Stay Home: Best Healthy Frozen Food Delivery & Pantry Snacks  

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It’s getting harder and harder to leave the house and forage for food! Many of us, like myself, are mandated by law to “shelter in place” for the greater good, although we are still allowed to get out and shop (if we can even find food on the store shelves)! Others of us are in risk groups, have been exposed, or actually dealing with corona virus and can’t get out to find food at all.jennifer holding box porch food delivery

I have easy solutions that can help you keep up your clean-eating routine during the COVID-19 pandemic, including frozen meal delivery services and a few personal small-brand, healthy snack favorites. Ready on to get all the details and a few discount codes.

Even if you can get out (or can ask a neighbor to take on the task), it’s getting harder and harder to find the items on your grocery list . . . even if being flexible.  It’s feels scary and overwhelming, and we all need a sense (and reality) of safety, comfort and that feeling we are being taken care of. That’s why I’ve been relying more and more on a few personal favorite brands that deliver frozen meals straight to my door – and also smaller businesses that make various snacks and healthy products I want to keep supporting, so they don’t go away forever during this crisis.

Stay home and stay safe with these healthy meal delivery (options) and snacks too, that can be delivered straight to your door.

I can order from my phone or computer and keep my social distance, all these healthy food delivery options are delivered straight to my door. Even the delivery guy doesn’t hang around to chat anymore to keep “social distance,” so I can grab my what-seems-like daily order without every getting out of my pajamas. Anyway, here is my list of Best Healthy Frozen Food Delivery and Pantry Snacks  (to hoard, lol), in no particular order.

Daily Harvest smoothies and more save $25 discount code : thefitfork

Daily Harvest: I’m a super fan of smoothies, but I am having a REALLY hard time finding frozen fruit in stock at the market, it has been WIPED OUT as people are stockpiling for all this “sheltering in place.” But no worries, Daily Harvest is a fabulous source for smoothies, and they deliver the frozen smoothie kit cups straight to your door – you just pull one out of the freezer, add your liquid of choice and blend. Sometimes I will add extra protein powder if I’m making it a meal. There are so many varieties, it’s hard to choose a favorite – right now I’m enjoying Mango Papaya, Chai Coconut and Dragon Fruit Lychee. Daily Harvest also delivers other light “cup” meals that are ready in minutes, like oat bowls, soup, and harvest bowls.

Save $25 off your order at Daily Harvest with my Daily Harvest discount code: thefitfork

 sitka premium seafood share $25 discount code FITFORK

Sitka Salmon Shares: Support -boat fisherman with a subscription to this sustainable, responsible seafood collective that delivers wild Alaskan seafood from boat to doorstep. Everything arrives flash-frozen and ready to store in the freezer so I can prepare healthy, protein-rich meals anytime I like. For example, from my fresh frozen seafood delivery,  I made this yummy Coconut Lime Skillet with their salmon, but Sitka also deliver other fishes like  halibut, sablefish (black cod),  Copper River sockeye salmon, sashimi-grade albacore, pot-caught spot shrimp, Dungeness crab, and more.

Save $25 on any seasonal seafood share order at Sitka Salmon Shares  (except Taste of Summer) with my Sitka Salmon Shares discount code: FITFORK

 Veestro plant based meal delivery discount

Veestro: Veestro is a plant-based meal delivery service that makes preparing a meal easy and healthy without sacrificing taste or flavor. They deliver pre-cooked, frozen meals to your door – no shopping, chopping or clean up! Simply heat up meals the oven or microwave . . .tastes fresh and scratch-made with so many veggies! One of my favorite entrees is the Enchilada Casserole, it’s dairy free but tastes cheesy and only 250 calories with 13g protein. Yeehaw!

Now thru April 2, 2020, you can save 25% off your first purchase at Veestro with Veestro discount code: RAIN

jennifer fisher thefitfork beef sirlion steak

Callison Ranch Beef: Y’all know I’m a beef girl, it’s got a dense nutrient profile that supports my active lifestyle. I love supporting small ranchers, and my girlfriend over at Callison Ranch Beef is the BEST (plus she’s a runner and does Spartans). Her ranch offers an array of beef cuts (check out this sirloin steak I’m holding) from cattle that are grass-fed, grain finished and ranch-raised from start to finish. Also, their USDA-inspected beef is dry-aged for 21 to 28 days to get that premier steakhouse flavor. Don’t know what to choose? Check out their popular “My Old Man Beef Box” that includes 2 premium steaks, 4lbs ground beef, 6 beef patties, 1 top round steak and 1lb all-beef breakfast sausage – it all comes shipped to you fresh frozen on dry ice. It’s a great way to make sure you get some good beef stocked in the freezer, especially now that finding meat at the local grocery store is like a treasure hunt.  I don’t have a discount code for Callision Ranch Beef, but their products are very fairly priced for the quality and love that goes into it. Check them out for weekly specials too!

completeats cookie 15% off discount code THEFITFORK15

Completeats Cookies:  Cookies equal comfort, right?! But so many cookies are not so good for you loaded with sugar and such or other ingredients that might not fit with your dietary preferences like gluten-free, vegan or Paleo. But, the ingredient list in the cookies from Completeats is so simple and clean (plus 7 grams protein, 5g fiber and no trans fats) that you could even eat this healthy treat for a quick breakfast. Cookies are individually wrapped and delivered straight to your door. If you’ve never tried these healthy, soft, delicious cookies, I’d suggest getting the variety pack, but you can also load up on a box of your favorite (mine is the Banana Bread Cookie)

Save 15% on your order at Completeats with my Completeats discount code: THEFITFORK15

Rockit Snacks Pumpkin Seeds - thefitfork

Rockit Snacks Pumpkin Seeds: These crunchy-coated pumpkin seeds are AMAZING, I love to eat them out of the bag and sprinkle on my salads. Who needs process chips when you can eat this amazing nonGMO, plant-based superfood?! Get the variety pack so you can enjoy all the flavors – NACHO, RANCH and SEA SALT.

Nuttzo Nut & Seed Butter: Is nut butter one of the most amazing comfort foods for a worldwide pandemic, or what?! It’s nourishing, delicious and pantry-friendly. I love Nuttzo for their addition of other nutrients to the nuts, like chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds! I eat it by the spoon and use as an ingredient in my many recipes (like in the crust of these mini cottage cheese cheesecakes).


handzies natural wipesAND, of course, you’ll want to keep your hands clean (please follow the recommended 20-second soap and washing guidelines and/or gel with 60% alcohol).  Between clean-ups I use these natural wipes from Handzies, a local business I support. Before this pandemic, I used these little pre-packaged wipes to freshen up after workouts and eating in my car (lol, but truth). They aren’t strong enough to kill viruses, but I’m still carrying them in my purse along with antibacterial gel to help me wipe down my phone, credit cars, steering wheel and such. I’m noticing that may stores aren’t providing complimentary wipes anymore at the front of the store (or they are being all hoarded up). So, it’s nice to have my own wipes that I can “power” up with container of Purell I’ve been carrying everywhere.




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