Favorite Fitness & Healthy Food for Weekend Winning

Raise your hand if you’re ready for a long Memorial Day weekend? I know I am! We’ve had the busiest month filled with graduations, moving kids home from college for the summer, out-of-town races, end-of-year award banquets and school activities and more.

I’m ready for a little R&R and low-stress food duty. My fitness plans are relaxed and go-with-the-flow, but I’m hoping to do some stand-up paddle-boarding, time take a trail run, and to complete the Murph Hero WOD again this year. After all this, the most strenuous meal I’ll be taking on is to grill up my Weeping Tiger Beef Kebabs and they are super tasty and easy! To keep the weekend focused on doing the things that bring me joy, I’m share some of the recent “food and fitness” things that have been adding value to my life! Continue reading

Holiday Gift Guide for Sore, Tired, Hungry Runners

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy compression socks, massage tools, foam rollers, mobility gear, and special lotions and potions and some good eatin’ that can soothe sore muscles and quicken workout recovery — in my world, this kind of self-care IS the very definition of happiness. That’s why I’ve put together this Holiday Gift Guide for Sore, Tired, Hungry Runners!2017 Holiday Gift Guide for Sore, Tired and Hungry Runners

I’ve compiled a Holiday Gift Guide for Sore, Tired, Hungry Runners with my favorite items to help make muscle soreness and fatigue a distant memory and ready an athlete up for his next scheduled sweat sesh! From totally-worth-it splurges to little stocking stuffers, there is something for every sore and tired athlete in your life  . . .or maybe you! Continue reading

“Still Running Strong” 50th Birthday Giveaway – $575 of Favorites

It happened, I turned 50 years old today! No biggie, in fact I embrace it – it took half a century to get this awesome (haha)! While my speed has slowed and my recovery time has doubled, I may be at the best place ever in my fitness journey. I’m not obsessed, I’m not a slave to my watch or training plan, I’m not trying to prove myself. I still strive to be the best I can, but I also focus more on balance, fun, rest and recovery so I can keep on doing all this for another 20, 30, 40 years! Still Running Strong Giveaway - thefitfork.com

In honor of my birthday, some of the great sponsors and brands I work with are letting me treat one lucky winner to the running/fitness things I can’t live without. This giveaway includes everything from running shoes and compression socks, to coaching and mobility gear – oh, and sports nutrition, wellness products and healthy snacks. Read on to find out more about this running giveaway and how to enter!   Continue reading

Running and Jumping for Joy About Compression Socks + #Giveaway

Jennifer Fisher TheFitFork.com  Jump Rope

I am a huge fan of compression socks and am hosting a giveaway for a really fun pair (of winner’s choice) at the bottom of post.  I wear this type of knee sock for nearly every race and workout and also on those work days when I’m standing for lengthy periods of time at an event expo, teaching cooking classes or otherwise running around. In fact, I’ve found that on those days when I do have to stand up all day, I still have enough spring in my step later in the evening to fit my training in or going around with the jump rope in a pair of Polka Dot Compression Socks (as above).

I never go overboard - haha!I’ve written quite a few posts about compression socks in the past (like this one about compression and running-CrossFit-yoga, so I hesitate to rehash everything – but the basic ideas is that the compression in socks (which usually starts the strongest in the foot or ankle and then moves up the calf), keeps the blood flow from slowing and giving you that lethargic, swollen, dead-leg feeling.  I like to call this squeezing, “happy hugs for your feet” – it’s doesn’t really feel as much “tight” as it does “embraced.”   Anyway, this ‘hugging” encourages better circulation and, in turn, legs will feel more energized, less achy and heavy. Some doctors even suggest compression socks may help to prevent varicose and spider veins. Oh how I wish stylish compression socks were available during my pregnancies, as I had vein problems quite bad and was forced to wear thick, full-length compression hose in an awful “suntan” color” – I was quite the sight to behold.

bright life go logoBut, today there are so many fashionable choices in compression socks that don’t sacrifice any of the function. BrightLifeGo.com is a great online shop that features a wide range of compression sock brands that will help you put your best foot (and leg) forward! The carry lots of great brands like CEP, Zensah and Top & Derby — of course, my favorite brands is Vim & Vigr – I am a very enthusiastic (and official) ambassador for Vim & Vigr products. I am actually wearing a pair right now as I type this up (which reminds me, while I wear compression for my active pursuits, they also help keep things circulating when sitting all day at a desk or on a plane).

vim vigr compression sock collage

VIM & VIGR socks are definitely do not have that elderly vibe that compression socks of yore had – these beauties are designed with rich colors, timeless patterns, and just enough sass to satisfy my funky style. Look at some of my favorites in the collage above! Every time a wear a pair (and I never keep them hidden under pants!) I am always stopped with questions and compliments about my socks!

If you are a newbie to compression socks, you may have legitimate questions before you shell out what is a fairly substantial chunk of change for a pair of socks – which typically run $30 – $60 per pair(although so WORTH it).  BrightLifeGo.com has a easy to follow Guide for First Time Compression Sock Buyers that will walk you through the decision making process including identifying your primary need (from pregnancy or an on-your-feet job to maternity and travel) along with other concerns, like what grade of compression, what size and care instructions.

