This post is sponsored by adidas. However, all comments, opinions and enthusiasm remain my own. Thank you for supporting companies that support The Fit Fork.
As the mom of three young adult males, wife to lifelong athlete and hardcore fitness fan myself, I can confidently call myself an expert on the gear needs and desires of a sporty family. First, there’s “needing” something essential for the playing of a particular sport – like shin guards, or a helmet or a running bra that fits just right. Other times (and probably more frequently), there’s the wishing of some epic new gear, like those buzz-worthy sneakers that just dropped, a jersey in support of a favorite team, or some fancy sunglasses.

The holiday season is always a great time for me to gear up my family (and myself) with sports and fitness gifts. Whether we are training for and competing in our individual sports, or enjoying some fit family togetherness during off-season, vacation or a few found moments of free time, athletic gifts from adidas is a simple and stylish way to treat the squad -everyone is happy! Read for these mom-approved gifts for the sports and fitness fans in your family.
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