7 Ways Women Can Blast Middle-Age Belly Fat

One of the biggest queries I get from my mid-life friends is how can I get and stay lean? Many of these same ladies in their 40s, 50s and beyond are telling me they eat well, they exercise, and still yet, they can’t get rid of the stubborn pounds that show up around their middles. And, I believe them because many are workout buddies and so I see the struggle firsthand. We can largely thank pre-menopause and menopause for this unwelcomed fluffiness. The changes can be so frustrating and stressful, that many (even the once dedicated) decide to throw in the proverbial towel and allow their fitness to turn into fatness . . . but that’s not healthy, mentally or physically! Ways Women Can Blast Middle Age Belly Fat

While we can’t completely beat the “the change,” there are ways to keep ahead of this stage of life and minimize unwanted symptoms – like belly fat.  Read on to learn 7 Ways Women Can Blast Middle-Age Belly Fat – you’ll feel better and you’ll #BeYourBestBeast – that’s the personal hashtag / mantra I live by! Continue reading

How I Wormed my Way to a Turkey Trot Win + Giveaway

The Original Worm - Rolling Body MassagerI’m just sharing a day from my Thanksgiving – it’s all good and I’m giving thanks and feeling blessed!  The morning started with a run – the Thundercloud Turkey Trot (5 miles) in downtown Austin. Well, let’s back that up, it actually started with a worm – The Original Worm. The Original Worm is a massaging body roller that provides trigger point release to combat stiffness, pain and stress in muscles and joints – I’m hosting a giveaway and one of you will win your very own — so keep reading on!

Forearm Stand Variation - TheFitFork.omSo, why might I need to worm? Ha, have you looked at my Instagram profile! On Tuesday I was at the gym, and after my workout I thought I’d wind down with some yoga – it didn’t go as planned. While up in a forearm stand variation, I was taken down my a writhing, hideous calf cramp –  I was trying not to howl and cry in public and after it passed, it felt like I had pulled the muscle. Plus, my hammies and glutes were still super tight from an 8 x 800m marathon workout two days prior.

Thundercloud Turkey Trot 2015 - Jennifer Fisher

The Original Worm GiveawayThe early bird gets the worm –and I’m not kidding. I’ve been putting my way-too-early mornings to productive use with this therapeutic tool – it’s like cross between a foam roller and tennis balls wrapped up in neoprene (pink or black).  At first I was a little freaked out I wouldn’t be able to run the Turkey Trot on strained calf and tight glute. But, after rolling, whacking and a little wiggling, I was able to get rid of all my kinks before lining up on the start. In the end, the Turkey Trot went pretty well despite some rain and muggy conditions – out of a field of 20,000 participants, I trotted away with 7th overall female and 1st overall Master – and my calf kink is gone.

Of course, The Original Worm is a great recover aid too, and worming after a race or intense workout is a preventative measure for stress out muscles. It comes in a carrying pouch and both sizes are small enough to stick in a gym back, but big enough to get the job done.  Just look at all the things The Original Worm can do!

worm collage

So, if you run, Crossfit, yoga, rock climb, parkour, obstacle course race, play basketball, soccer or football, you definitely need one of these WORMS – it’s like having a massage therapist on hand at all times. Also perfect for travel – I use it for relief on plane flights or when stuck at a standstill in my car during rush hour! Oh, and this company is Austin-based which makes me love it even more!

Enter to win your own Worm via the Rafflecopter app below. Also, check out The Original Worm website to get the specs on the two sizes, colors, care instructions, more uses and such. Enter by Dec. 11, 2015! In the meantime, order a few to give as holiday gifts to your fitness friends!

Also, I have another giveaway going on right now for a $25 Visa Gift Card, check that out too – that one ends December 3, 2015.

EnlightenMINT Mint Protein Smoothie #BeFitForLife

EnlightenMINT Protein SmoothieOne of the perks of finding a really good vanilla protein powered like Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake is that it can be the body-making base for so many healthy recipes – everything from whips, ice creams, baked goods (like my protein donuts) and more! Of course a smoothie is a smart way to use protein powder and my EnlightenMINT Mint Protein Smoothie will leave you with a whole new understanding of light, bright smoothiliciousness while enjoying a full feeling that won’t fatten you up (just 200 calories following the recipe).

