How I Busted my Running Rut (not BUTT) at Spartan !

How I Busted My Running Rut at Spartan - Jennifer Fisher - TheFitFork.comI have been in a running rut for about a year and a half.  With more than 25 years of running behind me, this isn’t the first time I’ve felt stale and unmotivated about running – but it’s definitely the longest lull in my love for the sport.  I’ve implemented many of the rut-busting running tips that experts recommend – heck, I pretty much am an expert, for what it’s worth. I’ve reduced my mileage and taken rest and recovery seriously, varied my race distances and cut back on racing, adjusted my goals and added variety to my routine with other fitness activities like CrossFit and yoga. But, nope, still not having that warm fuzzy about running –especially racing.

Pre Spartan Race selfie -- Jennifer Fisher
Pre-Spartan Selfie — Feeling Positive!

I decided to enter the Spartan race when it rolled into Austin a couple weekends ago to “try something new.” I really had no expectations. Primarily, because I had never done an obstacle race before and didn’t know what to expect. And, also because I knew there would be no benchmark for comparison that my overly self-competitive mind could obsess over. I couldn’t “lose,” be let down or feel like a failure, because this race (I convinced myself) was just a fleeting novelty that I wasn’t really that invested in.


Oooh, comparison is the thief of joy, there is so much truth to that statement and I have robbed myself of many positive race experiences because I have tried to measure up with many things – my past abilities, other’s talents, and such.

So, I just went out to Spartan and soaked up the big AROO at the start. Took off and just did my thing. For the first time in a long time I enjoyed the challenge and burn of the course and that feeling that I might not live to see the finish line but down deep know I will. I took the challenges one by one and made it – I didn’t stop to think how well someone else may or may not being doing it compared to how I was performing. I just tore through the course like I was on a fast and fun mission.

Jennifer Fisher Spartan Race Austin

I jumped through the fire obstacle and into the pond and was grinning ear-to-ear about the experience. I knew I was near the front of my heat, but didn’t know or care what my finish time was – it wouldn’t have meant anything compared to my PRs in the marathon or a 5k. I couldn’t compare! I took my finishers medal (the one’s I usually scoff at a marathon) and slung on the bling everyone gets with pride. Actually, in this pic I have it off because I had just entered a post-race pull-up contest and didn’t want to be weighed down – lol!

Celebrating with friends at the end of Spartan Race.

That’s right, I kicked these challenges right in the butt and busted out of my running rut in the process. Of course, I’m dying to run another obstacle race ASAP – but also feel like I have a renewed mood to race on the road again and have my eye of the tiger back.  Whahoo!

Oooh, geeze -- now you know how old I am!
Oooh, geeze — now you know how old I am!

The next day when I checked the results, it did knock my socks off a little that I was 2nd Overall in the women – I totally didn’t see that coming. In some ways I wish I didn’t even know that. I’ll take it gladly, but it didn’t make me any happier or more joyful about finishing the race. And maybe that’s the biggest lesson learned coming out of this rut – just enjoy each experience for what it is and not worry so much about the past or future. Aroo!

Save 20% on spartan race code: UBST24-TK88D27

So, have you ever run a Spartan race? You can spend 20% with my discount code SAP-JFf21. That’s a nice chunk of change to save – I’m going to spend my savings on arm sleeves to keep the elbow scrapes away and extra Q-tips for cleaning out my ears – lol!

Core Power Workout

Also, I’m reposting this Obstacle Course workout I put together for Core Power High Protein Shakes a while back!

So, what are your experiences with obstacle course races or breaking out of a fitness rut?  Please share in the comments!!!!

Plyometric Power Workout – How To Increase Your Vertical Jump

Whether you want to up your game in basketball or volleyball, or just need to grab stuff off the top shelf without dragging out the step stool out, a vertical jump workout will help you catch that big air you crave.

verticle jump plyometric power workoutWhile many traditional vertical jump workouts focus on heavy lifting in the weight room with exercises like Bulgarian Squat Jumps, Box Squats and Deadlifts, you can still get enviable gains with explosive plyometric bodyweight exercises. And, the beauty of this type of workout is little or no equipment is needed, so it can be done anytime, anywhere!  Just grab a jump rope and exercise box (or curb) for this workout. Do this this Power Plyo Vertical Jump Workout once per week and enjoy some newfound oomph in your vert!

