Mint Melon Smoothie Recipe + Apera Review

mint cataloupe smoothie

This Melon Mint Smoothie may be one of my favorites yet – it definitely ranks in the top three! The key to the refreshing minty-melon taste is to use really, really ripe cantaloupe and the freshest mint you can find. It was really my frugalness that was the basis for this protein smoothie; you see, I had an entire cantaloupe get over ripe on the counter because of a too-busy-to-cut-it-up week. It was a little mushy, so rather than throw it away (the horror!), I cut it up in cubes and dry-packed for the freezer.  My thought was I could throw a few chunks in whatever smoothie I was whipping up for the day, and the frozen melon would help with the smooth frozen consistency – I never expected the melon taste to come through so strong! The perfect way to cool on a warm spring day here in Austin!

mint smoothie

Mint Melon Smoothie Recipe

  • 10 ounces almond milk
  • 1/3 cup (approx. 1 scoop) vanilla or unflavored protein powder
  • 1 cup frozen cantaloupe or honeydew chunks
  • 10 fresh mint leaves

Place all ingredients in blender and puree until smooth. Serves 1.

aspera active pack

I also wanted to share a quick review of an awesome backpack sent to me by Apera Bags. There are a lot of gym bags out there, but what I love about the Apera Bags is that they are protected on the inside and out with an antimicrobial finish – not that my stuff stinks or anything (jeeze), but it’s just reassuring to know my bag has these germ-fighting superpowers!  There are pockets and pouches galore, all with various functions – to hold shoes, water bottles, a change of clothes, wet towel, etc.

gym backpack

The particular Apera Bag I picked is called the Active Pack and it is perfect for both work and play (there is a padded area where you could stash a laptop or tablet).  Of course, I wanted to get the hot pink color, but knew that my husband wouldn’t help carry the load on or weekend hikes if I didn’t choose a “manly” color.  And actually, I’m happy with the black color, it will go with all my gym and running fashions and won’t end up looking scuffed up in a few months. But, now I’m fighting with my husband over who gets to use it and when!

Cottage Cheese, Please! Lemon Chia Tea Cakes with Berries Recipe #GlutenFree

The following post is sponsored by Fitfluential LLC on behalf of Daisy Cottage Cheese.

Today, it’s cottage cheese, please! But, as I kid, I expressed my displeasure with this curd-style dairy product with the same gusto that was reserved for having blood drawn, getting grounded, having to babysit my brother instead of hang out with friends  — no, please, please, please don’t do this to me!  Crying, screaming, gnashing of teeth and so on. Boy, how times change! I barely wince at a needle prick, never get in trouble with my parents anymore and would welcome the opportunity to spend more time with my brother.  And . . . as you probably have guessed, I now love cottage cheese!

berries daisy cottage cheese container 700

When I headed down to the store to get my carton of Daisy Cottage Cheese, I noticed that the brand has rolled out new packaging – it’s so catchy with the white carton, blue lid and signature flower. It’s easy to figure out if you’re buying delicious full-fat Daisy (dark blue lid) or low-fat Daisy (light blue lid) — these little details matter, especially if I’m in a rush! But a great carton isn’t the only #DaisyDifference when it comes to stacking up this product against similar seeming cottage cheese brands on the shelves.  Daisy Cottage Cheese just plain uses better ingredients (and fewer) than the competition. Made from only four ingredients, this stuff is straightforward and simple – just the way it should be. I feel confident serving Daisy to my family knowing it isn’t gunked up with unnecessary additives, preservatives and thickeners.

Nutrition Label for Daisy Low-Fat 2% Cottage Cheese

Nutrition Label for Daisy Low-Fat 2% Cottage Cheese

What I’ve found as a mom and athlete is that cottage cheese is a great way to pack a wallop of protein into any meal of the day– even snacks and treats! Did you know that a ½ cup serving of 2% Daisy Cottage Cheese has just 90 calories and 14 grams of protein – getting me well on my way to achieving my daily protein requirement.  As a runner and fitness enthusiast who often works out two times a day, I require extra protein to help my body recover and rebuild muscle.  It’s so easy to add cottage cheese to a smoothie, a salad, or on top of a baked potato – I even blend up cottage cheese to transform it into a creamy sauce and silky, smooth baking ingredient.  Plus, since our family is on a budget, I really appreciate the value that cottage cheese offers as a protein source.

