checked (she determined I’m healthy – haha)!  Additionally, I got the results of my blood work (cholesterol, blood glucose, etc.) right there in the exam room with her – at my primary caregiver I have to wait a week for the results!

This new sign-in tool is going to make my life so much easier; you need to give it a try! It’s the #CureForTheCommonWait

What would you do with your spare time if you weren’t waiting in andoctor’s office? What’s the longest “wait time” you’ve had for an appointment?  Please share in the comments below – XOXO, Jennifer

Fit, Flavorful, Fast Dinner Ideas – Ragu and My Funny Family

I have to admit, making long complicated recipes is NOT a family tradition. I do it sometimes, but not on typical nights when I am trying to fit in running, working out or watching the kids play their sports – you know, HAVING FUN!  Instead, I tend to fly by the seat of my pants and let creativity reign, based on what I happen to have in the fridge, produce bin and pantry. So, I guess you could say dinner traditions in my family of five are rooted in being quick and easy yet fresh and flavorful – you’ll see this with the two RAGÚ pasta sauce recipes I’m sharing today (Eight-Minute Egg & Zucchini Ragu and Low-Carb Chicken Club Zoodles).

Ragu pasta sauces are simmered in tradition and the perfect meal solution for my busy nights.

jen and dean college

Yeah, here we are in 1986 — the early Ragu days.

One ingredient that is always on hand help me pull off a speedy supper is RAGÚ® Pasta Sauce. When I say I’m a fan, I mean it – I’ve been eating the RAGÚ® Traditional Sauce (and now Organic Traditional) for 30 years beginning when I first met my husband in college (It’s the only sauce we eat)! Who has time for homemade, really?!

I appreciate how RAGÚ® does all hard work, and when I pop open the jar it tastes just like grandmother’s secret recipe that had been simmering all day.  That’s because RAGÚ® has super high standards and uses no artificial anything or high fructose corn syrup – it’s slowly simmered to add layers of insane flavor, just like Assunta’s (the single-mom founder) original recipe from way back in 1937.

So, this first vegetable pasta recipe is seriously made in eight minutes – Egg & Zucchini Ragu. It’s my go-to meal solution when totally slammed but in need of a nutritious meal packed with protein and fresh veggies. By the way, did you now that a serving of Ragu pasta sauces is the equivalent of two servings of veggies?!

Eight Minute Egg & Zucchini Ragu

Eight Minute Egg & Zucchini Ragu

  • 2 large zucchini, spiralized or cut in julienned strips
  • 1 cup Ragu Organic Traditional Sauce
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 to 4 eggs (depending on appetite)
  • Salt and Red Pepper flakes, to taste
  • Garnish – snipped basil

Directions: Place zucchini in microwave-safe bowl, top with lid slightly cracked. Steam in microwave for 1 ½ to 2 minutes or until softened, but not mushy.  Add pasta sauce and microwave for an additional 30 to 45 seconds, stirring well after to combine. Heat olive oil in small skillet and cook eggs sunny side up, until yolks set to preferred consistency. Top eggs on pasta and salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with snipped basil. Serves 2.

Low Carb Chicken Club Zoodles

My second under ten minute dinner fix (Low Carb Chicken Club Zoodles) is a yummy use for nights when I have some slowcooker chicken already in the fridge (I make big, big batches at once) or have swung by the store for a rotisserie chicken.  I love to use zucchini in place of traditional noodles to keep the grains and carbs down – I like to eat a higher protein diet and prefer most of my carbs to come from fruits and veggies.

Low Carb Chicken Club Zoodles

  • 2 large zucchini, spiralized or cut in julienned strips
  • 1 cup Ragu Organic Traditional Sauce
  • 12 ounces shredded slow cooker or rotisserie chicken with skin removed
  • 4 slices par-cooked bacon
  • 1 ounce shredded cheese of choice

Directions: Place zucchini in microwave-safe bowl, top with lid slightly cracked. Steam in microwave for 1 ½ to 2 minutes or until softened, but not mushy.  Add pasta sauce and chicken and microwave for an additional 60 seconds, stirring well after to combine. Wrap bacon in paper towel and microwave for 30 seconds or per package instructions. Sprinkle top of pasta with bacon and cheese before serving. Serves 2.

davis spoon balancing 2015I have another family dinner tradition to share – and it’s just being silly. With three now teenage boys, it can get pretty crazy and rowdy at the dinner table. More than one time, I’ve spewed water out my nose – the utensil balancing contests always crack me up.  We’ve been doing it for years, as you can see – youngest son holds the record number of spoons and forks balance.  Yes, we’re weird – but these are indelible (if insane) memories to enjoy along with the RAGÚ®  Pasta Sauce.

