Bird is the Word for Protein #SayYesToJerky

Chicken Jerky makes a great snack to fuel your workouts or mid-day office munchies.I chickened out!  How did the word chicken become associated with retreat caused by fear or cowardice? I surfed around on the web and found a couple etymological explanations, with the most plausible being based on a ritual performed by army officers in ancient times. Apparently, before heading off into battle, military leaders would offer sacred chickens grain. If the chickens ate the grain, the battle would commence – but if they refused, it was a sign to withdraw from the fight (example, Battle of Drepana 249 BC).

women more protein

Protein Infographic from

So, I imagine that over the last couple thousand years, other phrases like “Don’t be a chicken” and “He’s a chicken #@$!” evolved from this phrase, sort of giving chicken, in general, a bad rap. But, there is a ton of cool facts about chicken including the fact that mother hens show empathy for their chicks and that the birds also have complex communication systems with more than 30 different vocalizations.

And, well, to put it bluntly, chickens are also a great food source for athletes – high in protein for muscle management, a source of tryptophan (like turkey) that can aid with restorative sleep, as well as numerous  benefits from vitamins and minerals. Like other proteins, chicken curbs hunger and helps to control weight. Check out all these other benefits of protein (including chicken) from

Other perks of poultry? Chicken is inexpensive compared to many other protein sources and the sheer volume of delicious chicken recipes is enormous – I probably have enough chicken recipes pinned on Pinterest and torn from magazine pages to last a lifetime!

So, basically the bird is the word – I say, it’s GOOD to CHICKEN OUT every now and then!

jack links chicken photo



I’ve been fueling my workouts with a brand new product from Jack Link’s Jerky – Chicken Jerky. It’s dang tasty, packed with 11 grams of protein per serving and conveniently packaged to toss in my gym bag for immediate post-exercise muscle recovery. I typically workout over the lunch hour, so often jerky and a banana are all I have to appease my ginormous appetite until I can sit down to a proper meal.  So thank goodness for healthy, portable snacks!

You may already be familiar with Jack Link’s Jerky in turkey, pork or beef, but the chicken version is a recent addition to the line up. Jack Link’s Chicken Jerky is made from white-meat chicken seasoned and marinated with cracked black pepper and spices, is 98 percent fat-free and provides 11g protein for just 80 calories – that’s hard to beat!  Now we can all enjoy the nutritious benefits chicken offers on the go without the mess, inconvenience and craziness of whipping out a rotisserie chicken. My Paleo diet friends, you need this — really we all do!

jack links giveaway

One of my readers will win a Jack’s Link Jerky “Gift Pack” (similar to photo) which includes Jack Link’s Chicken Jerky, Jack Link’s Turkey Jerky, Jack Link’s Sweet Teriyaki Turkey Jerky, branded glass water bottle (really nice), headband, “cool” sweat towel and EOS lip balm. Just enter through the Rafflecopter App below:

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Jack Link’s.

62 thoughts on “Bird is the Word for Protein #SayYesToJerky

  1. Ooh, I’ve never tried chicken jerky, but I do love chicken and jerky, so it has to be good, right?! And much healthier than my current go-to protein snack, which is a spoonful (or two) of peanut butter… 😉

  2. My favorite protein packed snack is CHICKEN! I always eat it. I put a piece in a ziploc bag when I’m on the go.. its the original ‘protein bar’ as far as I’m concerned 🙂

  3. This month we are obsessed with Turkey Jerky. Even my 3 year old fights with me for the last piece. IT is delicious a a great alternative for us to snack while we are on the go! No junk food allowed on road trips!

  4. My usual protein packed snack ….cashews! I usually eat jerky during long road trips. It’s my favorite thing to buy at convenient stores in the middle of nowhere…that and jalepeno flavor sunflower seeds

  5. Plain greek yogurt with cinnamon, cottage cheese and berries, or jerky! Yum 🙂 I love protein!

  6. I’m currently on a Greek yogurt kick, but I’m always up for something new. Haven’t had jerky of any kind for a while, but I love the stuff!

  7. With 5 guys in the house, Jerky is always on hand! We have been trying different kinds lately, too.

  8. Homemade protein powerballs. They have raw Cashews, dates, almonds, chia seeds, flax.

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