Virtual Watermelon Woggle Walk-Jog-Run & Concentrated Electrolyte Ice Cubes for Runners

This post is sponsored by, however all content, opinions and enthusiasm remain my own. Thank you for supporting watermelon farmers!

The last six months have been different, to say the least, when it comes to running and working out. For many of us, including myself, we’ve had to dig deep to get off the couch, we’ve had to look for ways to lock in that accountability, find creative ways to keep making fitness fun, and get used to getting high-fives, positive vibes, and goals accomplished virtually. Virtual Watermelon Watermelon Walk Jog Run

I’ve been entering virtual runs and workout competitions, attending online fitness boot camps, and exercising at home with whatever “equipment” I can round up (check out my Full-body Watermelon Home Workout). This past weekend, the time of year I usually start ramping up marathon or half marathon training but not a “real” one on my calendar as of yet). So, I thought it would be good for my spirits to step out the door for a run with no worries about time, or distance or even competing – just having fun and challenging friends virtually to do the same! I’m calling it the Virtual Watermelon Woggle “Walk-Jog-Run Any Distance” 2020 – are you in?!  Keep reading to find out more and also nab my recipe for Concentrated Watermelon Electrolyte Ice Cubes – – a must-have for fall-season running when the weather is still screaming summer. Continue reading

Spring Break Detox: Jump Start Summer Health & Fitness Goals

This post is sponsored by adidas, however all opinions, comments and enthusiasm remain my own!

Spring Break has come and gone for most of us, sigh. Whether you were celebrating with no responsibilities on a beach somewhere fabulous or partying down with the kiddos at an amusement park, chances are you probably overindulged on food and drink and short-changed yourself on sleep among countless other possible indiscretions (!) Now worries though, life is about balance and it’s easy to get back on track with your health and fitness goals with my holistic “Jump on Summer” Spring Break Detox.

jennifer thefitfork adidas Spring Break Detox

When most people hear the phrase “detox” in a health and fitness connotation, they immediately think strictly a DIET detox, maybe to the extreme like fasting or just drinking juices. But, I’m not really a fan of such food-restrictive detoxing – while my “Jump on Summer” Spring Break Detox incorporates getting back into a clean-eating routine (but not starvation mode), it also attends to the other parts of our lives that may need a gentle (or hard) reset. In addition to eating nourishing foods, focusing on hydration, sleep, meditation, exercise and optimizing free time are all other areas where you can detox and get a fresh start for the remainder of spring and summer. Continue reading

Beverages with Benefits for an Active Lifestyle

Bookend your day and get a little pick-me-up in the middle with a delicious, healthy drink that offers a nutritional boost for your body. While I’m not an all-in fan of liquid diets, juice cleanses or drinking a bunch of calories (I’d rather chew!), I do think that the right beverage consumed at the right time can fill in any nutritional gaps to keep your body humming along.

Read on to get all these better-for-you “beverages with benefits” that are especially helpful to runners and athletes – cheers! Continue reading

7 Minute Anywhere Workouts for Everyone + Gerolsteiner Sparkling Detox

This post sponsored by Gerolsteiner, but all editorial comments, opinions and enthusiasm are strictly my own.

I’m sharing 7 Minute Anywhere Workouts for Everyone, with beginner, intermediate and advanced versions. Do them at home, in your office, in your hotel, while you wait for kids to finish their music lessons and sports practices. No excuses, in a little less than half of a quarter-hour (or 560 seconds), you can mark “exercise” off your “to do” list – and still have time to pat yourself on the back for being so efficient and smart!

jen gerolsteiner

You know what else is smart? Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water. Read on to discover how this mineral water is a great hydration choice for an active lifestyle and find out how to join the Sparkling Detox Challenge, running September 11–15.

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Nature’s Sports Water + Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral #SparklingDetox Giveaway

This post sponsored by Gerolsteiner, but all editorial comments, opinions and enthusiasm are strictly my own.

I consider staying healthy and at the top of my game my job. In part because I’m a healthy food blogger, fitness ambassador, and competitive athlete, but also, more importantly, I want to be the best version of ME for myself, my kids, my husband, and my extended family and friends.Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water

If I don’t put my healthy living hydration needs first, then who will? Well, actually, Gerolsteiner will. Gerolsteiner isn’t my coach, my holistic wellness advisor, or even my German masseuse with hard-to-pronounce name – Gerolsteiner is sparkling mineral water!  It’s loaded with essential minerals, like magnesium and calcium, that the body needs and craves, especially after intense physical exercise. Read on to find out some benefits of drinking mineral water, how you can participate in the Gerolsteiner Sparkling Detox Challenge and even how to win a case of this body-beneficial water.
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