Note: This post is sponsored by National Watermelon Board. Visit them at for everything watermelon!
You don’t need to hit the gym or invest in expensive equipment when you use this surprising tool for the ultimate at-home core workout – a personal-sized watermelon!

Exercising and watermelon both make me feel happy and like I’m taking care of my health. And, keeping your core strong is so important as you get older, a strong core helps improve balance and stability, minimizes fatigue and the chance for injury, and keeps you functionally fit to keep on doing fun things.
Pick a smaller, “mini” watermelon about 4 to 6-pounds and 10 to 15-centimeters in diameter. This is the typical range for personal-sized watermelon sold year-round in most local markets. Weigh your watermelon to make sure, heavier isn’t necessarily better in this core workout.

After the workout, you can slice your watermelon and enjoy it as a post-workout snack – your body will benefit from the hydration (watermelons are 92% water), vitamin C, natural carbs to replenish energy, and other beneficial nutrients that work in harmony with a balanced diet.
Try these Core Exercises with a Personal-sized Watermelon
(Repeat for 2 to 4 sets, depending on fitness level)
Kneeling Lift to Bend: Kneel with one leg forward. Set watermelon in front of kneeling leg, even with foot on other side. Reach with both hands to pick and raise overhead in slow reverse chop motion. The bend at side, stretching obliques, before returning to top. Lower watermelon and repeat. Repeat 10 times each side.
Bicycle with Watermelon Weave: Sitting on bottom with legs and torso extended into a bike crunch position, hold watermelon in left hand. As you bend your right knee, bringing watermelon towards your chest, and pass the watermelon under the leg as it’s bending Grab the watermelon with your right hand, then switch leg positions and reverse the move to return to the start.
Prone Legs-Up Toe Touch: Lay on back with legs straight up in air. Hold watermelon with both hands and lift arms and torso upward, while contracting abdominals, to reach toes with watermelon or come as close as possible. Lower to the ground. Repeat 10 times.
Plank Roll Outs: Get into a straight-arm plank position with watermelon near one hand. Roll watermelon backward toward feet while you pike upward into a downward dog position. Next roll the watermelon forward to the start position. Repeat 5 times, each side.
Around the World: Kneel on both legs and hold watermelon in front of you. Pass the watermelon from the right hand to left hand and then around back of body coming back to start position. Note: you can do this exercise standing up, but if the watermelon drops, it could break. Repeat 10 times going each way.
Superman Watermelon Lift: Lay on stomach, with legs straight behind you and arms straight in front (watermelon between hands). Squeeze glutes to protect lower back and slowly lift legs up off the ground as far as you can while at the same time also lifting chest up and watermelon up with arms – hold for a few seconds. If this is too difficult, focus on the leg and chest lifting while keeping watermelon on floor and rolling it back and forth between hands. Repeat for 10 holds.
Watermelon Russian Twists: Sit upright with glutes on mat and feet lifted off ground. Rotate your torso from side to side, holding watermelon in both hands and moving to each side of body. Repeat for 10 twists on each side.