Sharp Cheddar Cheese Crisps with Collagen – Keto & Low Carb

Carpe Caseus . . . that means “seize the cheese” in Latin. And let me tell you, I’ve been grabbing up all those crunchy, low-carb cheese crisps like nobody’s business — seriously, I CRAVE those crispy, keto-friendly cheese snacks (we used to call them Frico back in the day) and have been making so many variations (actually, I’m writing a little e-book for the blog, stay tuned). Chedd Cheese Crisp with collagen

But, let me rock your world right now — Sharp Cheddar Cheese Crisps with Collagen. Yup, collagen mixed up right into the cheese crisp and you don’t even know it’s there! Read on for all the details and the low carb, keto snack recipe:

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How to Make Carne Asada Even a Gringo Can’t Mess Up

The first official weekend of summer definitely calls for some outdoor grilling and, inspired by my recent trip to Mexico, I’m all fired up for carne asada! Carne Asada beef platter

Perhaps you’ve never tasted carne asada or (gasp) even heard of it! This south-of-the-border, crowd-pleasing staple is simply grilled meat. That’s right – “carne asada” literally translates to “grilled meat” and this beef-loving girl likes to use the traditional flank steak. Read on to learn how to make carne asada even a gringo can’t mess up.  Continue reading

Bacon & Egg Breakfast Salad with Maple Apple Cider Vinaigrette

It may seem strange to wake up to a green salad and glass of water when we live in a coffee and donut world. But, trust me, starting your morning with large, fully-loaded salad for breakfast is a great way to get a jump start on your daily nutritional goals and fuel up for an active day. It’s probably been around 10 hours or more since you last ate and, if you’re anything like me, your body is starving for a hearty, healthy, balanced meal. 

A breakfast salad like my Bacon & Egg Breakfast Salad with Maple Apple Cider Vinaigrette will power up your morning with good taste, good protein and 3+ servings of fruits/vegetables. Read on the get all the details and recipe. Continue reading

Montreal Seasoning Cheese Crisps | Keto & Low Carb

Is it too late to post for National Cheese Day? Never! Time is just a construct just should be enjoyed anytime you please! So, tonight I present to you another iteration of my super popular keto cheese crisps – Montreal Seasoning Cheese CrispsMontreal Season Cheese Crisps

I’ve taken my favorite steak seasoning and sprinkled it on an auspicious blend of shredded asiago and parmesan cheese. A quick bake in the oven and in minutes you can be enjoying a crispy cheese snack with just the right amount of spice. Each Montreal Cheese Crisp has only 55 calories and ½ gram of carbohydrate. Read on for all the details and the low carb recipe: Continue reading

Everything but the Potato! ‘Tater Topping Cheese Crisps | Keto & Low Carb

Toppings like cheese, bacon, and chives are what MAKE a baked potato, am I right?! Without them, a simple spud is just a tasteless pile of carbohydrates on a plate. Not that potatoes are inherently BAD, in fact, they are a good complex carb packed with fiber, minerals and energy that many rely on to fuel life. Everthing but the Potato Tater Topping Cheese Crisp jennifer of

However, when trying to follow a keto diet or low carb lifestyle, potatoes are explicitly off the menu. BUT, my Everything but the Potato! ‘Tater Topping Cheese Crisps are fully-loaded with all that extra baked potato good stuff that you love, and none of the carbs. And, really almost NO carbs in this keto cheese snack – just 0.6-gram carbohydrate per serving. Read on to get the recipe for this potato topping cheese crisps recipe and general cheese crisp making tips:  Continue reading