9 Ways to Stretch Summer into Any Season

i This post is sponsored by prAna and I was provided product and/or compensation for my time. However, all opinions, editorial and enthusiasm remain entirely my own.

Summer is a state of mind, not only a season. I remind myself this time and time again when I start seeing shorter days and dropping temperatures. Thankfully, where I live, we take our heat straight into fall, but in a few short months I will be morning the hibernation of flip flops, tank tops and lazy, late nights on the porch.  

9 Ways to Stretch Summer into Any Season

So, this summer-loving girl has found easy ways to make the feel-good vibes of summer last as long as possible.  By the way, you’ll notice I have lots of fun, functional clothing to set me free to do the things I love in any season – it’s all from prAna.com (and you can save 15% with my discount code ESJFF15) Continue reading

What Running for 30 Years Has Taught Me

I was thinking about all the things that running has taught me over the years, and I tried to capture the most important in this post. I wasn’t a child prodigy runner, nor was I on the school XC team. But, I HAVE been running for 30 YEARS and it has blessed me with so many amazing experiences. What Running 30 Years Has Taught Me - Jennifer Fisher, thefitfork.com

These experiences have included running marathons all over the country and even representing Houston in the Athens Marathon; pushing myself and meeting new friends on overnight 200 mile relay races; missing an Olympic marathon qualifying time by seconds, but getting to run with the Torch in the 2002 Olympic Torch Relay; setting event course-records at the mile distance and the half-marathon distance while being in my 40s; and most recently, winning the RCAA 10 mile Texas State Championship in the “Super Master” division last year . .  probably my favorite distance of all time. Oh, yeah, and running has given me the confidence and “I can do anything” mindset that allowed me to take up Spartan racing at an elite/competitive level at age 48 through today! But, this laundry list is just a bunch of achievements, running has brought and taught me so much more, read on to find out:   Continue reading

Total Body Express Workout, 20 Minutes at Home with Total Gym

This post is sponsored by Total Gym. I received product and compensation in exchange for my time and editorial consideration. However, all opinions remain my own.

The training I do to stay competitive in obstacle course racing often commandeers a significant amount of time in my already-packed week. Hours are spent improving endurance by running long distances, building speed on the track, Olympic lifting at the gym to gain strength to do things like flip tires and carry heavy things, and plenty of skill work including throwing spears, balancing, and jumping. Jennifer of thefitfork.com test out Total Gym (and loves it for light workout days and active recovery).

Whew. As a working mom, I literally sometimes can’t get it all done. So, when I’m really pressed for time, I try to squeeze in a short morning run and then jump on my Total Gym® later in the day for a quick, light workout to tide me over. Continue reading

Why Athletes Need Plenty of Omega-3 and Benefits of Algae-based

This post is sponsored by iWi but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

You run, you lift, you play sports, you lead an active lifestyle. You may also eat clean or follow a diet to help optimize your performance. It’s amazing what certain nutrients can do to help our bodies recover more quickly so that we can jump right into the next day’s challenges.iWi omega 3

“Omega-3s” are one of those buzzwords that you’ve probably heard thousands of times along your health, wellness and/or fitness journey. If you’ve ever wondered exactly what omega-3 fatty acids are, what the do and how they can help you as an athlete, read on! Continue reading

Beverages with Benefits for an Active Lifestyle

Bookend your day and get a little pick-me-up in the middle with a delicious, healthy drink that offers a nutritional boost for your body. While I’m not an all-in fan of liquid diets, juice cleanses or drinking a bunch of calories (I’d rather chew!), I do think that the right beverage consumed at the right time can fill in any nutritional gaps to keep your body humming along.

Read on to get all these better-for-you “beverages with benefits” that are especially helpful to runners and athletes – cheers! Continue reading