So, whohoo, I’m so excited that BrightLifeGo.com is letting me give away a pair of is Vim & Vigr compression socks (of winner’s choice) to one of my readers. They have GUY’S SOCKS also!  Check out the Vim & Vigr collection at Bright Life Go right HERE Then, see below for the entry instructions and Rafflecopter widget.

Sunday Shoutout: Four Things for Better Runs and Workouts

Happy Sunday and Father’s Day! I celebrated yesterday with my husband (who is an awesome dad to our three teen boys) by heading up to Dallas to run a Spartan Race at Jerry’s World, aka the AT&T Stadium, Home of the Dallas Cowboys.

jennifer fisher spartan stadium

Strip Steaks with Globally Inspired Wet RubsMaking a special dinner for my own top pop tonight,  a super guy who’s been an amazing father to me for the past nearly 49 years! Since he loves to travel the world and experience new flavors in food just as much as me, I’m thinking grilling steaks with one of my globally inspired wet rubs!



Today, I want share with you some of the healthy foods and fitness gear I’ve tried out lately that have passed my persnickity test of approval!

1) Tommie Copper Compression: First up, some new products from Tommie Copper, a line of active and recovery compression wear that I’ve been wearing for a couple years now.  Tommie Copper clothing encourages muscle and joint recovery through compression after a hard workout – they also have performance apparel that is perfect for wearing during running and workouts.

Tommie Copper Compression Camisole

The unique hook of Tommie Cooper is that their compression and active fit (not so tight) lines of performance apparel are fashioned from fabric infused with high density activated copper. Not only does the proprietary copper fabric serve as an anti-bacterial agent, it also releases ions which may help reduce harmful oxidants in the body.

I love LOVE the Women’s Compression Camisole with Adjustable Straps for so many reasons – the vibrant color (other colors available), the hugging fit, and option to make the straps longer or shorter (for some reason, I always need to make mine shorter).

Tommie Copper Shaping CapriI also tried out a pair of Women’s Shaping Compression Capris designed to provide comfortable compression with a flattering fit. In other words, you butt will look as good as it feels! A curved back yoke lifts and shapes to enhance curves with the contoured waistband holds the tummy in without making a muffin top or feeling squeezed.

Actually, today only you can take 25% off your order at TommieCopper.com with the code FATHERSDAY at checkout.


2) The Pickle Juice Company: Also, I want to shout out The Pickle Juice ® Company, y’all saved my husband (aka “the sweater”) yesterday at the Spartan Race.  He gets muscle cramps, even in shorter distances of running, so I knew that the 4 miles (of basically all stair running) was going to set him up for some debilitating cramps, especially since was super hot in Dallas yesterday.

Pickle Juice Shot from The Pickle Juice Company

So, I made him drink a specifically formulated the Extra Strength Pickle Juice Shot before he started – and guess what, no muscle cramps were reported. This interesting product is based on the functional properties of pickle brine that have been shown to help relieve muscle cramps while also serving as a hydration aid. Each Extra Strength Pickle Juice Shot contains 10 times more electrolytes than your average sports drink and has been proven to relieve muscle cramps in 85 seconds. We are both going to be carrying a little bottle along on an upcoming summer trail race!

This product is available at many sports and grocery retailers, or you can get a “dill” at Amazon  — you gotta getcha some Extra Strength Pickle Juice Shots!

3) Simply Snackin: I appreciate how Simply Snackin makes it easy for me to play hard and snack often (in my preferred higher protein way) with their insanely yummy line of meat-based snacks. Think “jerky” but waaaaay better than the stuff I grew up with as a kid. I’ve enjoyed Simply Snackin’ bars for quite some time now, and they never fail to impress me with their high-quality and amazing array of flavors.

Simply Snackin meat and fruit  snacks

These jerky bars from Simply Snackin are crafted in family-owned micro-snackery with a focus on taste that also supports a health, fitness and wellness. There are 10 amazing flavors, the snacks are all natural, gluten free, low carb, tender and lean, minimally process and packaged to go in individual 1-oz. portions.

It’s sooooooo hard to decide, but I think my favorite flavors are Northwoods Beef with Cranberries & Blueberries, Italiano Chicken with Romano Cheese and Orchard Venison with Apples Every bar has only 60 calories and 10 to 11 grams of protein and 0 to 3 grams of sugar (natural sugar depending on if fruit has been mixed in).

You can order straight from theSimply Snackin or get hooked up at Amazon.com Simply Snackin All Natural Chicken,  Simply Snack All Natural Beef,  Simply Snackn All Natural Venison.


4) Zooma Summer Challenge: Also, the Zooma Summer Challenge kicks off June 27th. This is a great way to expand your workout horizons, experiment with new foods and activities, and get your body and mind strong to prepare for fall race training. For the $50 registration fee you get: a workout and food plan for the 5-week program, weekly emails that explain that week’s workout and food challenge, access to a private Facebook group where you can share your successes and questions with fellow Challengers, fun swag including a tank top and beach bag and a bling-y medal to commemorate your summer fitness success. Register HERE!

Zooma Summer Challenge 2016

So, what new health and fitness products have you been loving lately? What races are you training for? Please share in the comments below – XOXO, Jennifer