Thoughts on belVita Breakfast Biscuits & a Berry Parfait

Have I got your attention with this picture of a beautiful berry breakfast parfait? You’ll have to keep reading to find out more. But first of all, let me tell you, my mornings are crazy. Between trying to sneak in a morning run and shuttling three kids to three different schools, you can imagine breakfasts at my house are chaotic. When I’m in organized mode, I have pre-prepared protein pancakes stashed in the freezer or have all the ingredients on hand to make a quick microwave egg scramble. But, sometimes even with the best-laid plans, things go awry. We over sleep, we run out of milk, or those growing-like-a-weed teenage boys of mine gobble up every last crumb on the premises (including the morning rations) for a bedtime snack.

So, when I found out about the belVita Breakfast Biscuits, a ‘morning cookie’ made by Nabisco, I was intrigued. Although I’d never actually tasted the product before, I’d heard the name and my impression was that they were très European. I was right! The breakfast biscuits were first made in France over a decade ago and now are sold in 23 countries worldwide.  So, if you’re a world traveler, you may have already had these with your morning tea!

Are you interested in the nutrition benefits of belVita? Each individual package of 4 crunchy biscuits offers 18 – 20 grams of whole grains, 3 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. The product provides “sustained energy” with a combination of quality ingredients and a “carefully controlled baking process that helps preserve the integrity of the grain” and allows the carbs to be more slowly released into your body as fuel. The label says there is no high-fructose corn syrup or no partially hydrogenated oils, that’s a good thing. This being said, the sugar content seems a tad high (13 grams), kind of like a cookie. But, at least a cookie made with whole grains and some fiber.  I’d much rather serve these healthier cookies to my active teenagers than say the stuff they’re usually clamoring for like Pop-Tarts (19 grams of sugar) and store-bought blueberry muffins (20 grams of sugar).

To keep the morning meal balanced, I’m offering the boys belVita along with a no-sugar added yogurt (protein!) and fruit (more fiber!). With five different flavors (Blueberry, Golden Oat, Cinnamon Brown Sugar, Chocolate and Apple Cinnamon), everyone in the family can have a different favorite. Let me tell you, their eyes were popping out of their heads to see my belVita Breakfast Parfait creation This “no-recipe” recipe is really so good, you have to try it! All you do to make this creamy-crunchy-juicy treat is to simply layer crumbled belVita, berries, and yogurt and then top with another biscuit for the finishing touch.

Also, I think beVita is perfect for packing in the “breakfast brown bag,” since my oldest has to eat breakfast at school every day after cross country practice. I’ll also be stashing a pack in the car for my youngest son to eat on the ride from school to Pop Warner football practice. These boys burn off a ton of calories and needs to refuel! Even mom (me) isn’t opposed to eating these tasty treats and can see myself grabbing the Cinnamon Brown Sugar variety and dipping them in my Chai Tea Latte – my reward for running on cold days. Yum!

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this Campaign. All opinions are my own.

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