30 Min. Treadmill Chipper for Spartan Obstacle Course Race Training

Save 20% on spartan race code: UBST24-TK88D27

Before we jump into the workout, let’s chat about other important stuff, like If you want to sign up for a Spartan Race, the discount code above will save you 20%!spartan-super-austin-barb-wire-jen Typically, I’d say a legit Spartan or obstacle course racer prefers the challenges of exercising outdoors, rather that indoors. In the wild (even if it’s just your backyard), you can react to the obstacles and hurdles Mother Nature throws down in the path, and these are always changing! Unfortunately, the problems of a super-scheduled, modern-day life can prevent Tarzan swinging over rivers and slithering on your stomach through misty mores. That is, unless your place of employment or car pool pick-ups don’t care if you show up for service wallpapered in stickers and swamp mud. That’s when a treadmill becomes a necessary evil in your training battle plan. Of course, die hard obstacle course racers will train in the elements, whatever they may be – rain, sleet, ice and snow. It makes sense to add these uncomfortable weather days in every now and then, to acclimate for potential race day conditions. However, there is no reason to put yourself in harm’s way, Get nailed by lightning or run over by a bus that didn’t see you in a downpour and you’ll not be chanting “Aroo” come race day.

No need to suffer needlessly to prove your toughness, although some might say the treadmill is more pain-invoking than any trail – haha!  In the winter, wind and dark of night, I need a little more “comfort” and convenience and the treadmill keeps me on task with my  running, OCR and Spartan training plans.   Mountain Climbers on Treadmill  (Above) Mountain Climbers on the treadmill (belt will just move w/o turning on) 

So, for safety, convenience and comfort, I will frequently knock out obstacle course training on a treadmill Today, I’m sharing a full-body workout (a 30 Minute Treadmill Chipper) that will challenge your limits and make you more unstoppable and unbreakable and undeniably more race ready than yesterday. Exercises like Burden Runs and Mountain climbers on a treadmill get you ready for the demands   conquering  a Spartan or other obstacle course race – like bucket carries, sandbag hoists, rock climbing, bear crawling and more.  Do you accept the challenge? Good, I thought you would! Treadmill Burden Run  (Above) Burden Run on the treadmill, switch carry sides as needed.

So stop looking at the treadmill as the weenie way to get in your workout. A good treadmill can give you so many workout options that will challenge your stamina, raw strength and relentless grit. 30 Minute Spartan Training Chipper for Treadmill will keep your training on task in inclement weather, during travel or incovenient hours. Disclaimer: Please note that the treadmill is being used in a manner not “prescribed” by most manufacturers, so you will use extra caution, right?!

Description of 30 Minute Treadmill Chipper exercises:

  1. Warm Up Run: Set treadmill on 0% incline and jog at a slower, comfortable pace to warm up.
  2. Incline Push-Ups:  Turn treadmill belt off and hold onto handles, facing console. Form a straight line with your body and bend at elbows to perform a pushup, bringing chest towards console and engaging triceps. Pause, and then push back up.
  3. Reverse Mountain Climbers:  Turn treadmill belt and get into plank position, facing away from the machine. Feet will be on sides of treadmill base and hands on floor. To start, move feet to belt and drive one knee into chest while other extends backward. This will safely push the belt at your pace Alternate legs back and forth.
  4. Handle Bar Rows: Turn off belt and get into reverse plank position holding onto handle bars, looking upward and with feet and end of belt. Pull body upward, toward handles, using arms and chest. Pause and then slowly lower down and repeat.
  5. High Intensity Hill Run: Set incline to 5% or higher and run and a pace equal to 85 to 90% of max.
  6. Overhead Balance Walk: Slow treadmill to 1 mph and hold medicine ball (try 25# women or 35# men) overhead with straight, locked out   arms. Start at front of belt and raise one leg to high knee and hold while belt moves you backward, when reaching end of belt, step down and walk to front of belt and repeat on other leg.
  7. Side Shuffles:  Set treadmill at 2 – 5 mph and stand sideways on the belt with knees slightly bent.  Quickly bring outer foot to meet leading foot (the one closest to console) and then hop the leading foot out forward again, repeat.
  8. Walking Lunges: Set treadmill to about 3 mph at a 3% to 5% incline and step forward with right leg, lowering body until knee bent at 90 degrees and brushing over belt. Keep hips stacked over knee, not behind it or ahead of it. Rise up, bringing back foot forward, alternating legs for the duration.
  9.  Burden Run: Set treadmill to slower jogging pace (try 10 to 13 mph) and place medicine ball ( try ball 25# women or 35# men) on right shoulder reaching up and over  with right arm to secure. Run or walk fast for 800 meters, moving ball from shoulder to shoulder, as needed.
This 30 Minute Treadmill Chipper for Obstacle Course Training is a workout that mixes up running with strength exercises to get you ready for your next Spartan, Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash.