Here are the details for the above exercises:

Jump Rope: Warm up with jump rope for 2 minutes to get blood pumping and help activate muscles used in jumping. Only do warmup once, not at the top of each set.

Three Sets of Exercises Below (2 minutes rest after each set)

Depth Jumps: Step off box or bench and, upon landing, explode upward immediately. Reach arms overhead to increase lift and land softly back down on ground in athletic position. 10 reps / 3 sets

180 Squat Jumps: In an upright position, squat down slowly until your knees are flexed to almost right angles. Jump explosively without locking out knees, and rotate body quickly to land facing the opposite direction.  10 reps / 3 sets

Tuck Jumps: From standing, lower into a squat position and then jump as high as possible while bringing knees up and in toward chest.  10 reps / 3 sets

Lateral Box Jump Burpees: Stand to the side of box and jump laterally, leaping over it. Upon landing, drop to a full burpee with an upward jump finish.  10 reps / 3 sets

Walking Lunges: From upright with hands on hips, step forward with one leg and drop hip until back knee is almost touching ground. Keep torso erect and ensure front knee stays above front foot. Drive forward and extend up position. 10 reps (each side) / 3 sets

Single-Leg Box Jump:  Stand facing approximately 18-inches way from box with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump on box with one leg, using bent-elbow arms to help drive upward. Fully extend body at top of box and then softly jump backward with both legs to starting position. 5 reps (each side) / 3 sets

I finally have my Workout and WOD Gallery back in working order, so head over to nab some new ideas for your fitness routine!

Check out my workout gallery for new exercise and wod ideas to add to your fitness routine.

So, what’s your favorite explosive lower body exercise? (I just giggled when I typed that)

Ignite MY Fight! Running Shoes, WOD and CrossFit Games Open

Jumping in Bluebonnets Puma IgnitesWhy am I jumping the in bluebonnets? Well, for a couple reasons – it’s finally spring and the sun is OUT, the 5-week CrossFit Games Open is OVER (mini recap below) and I have a snappy new pair of running shoes to keep my feet happy and hopping.

Puma Ignite Running Shoes in Austin Spring Flowers Trail Run

Puma Ignite Running ShoesFirst, let me tell you about the shoes – love them! They are called Puma Ignite, a super responsive running shoe that features cushioning to disperse impact while providing energy return to help make me faster. Usain Bolt wears them, so enough said!  The uppers are not only attractive and available in a range of color combos, but these shores are made with lightweight materials to provide a super comfort with a light ride – the average weight is 8 ounces.  As a neutral and efficient runner, I often run in really light shoes for speed work and shorter tempo runs – but definitely enjoy the little extra oomph of these Puma Ignites for everyday runs through the neighborhood and logging lots of miles on the road. I’ve also worn these shoes to the gym and Crossfit and have found them to provide enough cushioning combined with flexibility for explosive box jumps, burpees and jumping rope.

Speaking of CrossFit, here’s my quick rundown on the 2015 Crossfit Games Open that just ended a week ago.  First of all, I swallowed my pride and I decided to compete in the new scaled division this year and am so glad I did. Last year, in a couple of the RX’d WODs, I just plain ran into a wall where I physically could not perform the task – mainly, I’m talking about the heavier Olympic lifting. For example, last year I remember on the deadlift ladder, I knocked off the sets of 95lb, 135lb and even 155lb deadlifts, but then had to just stand there and watch the clock tick away helplessly because there was no way I could deadlift 185 lbs once, let alone the 20 times I needed to get back to the box jumps.

