Four Ways to Season Watermelon That Will Blow Your Mind

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Watermelon is a wonderful thing, anyway you slice it! For years I enjoyed my watermelon plain, un-adorned, naked, au naturale or however else you care to describe it – just watermelon. And, while that is still probably my favorite way to enjoy a ripe watermelon bursting with sweetness, I realized that these people who were putting salt on watermelon and other seasonings might be on to something. Watermelon seasoned four ways


Variety IS the spice of life after all, so rummaged through my pantry and fridge shelves pulling out all my favorite recipe flavor boosters. Hmmm, what would be good on watermelon? What are the best spices for watermelon? Read on to discover Four Ways to Season Watermelon that Will Blow Your Mind.

Try one or all of these simple spices, seasonings and other flavor-boosters to transform plain watermelon into a tasty, unexpected treat.Now, this isn’t my first rodeo using my favorite fruit in unique watermelon recipes – check out these rides into crazy flavor town:

However, as delicious as these unique watermelon recipes are, they are a little more complex and time-consuming than just shaking or drizzling a seasoning or two on watermelon. But, in no time you can be enjoying flavor-boosted fruit thanks to these Four Ways to Simply Season Watermelon that Will Blow Your Mind. And, while a sweet watermelon is best (check out these tips for picking the best watermelon), adding simple seasonings like a variety of spices, citrus zest, salty sauces (like soy sauce) and more is also a good way to revive a bland melon that didn’t quite make the cut. different spices and seasonings to put on watermelon

Look at all these crazy flavor-boosters I tried on watermelon!

Lemon zest, lemon juice and coarse sea salt on watermelon.

Lemon & Salt Watermelon: Simply take a lemon and use a citrus zester to take off all the yellow part of peel (avoiding the white pith, it can be bitter). Sprinkle lemon zest over watermelon, squeeze some fresh lemon juice on top and then finish seasoning with coarse sea salt. Watermelon seasoned with ginger, sesame seeds and soy sauce

Sesame, Ginger & Soy Watermelon: Sprinkle sesame seeds (white or black) on watermelon and sprinkle with ground ginger. Serve with salty soy sauce for an extra punch of flavor.

Watermelon seasoned with cinnamon and vanilla

Cinnamon Vanilla Watermelon: Cube or ball up watermelon, keeping just a bit of the juice. Stir in ground cinnamon to taste and a few drops of vanilla extract and drizzle back on watermelon. The taste will totally surprise you, amazingly good! Note, flavor ideas are “to taste” but I did approximately 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (plus a little extra cinnamon sprinkled on top) and a few drops of vanilla for 4 cups of watermelon balls.Watermelon with Tajin and jalapeno

Tajin Jalapeno Watermelon: Sprinkle Tajin (a Mexican chili-lime-salt condiment) over watermelon and garnish with fresh jalapeno slices. If you can’t find Tajin, just use a bit of chili powder, a few squeezes of lime juice and coarse sea salt.

I still love plain watermelon, but it’s always fun to change it up now and then – especially when watermelon makes a daily appearance on the family menu from April to October! I hope you enjoy one or all of these different ways to season watermelon. It amazing how spices for watermelon and other simple ingredients can make such a big taste impact! meal prepped watermelon

You will notice from the photos that how to cut a watermelon is entirely up to you, there are many options! I like to cut a watermelon these ways: 1) watermelon slices; 2) watermelon balls; 3) watermelon cubes; and 3) watermelon sticks – also called watermelon fries by my kids!

Do you have a favorite way to season watermelon other that just using salt on watermelon? Also, when it comes to how to cut a watermelon, how do YOU do it? Share in the comments – XOXO, Jennifer


21 thoughts on “Four Ways to Season Watermelon That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. I never use seasoning with watermelon because it’s so perfect as it is but these look interesting. The sesame/soy watermelon sounds like it would be really good!

    • I know, you can’t beat a good pieces of watermelon . . . I scarf it up like crazy plain. However, these are a fun twist — and also a good way to salvage a melon that is not as sweet and yummy as hoped for

  2. I have to try the cinnamon vanilla version. Our entire family loves cinnamon! As a kid I always put salt on watermelon but haven’t in years. I love lemon flavor and now I have to try the lemon sea salt. They all sound delicious and creative!

    • Dianne – – even if you don’t do the vanilla and just sprinkle cinnamon on watermelon . . .it’s a very unexpected and unique flavor. The cinnamon and salty lemon were my two favorite!

    • That’s the one that sounds the best to me as well! I always thought my grandma was so weird because she put salt and pepper on any type of melon she ate. Lol. I understand now. 😲

  3. These look and sound great. The cinnamon and vanilla is the newest idea for me. I look forward to trying these, and they’d be great to serve for an outdoor casual dinner.

  4. I gotta say, that sesame, ginger, and soy version does sound pretty good! I’m pretty much a fan of putting ginger in anything, though!

  5. Okay, you’ve just taken my love for watermelon to the next level. I haven’t tried all of them but I did try lemon zest and salt and WOW! Everyone, go and try it right now.

  6. I love all of these ideas! I think I will need to start with the watermelon balls because they look so fun!

  7. Besides from adding honey and a little salt, I have never really season watermelon. Each method is unique and sounds interesting. Cant wait to them a try.

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