EnlightenMINT Protein Shake with Bowflex Fitness Shake

In addition to the Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake mix, this EnlightenMINT Mint Protein Smoothie features bits of frozen banana, pineapple, kale and fresh mint leaves.  It’s so good, you’ll want do double the recipe to share with a friend.

Here’s how you make it:  Add 10 ounces of water to blender jar along with one scoop French Vanilla Fitness Shake powder, 3 oz. frozen banana (about 1/2), 2 oz. frozen pineapple, one kale leaf torn in shreds and 6 mint leaves. Process until smooth, adding ice to desired consistency. Serves 1.

Eating enough protein not only helps slim you down and fill you out in all the right places! That’s right, you can build a better bod by making sure you’re getting 25 – 30 grams of protein and EVERY meal and supplementing with protein-rich snacks throughout the day and at bedtime if you are an athlete or lead a very active lifestyle. Eating enough protein helps create a feeling of satisfaction after meals and keeps sugar crashes away. Research shows that adequate protein at meals starting in the morning can lead to weight loss and management. And, most of us runners, CrossFitters, weight-lifters and other fitness aficionados know that protein after an intense workout is a MUST to support the body’s ongoing growth, repair, and maintenance of its skeletal muscle groups. And, for those of us over 40 years old, it helps fight off Father Time at a time when muscle mass is allegedly supposed to be diminishing.

Fit Girl Abs

So, I’ll let you know one of my stay lean secrets. I’ve been drinking Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake all summer and into the fall – it truly is one of the best-tasting protein powders I’ve ever had straight from the shaker bottle. Just put a scoop in with ice and water and give a good shake. It’s has a creamy and rich taste without the addition of anything but water, but you can add one of the Boosters designed for specific purposes:

The fitness shake on its own (not the smoothie recipe) has only 125 calories per serving and 15 grams of the highest quality proteins. In addition you get 5g prebiotic fiber, only 5g sugar and 16 potent antioxidants including acai, goji, pomegranate, mangosteen, spinach, kale and more.  It is also lactose free, soy free, low sodium and low fat, whahoo!  So nutrient dense, the Bowflex French Vanilla Fitness Shake makes a great meal replacement once a day to drop a few pounds quickly and safely (check out the success stories). For those of you who need more food to fuel your warrior day or want to build muscle, I suggest adding the Peanut Butter Protein booster (+10g) for sustained energy and some extra quality calories.

Bowflex Body Fitness Shake Protein Powder and Boosters


Bowflex Fitness Shake and BoostersTry it for yourself! Use the discount code BOWFLEXSHAKE to get 20% off products along with free shipping and handling. Plus, the company has a satisfaction-guaranteed policy. Check it out!

So, do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? Do you like mint? Have you met your abs?  Please share in the comments below — XOXO, Jennifer


This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Bowflex Body.

Bird is the Word for Protein #SayYesToJerky

Chicken Jerky makes a great snack to fuel your workouts or mid-day office munchies.I chickened out!  How did the word chicken become associated with retreat caused by fear or cowardice? I surfed around on the web and found a couple etymological explanations, with the most plausible being based on a ritual performed by army officers in ancient times. Apparently, before heading off into battle, military leaders would offer sacred chickens grain. If the chickens ate the grain, the battle would commence – but if they refused, it was a sign to withdraw from the fight (example, Battle of Drepana 249 BC).

women more protein

Protein Infographic from WellWisdom.com

So, I imagine that over the last couple thousand years, other phrases like “Don’t be a chicken” and “He’s a chicken #@$!” evolved from this phrase, sort of giving chicken, in general, a bad rap. But, there is a ton of cool facts about chicken including the fact that mother hens show empathy for their chicks and that the birds also have complex communication systems with more than 30 different vocalizations.

And, well, to put it bluntly, chickens are also a great food source for athletes – high in protein for muscle management, a source of tryptophan (like turkey) that can aid with restorative sleep, as well as numerous  benefits from vitamins and minerals. Like other proteins, chicken curbs hunger and helps to control weight. Check out all these other benefits of protein (including chicken) from WellWisdom.com

Other perks of poultry? Chicken is inexpensive compared to many other protein sources and the sheer volume of delicious chicken recipes is enormous – I probably have enough chicken recipes pinned on Pinterest and torn from magazine pages to last a lifetime!