2015 CrossFit Games Leaderboard - Jennifer Fisher

Jennifer Fisher 2015 CrossFit Games OpenSo, my point here is that in the scaled division I was actually able to get after it in the workouts for a maximum personal effort  – that made it much more fun (if one can call quivering quads, raw palms and sore-for-days shoulders “fun”)!  It was still HARD! The exiting part is that at the end of the five weeks, I actually placed 12th in the South Central states region in my age group and even won 1st in the 15.3 WOD!  My worst workout by far (and really hurt me in the rankings) was the 15.1B where after completing a full workout, you immediately had to get the bar overhead with a max load. I never expected how trashed my arms would be and I really failed on this one –  I also rarely try to PR any of my lifts (usually just keeping everything low with lots of reps).  Next year I know what I need to focus on!

Are you ready to IGNITE your next workout?  I’ve put together this Don’t Stop (Ignite Your Fight) Workout that will test your stamina and strength, both mental and physical. Don’t stop, don’t give up half way through — you’ll be on fire, but in a good way!  Also, check out the Puma Ignite running shoes if you are looking for a great pair that will take you from a morning run to an afternoon at the gym.  Don't Stop Workout - Ignite your fight in this CrossFit style workout from


Do you wear the same shoes for running and working out — or do you buy activity-specific footwear? Please share in the comments!

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of PUMA.

How To Make Burpees Fun – Did I Really Just Say That?!

How to Make Burpees More Fun - 5 Variations

Notice the headline reads “How to Make Burpees More Fun,” not “How to Make Burpees Easier.” There is just no way around the truth that this full-body, functional exercise is a a tough one – I’ve seen grown men hurl. String a bunch of burpees together and your heart rate will sky rocket and the muscles of your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core will be screaming for sweet mother mercy. Why do you think the burpee is a go-to conditioning exercise at military boot camp, police and special ops training, and football team practice?!  Because burpees get results!

However, seeing the same old burpee sets programmed into your workout can almost feel like a punishment, am I right? One way I like to make this exercise a bit more bearable (maybe FUN isn’t the right word) is by creating an interesting variation – like piggybacking on another element to create a compound exercise or doing them with a partner to create a good laugh.  Here are my five favorite takes on this essential exercise:

Disclaimer, most of these videos are sped up in double time so that you will be spared the misery of me slogging them out in real time!

Burpee Power Jack:  Drop into plank position of burpee and then simultaneously jump both feet outward past width of shoulders.  While still in plank jump feet back in and pop up from burpee to finish one rep.

Partner Leap Frog Burpee:  Grab a friend and stand shoulder to shoulder. First person drops into a plank position (or rests chest down on the ground) while second person performs a lateral tuck jump over planking person’s torso.  Upon landing, jumper drops into a burpee and then pops up, lateral jumps back over friend to start position, and drops into a plank himself.  First person now pops up from plank and takes his turn lateral jumping over second person, performing full burpee, and then jumping back over and dropping to plank.  Repeat until worn out.

Burpee Box Jump: Stand facing box or platform of a comfortable height (I do 20 to 24-inches), make sure you are a body-length distance away if you like your face. Drop into a burpee push-up, pop back up, hop toward box and then jump with both feet landing on the box. Jump off backward, hop backward to the burpee start position for one rep.

Burpee Pull Up: Stand under pull-up and drop into burpee with or without push-up.  Pop up from burpee and immediately jump to bar with both hands and pull up until chin clears bar. Land on ground in start position to finish rep.

Burpee Tuck Jump: Drop down into burpee with or with-out push up and pop back up. Instead of the little hop and hand clap that comes with a traditional burpee finish, jump explosively upward with both feet, tucking knees toward chest.  Land in the standing start position to finish one rep.

Soooo . . .do you have a favorite way to burpee? Challenge me in the comments please!


Med Ball Workout + New Favorite Protein Bar #BUPbars

Yoga and Thinking Bup Bars - TheFitFork.comSome of the things I like best about exercising — the physical and mental challenge, the variety of workouts available (yet also the ritual of doing them), the endorphin rush, meeting short-term goals while safeguarding my health for the long haul, and the sweaty satisfying soreness following a tough session, the relaxing and winding down. That being said, I also look forward to the food fuel I need to top off my tank and keep my engine running properly.