In honor of spring and all its fresh flavors, I whipped up this yummy batch of Lemon Chai Tea Cakes with Berries. It’s a healthy dessert that is balanced with protein – actually, I think it would also be great for breakfast!   As a bonus, this recipe is gluten-free and doesn’t have a lot of added sweetness – only a bit of honey and lemon curd. 

lemon cake cottage cheese

Lemon Chia Tea Cakes with Berries Recipe

  • 2 cups gluten-free oat flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ cup 2% Daisy Brand cottage cheese
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ cup lemon curd
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted

Sauce and Garnish

  • ½ cup 2% Daisy Brand cottage cheese
  • ¼ cup lemon curd
  • Blackberries and raspberries
  1. In large bowl, mix together oat flour, baking powder, chia seeds and salt until combined.
  2. In blender, mix together cottage cheese, lemon juice, lemon curd, honey, vanilla, eggs and oil until smooth.
  3. Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients, stirring until just combined but not over mixing.
  4. Spoon batter into 4 free-standing paper baking cups (4” diameter) or 8 standard size muffin tins.
  5. Bake for approximately 20 – 25 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into center pulls clean.
  6. While muffins are baking, make sauce by adding ½ cup cottage cheese and ¼ lemon curd in blender; blend until smooth.
  7. To serve, spoon sauce over cooled tea cakes and top with berries. Serves 4.

low fat daisy







Don’t Miss the Twitter Chat with Daisy Cottage Cheese

Find out how to “Power Your Way Through the Day” with cottage cheese, a versatile protein source for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks – as well as for workout fuel and recovery. I can’t wait to learn more about the benefits of cottage cheese from the experts and find out some of the Fitfluential community’s favorite recipes.

Twitter Chat:
Hosted by: FitFluential
Date: April 10, 2014
Theme: Power Your Way Through the Day
Time: 9:00 pm EST

“Me Time” with Pure Leaf Tea & Raspberry Chocolate Apple Rounds Recipe

raspberry apples tea

I love my family, but sometimes a little “ME” time is necessary mandatory. After go-go-going to support my family in every imaginable way including cooking, chauffeuring, homework helping, hugging, and bring home the bacon bits, I need a little escape from my reality. Whether it’s a few minutes stolen from laundry time to read a book (although sometimes have trouble getting through a magazine) or an entire hour “appointment” scheduled into my calendar for the gym or running through the trails, these “just-for-mom” moments help me to decompress so that I can power up to be a better person and parent – and that’s good thing!


Another good thing is nourishing myself with a healthy snack during my “ME” time. With three teenage boys in the house who inhale food faster than my Dyson collects the crumbs, I sometimes have to resort to labeling and nearly locking down my healthy snacks (yes, they’ll even devour the nutritious stuff). When I brought home a bottle of Pure Leaf Iced Tea to review, I knew the Raspberry flavor would be popular and I had to insist threaten “hands-off” until the photos were taken and “I” got the first taste!

Can you believe it? I did get the first taste as I poured a cool, crisp glass full as a rehydrating beverage after a run around the neighborhood while they were in school. The Raspberry Pure Leaf Tea sure got the attention of my taste buds with fresh-brewed tea leaves picked at their peak and all natural raspberry flavor.  I’ve never been able to make iced tea the way my mom did when I was growing up in Arizona, but this tea gives her secret family recipe a serious run for the title of Best Iced Tea Ever – actually I think Pure Leaf wins (sorry mom). It’s sweet without being too sugary and the raspberry flavor mingles nicely in the blend without overpowering like some sort of berry bully – meaning, the tea still tastes like tea, just better!   By the way Pure Leaf also has other fruit flavors (such as Peach and Lemon) as well as an unsweetened version.

pure leaf ice tea holding glass

I might joke around about “the stress” of juggling the duties of a job, parenting kids and being a wife, and keeping up an athlete’s training schedule,  but the straight up truth is that I have an amazingly blessed life. When I do take some time to sit back and put things in this perspective, Pure Leaf adds just a little extra “goodness” to the day.  Of course, I can only sip so much tea before I work up an appetite; my recipe for Raspberry Chocolate Apple Rounds makes the perfect accompaniment.

Healthy raspberry apple snack

Raspberry Chocolate Apple Rounds Recipe

  •  1 medium apple
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate-flavored nut butter
  • 2 teaspoons almond slivers
  • Handful raspberries

Directions: Cut apple crosswise in approximate ¼” slices; carefully remove circle of seeds and core in center with paring knife. Spread chocolate nut butter over the top of each apple slice. Garnish with raspberries and almond slivers.  Serves 2.

Pure Leaf Logo AuthorPostsFrom the Brand: Pure Leaf is real brewed iced tea, which means it’s brewed from REAL tea leaves picked at their freshest, never from powder or concentrate. The result is a refreshing iced tea with perfectly balanced aroma, body, and flavor.



Learn more at

pure leaf tea popcorn and books

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Pepsico via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Pepsico.