What percentage training do you do on a treadmill? Have you ever done anything other than run on a treadmill?  Please share in the comments – XOXO, Jennifer

How Exercise Boosts Brain Power + Week of Smart Workouts

Exercise is a smart choice for maintaining physical health and it also plays a role in promoting overall happiness and well-being. But, can exercise make a person more intelligent? Probably so say sports scientists from Finland who recently published some surprising findings on how the type and intensity of exercise may have a bearing on brain power?

Find out the best form of exercise for a brain boost. Yes, some workouts can make you not on stronger, but smarter!

The study compared pitted moderate-paced running, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and weight lifting against each other to observe how these various forms physical exercise can increase hippocampal neurogenesis (e.g. the creation of new brain cells) in an already mature brain. The test subjects – rats! The running rodents were left to run on their cage wheels (a moderate jog, some up to several miles a day) with free will while the HIIT group was given a daily 15 minute regimen of repeated strenuous effort sprinting with jog recovery. And, the weight-lifting rodents climbed walls with little weights attached to their tails as a sedentary control group lounged around and watched. I laugh just thinking about this! mouse-lifting-weight

Whether mouse or man, it appears that the winning exercise for long-term brain health may simply be moderate running or “jogging” and, by my semi-educated extrapolation, other similar “aerobic and sustained” activities like biking, swimming and brisk walking.  It seems wheel-jogging rodents had the most vigorous rates of new brain cell growth, significantly higher than the sedentary, lay-around rats. The hightailing HIIT group had some brain cell growth, but not as much as the aerobic joggers, with researchers hypothesizing that physical stress impedes neurogenesis. Interestingly, the resistance-trained rats were no different brain-wise at the end of the study – which keeps the status-quo on “muscle head” jokes!

Exercise is not only great for your health, but can make you smarter! Find out what type and intensity of workout will give you the best brain boost!

Seriously though, all forms of exercise are beneficial for the body. Just like variety in diet is important for optimal health, so is mixing up the way you move. While jogging or easy running may boost brain cells, lifting weights strengthens muscles, bones and tendons, helping to improve every day work capacity.  And, both resistance training and HIIT up the body’s metabolism, one of the keys to keeping a lean silhouette.

I think trail running and obstacle course races like Spartan are a great way to add “extra” to simply running – a well-rounded athlete is a smart athlete, too!

Below are some of my favorite running, HIIT and other workouts — pick your favorites and get strong, get smart!



Here are a week of workouts to get stronger and smarter:

  1. 20 Minute Kickboxing Workout to Kick Monday in the Face
  2. You Got Mad “Ups” Body Weight Workout
  3. Boom! Med Ball Workout
  4. Trail Run Tabata
  5. Fun Faster 800m-Lover Workout
  6. Sayonara Sprint Partner Run Workout 
  7. Soccer Strong Workout – – also great for OCR Training

What is your favorite “type” of exercise to do? Do you mix it up, or single sport? Ever feel smarter after jogging (haha)?  Please share in the comments — XOXO, Jennifer

Sunday Shoutout: Four Things for Better Runs and Workouts

Happy Sunday and Father’s Day! I celebrated yesterday with my husband (who is an awesome dad to our three teen boys) by heading up to Dallas to run a Spartan Race at Jerry’s World, aka the AT&T Stadium, Home of the Dallas Cowboys.

jennifer fisher spartan stadium

Strip Steaks with Globally Inspired Wet RubsMaking a special dinner for my own top pop tonight,  a super guy who’s been an amazing father to me for the past nearly 49 years! Since he loves to travel the world and experience new flavors in food just as much as me, I’m thinking grilling steaks with one of my globally inspired wet rubs!



Today, I want share with you some of the healthy foods and fitness gear I’ve tried out lately that have passed my persnickity test of approval!