Aside from the occasional cheat, I eat a higher-protein, lower carb diet. Although, I’ve never had a weight issue, I really noticed a change in my lean-to-fat ratio when making these tweaks – suddenly I had visible abs, back muscles and more without a change on the scale. I’ve even blogged about eating a higher protein, higher fat diet for marathon nutrition while embracing the need for some carbs for loading and recovery. For my active lifestyle, I aim to eat about 20-25 grams of protein at each of three meals and one to two snacks.  Research has shown that incorporating protein into diet can help build lean muscle and boost the metabolism to more efficiently burn fat. Also, more protein in the morning has been shown to reduce junk food snacking later in the day

B-Up Bars Trial Offer

Anyway, it’s hard to pass up the opportunity to try a new protein bar – I’m definitely a protein junkie. So, I was thrilled to give B-Up Bars a test and was hoping they’d stand up to my non-negotiables in a bar (higher protein, lower carb, reasonable calories, taste). These soft bars (think nougaty marshmallow texture) each have 20g protein and 18-20g fiber, just 2-3g of sugar and 4-5g of net carbs, and come in six crazy-delicious flavors — Peanut Butter, Vanilla Peanut Butter, PB&J, Sugar Cookie, Cinnamon Roll, and Chocolate Mint. In addition to the higher protein profile, I also appreciate how B-Up Bars are made with no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives and are low sodium and gluten free. B-Up Bars also feature a plant-based fiber to offset carb intake.  Be Healthy. Be Better. B-Up.

b-up bars 1If you like indulgent snacks that are actually good for you and make a convenient breakfast on the go or snack to stash in your gym bag, head over to B-Up Bars at for one of two great offers.


  1. Discount Code YUP29 for 12% discount on box orders on + FREE shipping (not valid on 6-pack trial).
  2. Discount Code YUPTRIAL for $13.99 six bar (6 flavor) Trial Pack (reg. price $17.49) plus FREE shipping.

I’m also sharing with you the Medicine Ball Workout I did yesterday (before I at my chocolate mint B-Up Bar)! I really enjoy exercising with a full-body med ball routine – compared to gym machines, it makes working out old-school easier yet tougher at the same time! Try out my Med Ball Workout, it’s perfect for improving explosive power, increasing strength and endurance and improving overall functional fitness – and all you need is a ball!

Med Ball Workout -

Wall Ball – Stand facing wall, hold ball close to chest.  Lower into a partial squat and propel ball upward as far as possible, catch at chest on the way down while lowering into a squat.

Med Ball V-Ups – Lay on back, extend arms over head to rest on floor while holding ball. Engaging core, raise up arms and legs at the same time to meet in alignment above hips. Slowly lower to start position.

Med Ball Slams – Standing upright, hold med ball high overhead with both hands and throw to the floor with force, squatting down slightly. Catch ball on the bounce up and return the start position.

Med Ball Plank – Rest on forearms and place feet on medicine ball. Engage core and keep body position as straight as possible. Hold for designated time without breaking form.

Med Ball Jump Squats – Standing upright with feet shoulder-width apart, lower into squat position holding ball. Explosively jump upward keeping ball at chest.

Med Ball Wood Chop – Hold ball in both hands and stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Drop down slightly, moving the ball near right, then drive up through feet, swinging the ball up and across your body to the opposing side. Swing back down to start position.

And, if you are looking for an extra challenging med ball exercise, give this headstand med ball pick up a try. Oooh, it worked all the large and small group muscles of my body in my constant pursuit of keeping balance.

Do you eat protein bars?  Describe your dream flavor! What is your favorite med ball exercise?

This post was sponsored by B-Up bars / YUP brands. However, however they did not tell me what to say or how to say it — all comments and opinions are my own.