So, basically the bird is the word – I say, it’s GOOD to CHICKEN OUT every now and then!

jack links chicken photo



I’ve been fueling my workouts with a brand new product from Jack Link’s Jerky – Chicken Jerky. It’s dang tasty, packed with 11 grams of protein per serving and conveniently packaged to toss in my gym bag for immediate post-exercise muscle recovery. I typically workout over the lunch hour, so often jerky and a banana are all I have to appease my ginormous appetite until I can sit down to a proper meal.  So thank goodness for healthy, portable snacks!

You may already be familiar with Jack Link’s Jerky in turkey, pork or beef, but the chicken version is a recent addition to the line up. Jack Link’s Chicken Jerky is made from white-meat chicken seasoned and marinated with cracked black pepper and spices, is 98 percent fat-free and provides 11g protein for just 80 calories – that’s hard to beat!  Now we can all enjoy the nutritious benefits chicken offers on the go without the mess, inconvenience and craziness of whipping out a rotisserie chicken. My Paleo diet friends, you need this — really we all do!

jack links giveaway

One of my readers will win a Jack’s Link Jerky “Gift Pack” (similar to photo) which includes Jack Link’s Chicken Jerky, Jack Link’s Turkey Jerky, Jack Link’s Sweet Teriyaki Turkey Jerky, branded glass water bottle (really nice), headband, “cool” sweat towel and EOS lip balm. Just enter through the Rafflecopter App below:

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Jack Link’s.

Muscle-Making Orange Mango Protein Drink with Ginger #TryAboutTime

ProHydrate from About Time is a Stevia-sweetened  sports drink with 20g protein and 95 calories.I always refuel after longer runs and intense workouts with a protein-rich recovery snack or drink. However, in the oppressive Texas heat, I often feel a tiny bit nauseous and my brain signals tell my appetite to take a hike. But, I know I just have a 30 minute window to  get in some fluids, carbs and healthy protein to rehydrate and help repair/build muscle – what’s a girl to do?!

ProHydrate from About Time makes a great recovery drink after run.

No watch today, but I know it’s “About Time” fomr my ProHydrate!

Well, I have a new “go-to” strategy to gas up my tank! Prohydrate from About Time is the perfect solution – it’s ready-to-drink, loaded with whey protein isolate and has a light, refreshing taste – more like a crisp, cool sports drink than a heavy protein shake. In addition to the protein (the perfect amount for post-workout),  the 12-oz. beverages are sweetened with Stevia adding just 3g carbohydrates and 95 calories to your intake. To help my body process the protein, I also add a healthy complex carb alongside Prohydrate, usually a banana or other piece of fruit.  Two other things to love about this new product from AboutTime.com  – it’s gluten-free and has no artificial colors or flavors.


Benefits of Ginger - TheFitFork.com

Of course, Prohydrate tasty really great swigged straight from the bottle – Raspberry Lemonade and Orange Mango are flavorful and #onfleek !  But, another great idea is to add some pressed ginger juice for a whole host of additional preventative and restorative benefits.  Athletes will appreciate how ginger eases up inflammation and muscle pain for those days when you need a little extra TLC after working out. Ginger also helps combat nausea – like when that burpee cash-out on the WOD has you running to a bucket.  And, if that isn’t enough, ginger boosts the immune system, protects against many types of cancer and relieves migraines.

Adding ginger to your sports drink will help reduce inflammation and improve digestion after a workout.

Making the ginger juice is really simple. If you’ve got a juicer, just throw in a bunch of this gnarly-looking root and process – voila, spicy-strong ginger juice! If you don’t have a juicer, you can make “ginger water” by cutting up slivers of ginger root and place in a pot covered with water. Bring to a boil and then reduce and simmer for 30 minutes or until at least half of the water has evaporated. Pour through a strainer into glass jar to remove ginger pulp.  To add to your Prohydrate, I would suggest starting with 1 teaspoon of the pure ginger juice or 1 tablespoon of the “ginger water” – stir into the drink, taste, and then add more depending on your preference for the “pow” factor of ginger!

Orange Mango Ginger Sports Drink

About Time Protein Pancakes - TheFitFork.comAbout Time has so many other great products that fit in with my lifestyle – for example the AUX Pre-Workout Drink designed to increase metabolic performance and promote rapid recovery is great and so is are the protein pancake mixes – I made these eye-popping Tart Cherry Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes from a big tub of the mix.

If you want to find out more, join in the Twitter chat on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 9 pm ET. Following the hastag –  #TryAboutTime and @_TryAboutTime 


What nutrition products do you use to recover from a workout? Please share in the comments!

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of About Time.