1) Tommie Copper Compression: First up, some new products from Tommie Copper, a line of active and recovery compression wear that I’ve been wearing for a couple years now.  Tommie Copper clothing encourages muscle and joint recovery through compression after a hard workout – they also have performance apparel that is perfect for wearing during running and workouts.

Tommie Copper Compression Camisole

The unique hook of Tommie Cooper is that their compression and active fit (not so tight) lines of performance apparel are fashioned from fabric infused with high density activated copper. Not only does the proprietary copper fabric serve as an anti-bacterial agent, it also releases ions which may help reduce harmful oxidants in the body.

I love LOVE the Women’s Compression Camisole with Adjustable Straps for so many reasons – the vibrant color (other colors available), the hugging fit, and option to make the straps longer or shorter (for some reason, I always need to make mine shorter).

Tommie Copper Shaping CapriI also tried out a pair of Women’s Shaping Compression Capris designed to provide comfortable compression with a flattering fit. In other words, you butt will look as good as it feels! A curved back yoke lifts and shapes to enhance curves with the contoured waistband holds the tummy in without making a muffin top or feeling squeezed.

Actually, today only you can take 25% off your order at TommieCopper.com with the code FATHERSDAY at checkout.


2) The Pickle Juice Company: Also, I want to shout out The Pickle Juice ® Company, y’all saved my husband (aka “the sweater”) yesterday at the Spartan Race.  He gets muscle cramps, even in shorter distances of running, so I knew that the 4 miles (of basically all stair running) was going to set him up for some debilitating cramps, especially since was super hot in Dallas yesterday.

Pickle Juice Shot from The Pickle Juice Company

So, I made him drink a specifically formulated the Extra Strength Pickle Juice Shot before he started – and guess what, no muscle cramps were reported. This interesting product is based on the functional properties of pickle brine that have been shown to help relieve muscle cramps while also serving as a hydration aid. Each Extra Strength Pickle Juice Shot contains 10 times more electrolytes than your average sports drink and has been proven to relieve muscle cramps in 85 seconds. We are both going to be carrying a little bottle along on an upcoming summer trail race!

This product is available at many sports and grocery retailers, or you can get a “dill” at Amazon  — you gotta getcha some Extra Strength Pickle Juice Shots!

3) Simply Snackin: I appreciate how Simply Snackin makes it easy for me to play hard and snack often (in my preferred higher protein way) with their insanely yummy line of meat-based snacks. Think “jerky” but waaaaay better than the stuff I grew up with as a kid. I’ve enjoyed Simply Snackin’ bars for quite some time now, and they never fail to impress me with their high-quality and amazing array of flavors.

Simply Snackin meat and fruit  snacks

These jerky bars from Simply Snackin are crafted in family-owned micro-snackery with a focus on taste that also supports a health, fitness and wellness. There are 10 amazing flavors, the snacks are all natural, gluten free, low carb, tender and lean, minimally process and packaged to go in individual 1-oz. portions.

It’s sooooooo hard to decide, but I think my favorite flavors are Northwoods Beef with Cranberries & Blueberries, Italiano Chicken with Romano Cheese and Orchard Venison with Apples Every bar has only 60 calories and 10 to 11 grams of protein and 0 to 3 grams of sugar (natural sugar depending on if fruit has been mixed in).

You can order straight from theSimply Snackin or get hooked up at Amazon.com Simply Snackin All Natural Chicken,  Simply Snack All Natural Beef,  Simply Snackn All Natural Venison.


4) Zooma Summer Challenge: Also, the Zooma Summer Challenge kicks off June 27th. This is a great way to expand your workout horizons, experiment with new foods and activities, and get your body and mind strong to prepare for fall race training. For the $50 registration fee you get: a workout and food plan for the 5-week program, weekly emails that explain that week’s workout and food challenge, access to a private Facebook group where you can share your successes and questions with fellow Challengers, fun swag including a tank top and beach bag and a bling-y medal to commemorate your summer fitness success. Register HERE!

Zooma Summer Challenge 2016

So, what new health and fitness products have you been loving lately? What races are you training for? Please share in the comments below – XOXO, Jennifer 

How to Treat Sports Turf Burns + #YourSecretWeapon for Prevention

Giveaway at Bottom of Post!