So, what are your favorite family dinner traditions – recipes or activities? Please share in the comments below – XOXO, Jennifer 

5 Ways to Get Teens’ Taste Buds to Grow Up + Visa GC Giveaway

Even though my family eats (mostly) a healthy diet, I’ve been encouraging my teenagers to break their monotonous meal preferences and try new dishes with exciting flavors. As they move through high school and college there are so many diverse and cultural eating experiences that will be missed (along with a wider array of nutrients) if they are dead set on having turkey meatballs, plain brown rice and an undressed salad for dinner (an all-too-common menu). That’s why I was excited to hear how Birds Eye Veggies is on a mission to redefine the way we all eat our vegetables with their Birds Eye® Flavor Full line of bold and exciting veggies that can be enjoyed as a side dish or the main course!  Keep reading down to the end of the post for the Gift Card Giveaway.

Birds Eye Flavor Full Veggies - Buffalo Cauliflower

This got me to thinking. Can picky eating-children change, or do they just grow up into adults who are ultra finicky about their food? There are valid reasons why a young child may avoid certain foods at all costs — did someone say “temper tantrum”?!  Factors that contribute to a picky eater include all the legitimate sensory things you’d connect with food aversions like texture, temperature, taste and flavor. Picky eating is also encouraged by parental response as well as peer pressure when kids get a little older. Allergies, too, can play a welcomed defensive role in picky eating, a way your body tells you to say away from a certain harmful food – but I won’t get into that here.

I believe that with the right opportunities and encouragement, most kids can join the adult world of eating as they move into their ‘tween, teens and early twenties. One reason is that as we age, taste buds dwindle away from an average of 10,000 working taste buds in small kids to only 5,000 in adults – simply put, things start tasting less intense and we naturally seek out more flavor. To support this, a 2005 study published in the Pediatrics journal reports that most children do not like bitter tastes (often found in vegetables), while adults do not find offense.

Birds Eye Flavor Full Vegetables

Always funny or philosophical, this kiddo says “Potatoes are the ‘gateway’ vegetable”

Another interesting study conducted in 2012 at the University of Copenhagen reported that when children move into their teens, they have a decreased interest in sugary tastes and a higher sophistication to distinguish between tastes – however, they are often more resistant to trying new foods than toddlers! This is why, we as parents, need to set a good example by eating a balanced diet filled with a variety of colorful, nutrient-dense whole foods.

Here are some tips to encourage the teenagers in your family to become veggie lovers and also try out other exciting new flavors. Of course, if your teen is not eating because of control issues, an eating disorder, real or perceived allergies or other concerning reasons, please see a medical professional as soon as possible.

5 ways to get your teen's taste buds grown up

  • Get teens cooking: Not only does teaching your older children how to prepare meals create self-sufficiency; it also creates a more adventurous attitude about eating as they master various skills.
  • Host international night: Once a month, prepare a meal that features cuisine from a different culture – for example, Indian, Korean, Thai, or Italian (no pizza!). To keep everyone happy, every family member gets to select one recipe to be included on the menu, but has to eat at least three bites of every other dish. Have them invite a friend over who may just announce “ooh, I love curry” – and suddenly your son or daughter will too!
  • Focus on vegetable variety: As teens lose their taste for sugar (allegedly it’s a real thing!), support their savory side with more and more vegetables. Look past buttered green beans and toward more exotic or bold tastes, like Buffalo Cauliflower! Filling up your plate with a rainbow of vegetables is the easiest and tastiest way to optimize health, in my opinion.
  • Educate and relate: Share online resources for healthy and clean eating with your children. Older kids are smart enough to understand that eating vegetables and a variety of foods is best, but are sneaky when it comes to actually eating what you serve – just think of all the Brussels sprouts “dropped” on the floor or yogurt and berry parfaits swapped for pink cupcakes at lunch. I always share the story of how I traded my celery, peanut butter and raisin “ants on a log” for Ding Dongs at lunch and quickly lost my get-up-and-go for gymnastics practice in the afternoon.
  • Role model without pushing: No one likes a pea pusher, and even worse so if it’s your own mother or father. With most teens, realize that the more you “strongly suggest” you eat your vegetables or try new dishes, the more likely they are to rebel by absolutely doing the opposite. They are teens, they will come around – just keep the message honest yet low-key, the most important thing you can do is be a role model for clean eating.

Birds Eye Flavor Full Veggies - Buffalo Cauliflower

As I hinted, I’ve been using Birds Eye Vegetables in my covert parental plan to encourage my teens to embrace new foods. The line of Birds Eye® Flavor Full vegetables transforms plain veggies with bold and on-trend flavors – it makes eating healthy side dishes so much fun. Plus, I love the convenience of the Steamfresh packaging – you just heat up in the microwave right in the bag. When my kids are making dinner, having one less dish to clean up is a major selling point! The unexpected but utterly delicious flavors include Buffalo Cauliflower, Ranch Broccoli, Sour Cream & Onion Potatoes, Teriyaki Broccoli, Barbecue Sweet Corn, Sweet Chili Carrots, Wasabi Peas and Fiesta Lime Corn.  Check here for a product locator.

Head over and get a $1.00 off coupon that is good for 30 days once downloaded (but must be used by 12/31/2015).

Win a $25 Visa Gift Card at TheFitFork.comEnter to win my giveaway for a $25 Visa Gift Card — you can spend it on vegetables for your teens, or whatever you please. Although I really hope you get some cauliflower and beets!

Follow the Rafflecopter app directions to enter now through Dec 9th.