Best Times to Drink Protein

One important way I help ensure my physical and mental health when the stress in my life starts to ramp up is to ensure I’m eating enough protein. If you know me at all, virtually or in real life, you know the priority I put on consuming ample protein as part of a balanced diet.  But, when life gets crazy, managing this macro can seem like just another chore . . . or gets pushed out of the way almost completely by stress eating (for me, chocolate). Thankfully, I keep fizzique sparkling protein water on hand to sip on during the day. Read on to learn more about the product and discover Best Times to Drink Protein jennifer fisher thefitfork austi fizzique

First, let me say on my soapbox, that drinking a diet of protein waters, protein shakes and other such “supplement” stuff should NOT be a complete replacement for whole foods. Variety is the spice of life and eating an assortment of whole grains, lean proteins and colorful fruits and veggies will ensure that you are getting the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients needed for optimal health and wellness. Continue reading