How To Achieve Long Term Health & Fitness Goals


Achieving short term health and fitness goals, like finishing your first 5k or getting down to your goal weight, can provide significant sense of accomplishment . . . and I’m not here to knock that high. However, the feel-good can be just as fleeting as the achievement, especially if you’re not committed to long term health and fitness goals. Those changes that brought you across the proverbial finish line today need to be part of your day-in, day-out life . . . forever. How to Achieve Long Term Health and Fitness Goals

I’m sure you’ve seen a barrage of statistics about failure when it comes to achieving long term health and fitness goals. How quickly weight is gained back, how soon after joining people stop going to the gym, how many New Year’s Resolutions are broken before February — some say as many as 80%! Read on to find out how to your turn your main focus from immediate changes driven by guilt or obligation into a lifetime of health and fitness fueled by lasting behavioral changes and an acceptance of the peaks and valleys in the journey.  Eating well (and enough protein) is part of the process and I also talk about a protein snack that fuels my hustle. Don’t miss it! Continue reading

Juicing Ginger Root and How to Use it in Recipes

Let me get right to the root (errr, rhizome) of the matter -you need to be juicing ginger. Just a small amount of ginger can create a big flavor and nutrient boost in any food or drink recipe and it also can be used as a natural “medicine” to help optimize wellness. It’s said to clear sinuses, improves digestion, quells nausea is a natural analgesic is ant-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Ginger juice

I’ve written about the benefits of ginger in the past and shared ginger recipes using it in ground, dried “spice” form and also minced or grated. But juicing ginger is my favorite way to use this pungent little powerhouse. Read on to learn about ginger juicing, why you should drink ginger juice and suggestions on how to use it. Continue reading

Christmas Workout Ideas to Sleigh the Day

Gifts have been exchanged, stockings unstuffed, and an epic holiday brunch as come and gone. For many, the remainder of Christmas day is spent slumped on the couch in a sugar coma or, worse yet, stuck in a car or plane traveling. A quick Christmas workout (with no need of a gym) can help lessen any cabin fever, sluggishness or seasonal anxiety that has come on. Christmas Workouts that Sleigh the day

Check out this collection of Christmas Workout ideas that help you stick to your fitness routine at home, hotel or going through the hills to Grandmother’s house. Continue reading

15-Minute Couch Workout – Turn Downtime into Found Fitness Time

It boggles my mind and makes me feel cooped up when I hear that the average American watches 5 hours and 4 minutes of TV per day (That’s why we need the couch workout that I’m sharing below)! I watch a tiny, tiny fraction of that, unless I’m binging on some of my recent favorite shows like Silicone Valley, Stranger Things or The Crown. And even then, it’s just a couple episodes at a time, and I can fast-forward through the commercials – if there even ARE any. 15 Minute Couch Workout

However, it’s even more revealing to learn that 4 ½ of these hours are spent watching live television (not necessarily “live” but traditionally broadcast where you get stuck with the commercials) and only 30 minutes of DVR shows. Think of all the time wasted sitting on your butt being influenced by messages from the sponsor?! Another study says that in an hour time slot of television, nearly one-fourth is filled with ads! Turn this down time with into “found” time for fitness with my 15-minute Couch Workout. Read on the get all the details. Continue reading

5 Ways Parents Can Exercise While Waiting at Kids Sports Practice

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, INC. and The Coca-Cola Company, all opinions are mine alone. #SnackHonestly #CollectiveBias

The fall season can take a toll on my daily workout routine, if I let it.  Busy back-to-school schedules, dwindling daylight hours, pre-holiday preparations and perhaps just a bit of laziness make it harder to keep to my regularly schedule sweat sessions.healhty snack active lifestyle

But, thank goodness autumn weather is perfect for exercising outdoors, so I keep my fitness clothes in the car trunk (along with Lorissa’s Kitchen™ and  Honest Tea® ) and make it a priority to move and groove wherever I might be in “wait mode” – like a one of my three kid’s many sports practices. Read on to find out five easy ways everyone from Soccer Moms and Football Dads can squeeze in an impromptu workout this way and also get a deal on the sponsor products. Continue reading