I have three teenage boys . . . and they have all played soccer. I have seen a LOT of soccer and treated plenty of turf burns. Actually, I hate to say this, but I’m the most turf-burn prone and actually I have had some really bad ones just running at high speed. I’ve learned how to suck up the pain and treat them quickly – if kept clean and moist with an antibiotic cream and sterile bandage (changed frequently), the turf burns actually clear up amazingly fast!

One thing I have learned over the years (after going in for a kid’s health checkup with horrific road burn on my shoulder, arm and side) is that it’s NOT good to use hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can actually damage the tissue further and prevent healing – plus, it hurts like hell to pour it on there, am I right?!

How to Safely Treat Turf Burn on Soccer, Football and Lacrosse Players.

Check out my handy, printable reference on treating turf burn if you or your child to happen to get the big red raspberry of pain. Also, check out his Storelli blog post on Turf Burn Facts and Prevention

One way to prevent turf burn is to not get it at all. That sounds like a no-brainer, but when you’ve got the killer instinct and are completely focused on blocking a shot, kicking a goal or hauling down field to keep position, how rough and abrasive the turf can be isn’t really on the radar. Most players would easily take some nasty burn for the team . . or personal glory!

I’ve discovered BodyShield from Storelli. This Brooklyn, NY based company is one of the soccer industry’s most cutting-edge and exciting new brands. They use proprietary technologies (inspired by extreme sports gear) to create low-profile, high-performance protective gear that helps absorb impact, minimize and prevent abrasions, cuts and nasty bruises. When you have less fear of the game, you can be fearless! If found this to be especially true of one of my kids who isn’t as must as a risk-taker as the rest of the family.

Storelli Next Generation Soccer Injury Prevention GearMy 14 year old has been wearing BodyShield from Storelli for the last two seasons – he can be really fussy about what he wears and how it feels. He’s worn the protective undershirt and head wrap and filed sliders or on the way!

The report back from my sporty mini-me is that it’s easy to gear up in BodyShield, there’s no “weird rubbing” or “too tight” feeling, and  it doesn’t reduce mobility at all – in fact, he says that he usually forgets he’s even wearing the protective gear. And (so important to a middle schooler) it looks cool!

Where Turf Burns Happen Most on Body

The Field Player Sliders use 3mm thick foam technology to protect during tackles and slides without impeding movement. No more fear of abrasions or sudden impacts and no more turf burns on the side and hips (the most common place)!

Oscar Chelsea Soccer Player

Check out professional soccer player Oscar Chelsea sporting the BodyShield Sliders and Sleeveless Undershirt. Stare if you must.

TheFitFork.com SoccerStorelli can be #YourSecretWeapon against turf burns, too! Heck, I’m even thinking about suiting up head to toe for my next Spartan Race.

That’s why I ordered a pair of Women’s BodyShield Sliders designed specifically for female needs) and they finally arrived (see below0 If you use promo code, you can receive 15% off any of everything at Storelli.com – you’re going to want it all!


storelli shorts jennifer

Please check out Storelli’s BodyShield protective soccer gear and check out the informative articles on their blog – must-reads if you or a family member is an avid soccer player.50 visa gift card giveaway

Also, don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a $50 Visa Gift Card that you can use for your own Storelli gear, other soccer equipment or whatever you like – just hopefully not on bandages to treat turf burn!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Spartan Burpee How-To & Penalty + Race Registration Giveaway



Burpees.   People love to hate them, although I personally don’t think they’re all that bad. Except maybe I don’t love them so much the middle of an obstacle race when my arms and legs are already wobbly, stickers are piercing my palms and I’m coming face to face with cow patties.

Save 20% on spartan race code: UBST24-TK88D27

How to Make Burpees More Fun - 5 VariationsBut, in a pristine situation, burpees have been a pretty good fitness friend to me, they are a simple, no-equipment needed way to get a full-body workout plus a little cardio (okay, mabye a lot of cardio).

Plus, there are a million variations as I rounded up last year on my post on How to Make Burpees More Fun – Did I Really Just Say That?

But in the Spartan Race, they don’t want to see the variations. And that’s good, because who has any bounce left for fancy stuff?!  In fact, I’ve been revisiting the rules on Spartan Race burpees (30 burpees required as a punishment for failing an obstacle) because, at my last race, I (gasp) received a 3-minute penalty added to my finish line time. Now, if you’re running in the open, you don’t have anyone judging your burpees, it’s honor system. But, the elite heat is suffering under the scrutiny of video cameras and clipboard bearing field officials.

Save 20% on any US Spartan race, Sprint, Super, Beast, Ultra, Kids and Hurricane HEat:  Use code SAP-936039P at https://affiliate.spartan.com/thefitfork

Before my last Spartan Sprint, I breezed through the burpee details in the Standard Obstacle Specific Instructions:

Obstacles may have a “Burpee Zone or Burpee Area”. Athletes are required to complete their penalty burpees within the designated zone or area, as burpees are monitored by Course Officials and/ or video cameras. Course officials will review video to ensure proper form is used and the athlete has completed the burpee penalty. . . .Camera review can change the outcome of the race, and results are not final until camera review and field officials have approved the results and assessed penalties

Penalty for Obstacle Failure: – 30 Burpees (chest must hit the ground, feet must leave the ground)

So, I do remember a few times when I though “hmmm, this manual says nowhere hands must be thrown in the air when feet leave the ground.” But, at one burpee zone, I decided to omit the overhead hand throw to conserve energy. This omission caused a field official to reprimand me . . .  who argues in a situation like this, so I just started back to throwing hands overhead and doing the hokey-pokey from hell.

If I’d had anything left to give, I’da busted out “Put Your Hands Up, Put Your Mother Effin’ Hands Up” covered by a gazillion different rappers.

So, when the initial finish line results and final results were exactly 3 minutes apart, I knew something was up. It was too late to challenge, I was already home . . . plus, I want to be completely legit, flawless and clean, if I messed up, then I deserved the penalty. I know I did ENOUGH burpees, I can count. I just wish I would have known EXACTLY what was expected so this would have never happened in the first place. When you know better, you do better. I did burpees as described in the obstacle manual  (which is Chest to Ground – Feet Leave Ground). Search the web, so much controversy on the topic, even on the Spartan Race site (see the Great Burpee Debate)!

I should have watched this video which shows the hands going in the air, although he doesn’t mention this step as every other is noted.

And found this after searching the Spartan Race site for “burpees,” I found this article called THE PENALTY AND THE PAIN: BUCK FURPEES. It describes burpees with the hands overhead. This should be in the Standard Obstacle Specific Instructions, please – thank you very much.

  1. Chest to deck.  When you drop to the ground, you must execute a full push up with your chest touching the ground.
  2. Press out of the push-up jumping your legs underneath your body so that you are in a squatted position.
  3. Stand up, extending the hips, and jump off the ground with hands overhead.

Then after more searching around, I found additional information that elite racers may be penalized 30 seconds per incorrect burpee, up to 10. Then disqualification. It’s subjective still, in my opinion, and you have obviously are on someone’s radar if they are scrutinizing your burpees.

Spartan after way too many burpees

The face of a 120 burpee race. Damn.

So, my takeaway for the next race. Don’t fail an obstacle, don’t get stuck with burpees.  And, if that’s not possible, do a bonus burpee on top of the 30 reps just to show trustworthy toughness! Aroo!

No sour grapes with Spartan Race in ANY WAY whatsoever. In fact, I love them for challenging me so significantly at this stage of my life. However, I just wanted to clarify some of this burpee stuff and keep any of you from suffering the wrath of not knowing.

Other timely Spartan Race stuff you need to know:

spartan fotI also wanted to remind you about Spartan Race founder and best-selling author, Joe DeSena’s new book, Spartan Fit the go-to tome of training for newbies and veterans alike or just help on how to get super fit in 31 days, without a gym or weights. You also learn how to build your fitness from one race to the next, get nutrition advice and will be motivated by stories of inspiring Spartans.

How to Make a Spartan Spear in Less Than 10 Mintues and Under 10 DollarsAnd, don’t forget your spear throwing practice – I’ve got the tutorial on How to Make Your Own Spartan Spear in 10 minutes, for $10.

If you want to sign up for a Spartan Race what are you waiting for? Commit today! 

Save 20% on spartan race code: UBST24-TK88D27

GIVEAWAY CLOSED!! Enter my giveaway for a FREE SPARTAN REGISTRATION. Winner will receive one-time use code good for any Open Heat (non-confirmed start time) in any Spartan Race in the Continental US. Just follow the Rafflecopter instructions below.

This post and giveaway were sponsored by Spartan Race, all opinions, advice and enthusiasm are all my own.

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